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JfUIUMt UU IIKillLll UI otTi'liniiui i wii J' " ¦" a net increasn uf$32,360,!l73 In oircnlatlon, and a net increase of $7,204,136 in the cash in the Treasury. The milis of 'the Bloondngton (111.) Holler Mili Coinpany wcre couiplotely destroyed by üre on the 4th. Loss, $80,000. It was deelded at a convention In Fargo on the 4th to secure an expression of oplñion on tho Nubject of división of the Territory by vote at the November election, and to deinnud of Congres the adniiBston of Dakota as two States, divided by the fortyseventh parall pi. Theke were foiir deaths from Asintió cholera on tho 4th among the pntients on Swinbourne Island, New York harbor, makInjj fourteen dcatli.s in all siuce the arrival of tho Alosia, few days ago, with tho ecourgo on board. A FiRE on the -Ith in the Girnrd Lamber Company'K yard at Marinetto, Wis., deitroyed six milliou feet of lumber valued at $i,2so,oto. On the morning of the Ith Thomas and F.dwurd Moran (brothers), en route from Dakota to Canada, wcre fouud dead in thoir bed In a Chloago hotel. Upon retiring the night previous they blew out the gas and were miffoeat ¦ I . The propeller California, laden withcom iind jiork, was wreokcd on the 4th off St Helcna's Island, near Mackinaw, Mich., and of the tweuty-seven persons ou board thirtcon perixln d FlUUHi veKsels whiuh arrivcd stProvincetown, Mass., on the 4th from the (rand banks reporterf the loss of soveral dorios and msnv lives in a recent Htorin. Asbi'ry Hawkins confessed at Islip, Lon;r Island, on tho Ith that he murdered hi K4 :""' " 'i'idthy niother bei-an.-r she rcfnsed her consent to hts marrying the girl of hiH ehoice. Leader of various Protestant denomlnations iüHUcd a oull on the Ith fora general conference of evanjrolioal Cliristiuns of the United Stntes at Washington December 7, 8 and ! next, to cousider questions affecting the w citare of the whole churoh. TnE National Farmers' Alllanue bejfan its seventh miiiiu.i1 convention at Miniicapolia, Mimi, on the 4th. The Allianco has Mxty tbousand members. The Presldential party held a publio reception at the court-house In Ht Louis on the 4th, followcd by excursión down the rlver to Jofferson lianaoks. Tho Prcaidputial train left for Chicago in the evening. Rev. Dn. Jokepb Parker, of the City Templo, I.ondon, dolivered a eulogy of tln late Henry Ward Beecher in the Acadcmy of MubIc at Brooklyn on the eveniiis of tho 4th. Mrs. Beecher was amonff the Iarge number present An express train strnck and smashed the buirgy ilrivcn by Peter Tobias, a wealthy farmer, near Springtield, O., on the 4tb, and one of the K]ol((;g of tliu vehiele was drivcn through Tobiae' bruin. The f allure of Dunlap A McCanio, proininent millinerj' rlmi of IUchinond, Va. , during the past forty years, occuned ou tho 4th, witli heavy liabllitifs. Oveb six tliDUsanil votorans wcre in lino in the parade it the (rand Army of the Hepnblic of Wiwtern l'ciinsylvania at Pittebiru'h oti tlic 4th WHn.F. explorinpr an abandoned coal mine onthe 4th near Younpstown. O, William Woed, tifteen years old. Bon of Frank Wood, the maker of mowin;.' machines, and (leorje HnwkiiiR, a coaehman, wcre suflocatud by mine gtiR. A passenoer train on the Wabnsb. road was ent red by burglaiN early on the moming of the 4th between Sc Ixuis and Kunsas City and many of the persons on board riT roblud of their money and other valuablea It was reported on the 4th that recent rains had ruined fullv mic-third of the hay in stacks in Imva. A 'OMMiTTEE of one hundred citizeus was organized at Angola, Ind., on the 4th to make war on and extermínate the Baloons in that city. Every applicatlon for licenses would be bitterly opposed. Sam ühamh (colored) was found gnilty of grand larceiy at Chattanooga, Tenn , ou the 5th, and as soon as the verdict was anuounced he cut his thioat DoudLAs A Stuart's great oat-meal mili at Cedar Rápida, Ia., was completely dstroyed by flre on the 5th, causlug a loss of $1 10,00(f; insurance, $7,00. Ai Cecil Bay, Mick, on the Sth even bodies were washed