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OSOOOD- Tlie appli" man, :i miles North of of thc clty, lias piles of good L'd rade winter applesnt hls orelmrd IbrtOoUabasbel. Come and get them and make your hmlllea bealthy and happy lor llie winter. Coiné and getyoar nnétm. TO RENT. VERY riensant ITnfíirnlrtied Rooms bolh above and below stalrs, at No. 18 Cemelery street. ANTKD- Sltuatlon by good penman, welleducated. Mod raffennoe. t Address, BOX 11SI, Clty. iTIO RENT- House No. 7 Maynard st. Nlcely X fltled up and In excellent condltlon. Apply to O. L. MATTHK1VS, or CiiI'kiku office. rpVO Front Cliambera and largo Closet, fur1 nished for Ught housekeeping, a man and wlfedeslrable, no chlldreu. Rent modarate, l'leasiiut sltaatlon. NO. 30 ÜOllTH STATK ST. FOR 8ALK OR EXCHANQE FOR PROPBRT Y ÍN ANN ARBOR- 120 acres of unlmprovpd lund in tlie western part of Sallue townshlp, Waslitenaw Co.- terms easy. E. J. KNOWLTON, M N. statest., Ann Arbor. EEAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots vahied from $1,000 to ?.000 and oontalnlug from one-flfth of an aere to twenty acres- all In the clty llniits. llousese rented on reasonable terms In cutral localllies. Kanns exchnneed for cily property. Knqulre of J. Q. A. Sesslons, Al torney and