ashore that were drowned in the wreek of the ill-fated California. The snip Channpr, which left New York in May on an ocean race with the ship Seminóle, arrived at San Francisco on tin1 ."ith, makin# the trip in 1 ¦!. days Nothlng had been hcardoftlie Seminóle. Kt the ezploaloTi f a boiler on the 5th in I)avid (Minur's aaw-inill, three miles from Amanda, O., four men were killed instuutlr and a ornan was íatallv ininred. Thkek unkixiwn young men were drowned in the lake at Chicago ou the 3th by the upettinjr oí a row-boal Tui: taxes patii into the National Treasury llUlUlU the month 01 September averajjed over 91,000,000 a day. Peesons ennversant with the Indian situation in .Muiuaiia viv on the üi aicliued to the opinión tuut the trouble among the Crows was laigaly, if nt entiiily, duo to the pemicious Influenoe of the Sioux in iucitinif Uie ('ruws to oppose the severalty policy of the Oovernment Joiis üotle O'JtF.LLLï declaied on the "th that.tir,(MH),(Ki(iayear waspald to ritish Hpirs on the in America C. A. Coluns 4 Son, of Akron, O., the oldeat curriaife uuiiiufacturers in Northern Ohio. failed on Ibe ."tli Mit hall Davitt, of Dublin, addressed the Knighta of Ijilior at their animal meeting in Minneapolis on the Oth. He said that the strugtde in Ireland was international, that a victoiy for monopoly would suffen the backs of the enemies of labor every where, while a victory for the poor of Ireland would help the working classes every where. The üre losses throughont the country duriiur September were $7,037,000, atrainst M,0OO,OO0 dmiaf the same month last year. The aggregate losses for the iirst nlne months of 1HH7 are $99,183,500- f 10,000,000 greater than for the same period of 1HM(. ThL I'nsidenUul party arrived in Chicago on the 5th, and after wituessing the treet parade a public reception was held at the Palmer House. In the eveniug a card reception took place at the Columbia Theater. The city during the day wasdensely crowded with people. A tidal wave on the 5th at Toledo, O., dld great damage to shipping and partially destroyed the Pennsylvania rallway bridge. The Treasury Department at Washington on the Oth decided that sawed square pine timber imported from Canada is dutiable at two dollars per thousand feet Adviceh of the 5th report the loss of the schooner Napoleon, of Milwaukee, in the recent gale on Lake Michigan, and the four men on bonrd were drowned. C. A. Milljken, president of the Vault and Bafe Construction Company, ekipped on the nth with a largo oniount of money belowring (o the roiii]inv. Juk J'roeiduntiul party arrlved In Mllwniik in the (tli, wlicni nn elaborutn re-¦] it ion progrmtnme had been ananffea nnd mus iiniv oairried out The Coinptrollrrof the Currenoy at Washington on Hl'' 8th lanied a -il 1 lot a reporl of the condltiun of tho Nutiona! bankn ut the closo of Imsiiii'Ks Ootober .". A VEHY Bucccssful exhibitlon of telegraphtng tO and from a train on tho Lchtffh Valliv road wo given on the Uth. Wlth the train going a ralle a minute mcBBagoH were íenl und B0W handled perfectly, and the conductor was iustruoted aH to the runnlnj of hls train. ïhe blS ('rient, of Fair Haven, Mich., fouudeivd on the Üth in Lake Krle, her crew of six men being drowned. Thk anana] Madon of the National Farmers' Allmui-e was ologed at Minne.upolls, Mlnn., on the Bth. J. BnJTOWS, OÍ Sehrunka, was eleoted president, Mbh. ,'i,ai;k coinmit ed suicido on the Oth bv shooting at New Haven Conn. (lief t her bnaband'! death, followed by dementia, ImpeUed her to the desperate act. The National Fat-Stook Show will be held in the Chicago Kxposition Building during th weck bezinning November H. i n ki:s of the Western Union Telegroph ('oinpany announccd on the Oth that the Haïti more . (hio telegraph property had been bought by the fonner corporation, th coimideration boing $5,000,000. AiiTHrn 11. Snei.i., aotlng paying-teller of the Faltón Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y., was arrested on the (th. Hls shortage was placed at $12,000. In San Francisco on the (ith Reveral promnent persons were indicted for briblng or attempting tobribe a jury in a case in whlcb a widow sited a stroet-railway companj for cniiKinpT the death of herhusband, who was run over and killed by the company's cara. 1'norTEii ,V, a Cincinnati nrm, on the (th puid the tirsi semi annual Bhare in tho protitw to the employés of the flrm, soinc workmen reealving as much as forty dollars per man. Mi:s. Mak Y Webkner hangod hflrself on the üth in her kltchen at Fort Wayne, Ind. Ephkaim Howe'h dlBtillery at New York was ilistioynl by tire on tho (ith, the loss roiitrinq ytTi.nrni Snow to the. depth of thrce inches foll on the tith at Livingston, M. T. At UU srsMoii of the Kuights of Labor in MiuneaiiollB on the üth Mr. l'owderly delivered hi.s elghth annuai addresa, and during hiH reniaiks sald the Kuihts bad aothing to do with Anarchiste. He a!no recommended a National labor department and a Qovermnent t('le;raph svb em The Tnitfd States District Court for Weet Virjfinia lecided on the tith that payinent for land in Confedérate mouey was no paynient at all the money was HlegaL A heavï decrease of the average yield of cotton in Texas, as comparcd with lastyear, was reported on the 7th. The yellow fever made its appearance on the 7th at Tam pa, Fla., and the residente were panic-stricken and were deserting the city. William A. Wohijori), prineipal draughtsman In the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne A Chicago rnilroad shopR at Fort Wayne, Ind., wtusknockcd senséless by a footpad on the 7th androbbed of pg50. A mukküat dtiff a hole in the bank ot the canal aliout a milo above Nashua, N. H., on the 7th and oauoed a llood which would compel the milis to abvt down for weeks, throwing three thoustwid men out of work. Shas llvMiioN and I.eaborn Green were hanged at Fort HmWi, Art, on the 7th. Oreen had mnrdered three deputy marshals and Hnmpton killed an ld man. The hangman who ofliciated had diepatched nlnety-four men. The fanner- of Henrv County, HL, were on the 7th suftering he.ivy losses to the spread of hog cholera. In the township of Western alone Hve hundred head of hogs had dicd from the dlaease in a short time. At riiüuilrlphiu on the 7th William Byrd Page broke his own (the world's) record by luaking a running high jumpof six feet four inches. While John HiKtir and his wife (colored) were away from home on the 7th their house near Atlanta, Cía., was bunied, and their two children who were locked in the building perUhed in the riamos. Ooden, Couieb A Co , bankers and brokers atTroy, N. Y, made an aKxignmcnt on the 7th, with liabilities of .f UOÜ.OIH). There were 136 bnalneM f allures in the United States during the seven dayB ended on the 7th, ngainxt lti") the previous seven duvs. Mout of the businesx dlsasUirs wefe reported from the West and South. OBRUI Skiretaüy Ijtchman, of the Knights of Iiabor, reported at Minncapolis on the 7th that there were 485,000 iiiembers In good standing in tho order, a decrease of 195,000 during the iast year. Advictes of the 7ih pay that David Ogletree and his wife and two children, living near TallaUega, Ala., had been killed by drinking whisky in whieh Mrs. Ogletree had pot strychnine. She had threatened to polkou the whole family. The decomposed bodtes of seyon men who had been muidered were fonud near Hurley, Wis., on the 7th by Borne himtexa The reniains of thirteen infants were found on the 7th at Toiedo, O., in a cigtern on preiniRes formerly occupied by a midwite, who had been arreated. The pólice wen iiivestisratlngthe matter. An explosión on the 8th in the Uelnbeck coal inineB at Madlsonville, Ky., kilk4 one man instantly and liadly borned fifteen or twenty others. Heavy snow-storms prevailed in Dakota on the 7th. A tornado on the 7th atCaledonla, Mtnn., swept away all the si nal I buildings, f enees and trees in its path. PiiEsipKNT ( 'i. i:ki. and and party drove to the Soldiers' Home neiir Milwaukee on the 7th, and at KI: :t(l a. m. 1,-ft for Madison, where the train arrived at one p. m, an entlm.s welcoine being aecorded the viBltors. An attempt was made on the 7th to wreek the Vandalia faut muil near Vandalia, Ind. A crowbar was pnt in a frog so as to throw the train in the ditch, bnt the terrible speed at whlch it pussed the ]oint erved miraculously to carry the wheels Bafely over the obstructlon. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. J!. Kinth. of Nebraska, the wellkuown temperanee advocate, died suddenly on the 3d in Boston, Mass Geoeoe Bancroft, the venerable historian. puHsed bis eiifhty .seventb birthday on the 8d Congratulatoi-y messages from all over the countiy and from abroad were sent to blm at hiH cottage in Newport, B. L, and hls nelghbors HUed his house with floral tributes and deeoratlons. The National Itepublican Clnb of the District of Colmubia azganlied at Washington on the -lth by the election of Hon. A. M. Clapp president, and a v Ice -president to represent each State und Territory in the Union. The (Ireenbackera of New York met In State convention at Albany on the lth und nominated a full ticket, with llev. Thomas K. Beecher, of Chemung County, for Secretary of State. Sylvesteb M. Douglasb, of Rochester, was the solé delégate in attendance at ou N. Y., ou the Uh, In respunaa to t'i cali for a convention of the National Reform patty. III MM B. WabHBUIIN. Of MoHSUOhllKOtt. dropped deud t HprmgHnld, in thftt Str, on tho "'t i. Hf. W.iMhlmrn was electod to Congawu in isiij mul wn foux Ümesreelectt-il. He wu (Invi'iimr of MssachusetU frora 1N71 lo 171. when he reHiimod to take a eat n tlw UmteU Stuften Senate. He was Blxty-iwveii yoars of age. liiKiiop I'erby, of Iw, on the 5th declinrdth B iili B ft Nvu Hvotia. Colond. B. fi. Hhath, editor oí the Chlcnjfo Exprta, dWl on the ÍHh. GïNISRAI. Prn airn Mobkiuon, Unlted State ariny (rotlrwl). üied om tb OLhnt Bultlinoie, Md., aged nlnety-twfr vara The Nehraalca Rfjiulilii-an State convention uiet ut Lincoln ou tiie "th ad re-uominated Jndge Maxwell for Suprema Couí Jtmtlee. Sevkhai, inoiuuainotfhe New Hampsblr I. -iHltttuii; Hwore ou tho tith that tbey bad been oflëjred muña of money for thlr vote on a pending rajbruaU liill, bat rejeoted tt liribrn Mus. Ci.aiiikha Cox. of WftkeflelO, Man, who lift b dnj{Ur vlKhty-9'e i1 old' oelebrated her ons hunilredih. blrthday on the tith. The Hlxteentli anmial convention of tho Iowa Woman Suffcsge Society waa opened on the Oth ;.t Do Moin.w. Mus. M. K lUmioiii d ed at her home ia Fort Wayue, Ind , on the 8he wa eventy-four year of Ke. and was toe flr white chlld boin in Fort Wayue. Oviflt one hnndre d deltfrates from aocietie and clnhB, motly Oerman, in New York State, reprenentlng bout on hundred thound menilien, met in Albany on the Oth and formed a polittcal organiíaHon uuder tiie name of "Tb Uulon oí Gorman and American Hocletie for the Prpteotion of Peronal Ltbertlea" Captain John O. Mack, chief mnstrrior oflicerin Illinoin for the O. A. R, died very suddonly in tipringfleld on the 7thBoston Corbktt, the man who shot John Wilkes Booth, was on the 7th declared lnBane and placed in the Kansn Htate Insane AKvluin. FOREION. Twkxty TiiüKF. ticw caHeB of cholera and Blxteen deathH wcre reported at Megsina, SicUy, on the üd. Mr. Hatfieu, the Unitod States Conul at Batavia, wag arreBted on th Sth by tha Dutch authorities there. The Conaiil ha d been enffayed In private bninei, and it was Buppoaed the arrest was made on account of business transactlons. Hixtfkn new casen of oholera and nin# deathB were reported at Masnina, Uiuily, oq the Oth. Wobkmkn in a cotton factory at Kiln, ItiiBsia, raised a rlot on the 5th and burned the factory. Many people were killed. Advicïs of tbe Oth ay that during tha recent cyclone along the Gulf of Mexico uiteen persons lost thelr Urea. A Dudlin mafiptrate on th (!th dlemissed the case aifatnst Jfj. SuUlvan, Lord Mayor of the oity, who wo8 charged wlth pnbltihiii(t reporte ot' mipprefiaed league meeting In h paper. Twknty of the jmUccmen sent out toevict tenante at Gweedore, Irelaud, deolared on the (th that they woulci not shoot the people lf ordered to do so. In Italy during toe tcnty-four hour ended on the Uth there were twenty-on new case of cholera and ten deaths in MeaBina, and two new cases und three deaths in Palermo. Owino to the prevalence of cholera In Europe an order prohibiting the importation of ragrs into Canada was issued on the 7th. A bepokt reached Wlnnlpeg on tbe 7th that the Indiana near Itapid City were commltttng depredatlonH, burning haystackn, etc One Indlan was liot dead, and uerioua trouble was feured. Help had been asked for. Advices of the 7th from Kangoon say that British troops had BunrÍ8ed Bohshwey'i cliicf camp, killed Boluhwey himself and completely dispemed the Diicoita The Unitcd States Court at 8itka on the 7th condemnedl the Cunudian salllng-vessels ca])turel this year, with their cargoes, for lllegally taking reala, and deoreed their forfeiture to the United States. J-ATER NEWS. At twenty -six leadlng clearing-houaea in the United Statoa the exchanges during the week ended on the Sth aggregatd$ 1,038, - !ii;-vlt'.t, against $884,(!li:), 157, the previous week. As compared with the corresponding weck of 1880, the decrease amountH to 1 'J O per oen t. (iKoit'iE Fuancis Traix spoke in Chicago on the Uth in behalf of the condemned Anarchlsta to an audienuo of about five hundred persons. The county court-house at Boyne City, Charle voix County, Mich., with all the records, were destroyed by ilire on the Oth. A dispatch of the 8th from Hurley, Wis., Bava the story about the Hndlng of the bodic h ot aeven meu l -himi a cab.n in the woods near that place la a lioax. Maubici Htrakosch, the famous pianist, dled suddenly In Par.8 on the Uth, aged alxty-two years. The Morinon State C'onstitutional convention of monotf.imUt.H in Bession at Salt Loke C.ty on the !th ulop:cd u nieinorial to Cougre3H askinj; the ailmission of Utah as a State. It was anuounced on the 8th that the wheat croi in Minnesota and Uakotu would be euormuus. A bol r f our thousand brasa-workers of Ne w York and Brooklyn quit work on the 8th becanse their employers objected to givlng them a full day's pay for a half-day's work on Saturdaya. In a dispute over flve cents on the 8th at Ironton, O., Thomas Fay was shot and lnstantly killed by Andrew Clay. Chbistian Scheck, a farmer living near Akron, O., took bis gun on the !th to shoot a blue jay, but the weapou was accldentally discharged, kllling Sohock's wife and a three-mouths-old baby that she held in her lap. An aeronnut named Hathaway ascended to a height of ona tlumaaud feet in aballoon at Goleaburg, HL, on the 8th, and made the deacent with a parachute in thirty seconds. He Btruck the ground ven lightly, and romained stan.Uui; Advices of the 8th ay that Chinese troop Btationed ou the Ruasian fiontier had mutinied and murdered a niimber of theii offioers. Attorney-Objiebai. Hunt was of the opinión on the Sth that the record in the Chicago Anarchist case dld not involve auy Federal question. The revenue cutter Richard Rush, which arrived at San Francisco on the Oth from the Arctic, reported that she had seized twelve sealing-uohoonera during the season, wlth a total of nearly se ven thousand Hkins. The base-ball Beaaon closed on the 8th, the clubs in the National League standing In the followlujr order: Detroit (gamca won), 70; l'hiladelphia, 75; Chicago, 71; New York, 08; Boston, 0?; Pittsburgh, 55; Washington, 4t!; Iudlauapolis, 37. In the American Association the 8t Louis Browns won the champlonship, securing UU liiimi's, wlth Cinclnnati geoond, 80 games. In the Northwentern Ieague Mllwaukee came Out ahead with 7 1 gutuoa, Oshkoah bcing second, winning 'Z gumes. "Gooil rveninix, Mr. Monejloo. Won'i you tlii rlmii liv Ilic wimlmv :' II is m very arm evenlng. The grisliht :it tracts t lie , I'll lipn t ilmvn rilice joii liitve vnmt ¦." " Ali. tlmnk you. I knew (i, ITM a ;r. at l-al f DuniteiiM abnul me, bu) un lil tli minuto 1 m-vrr Ibiinfrlil ol OOtnpetiiiL' with tliogis eotnpiury." " Excuse me. I ilid ncit Intend to raake lijcht i! yon." ' Nevrr mind. H-ri t , howevec, must 'xcullcnt for tUe uroduulton of


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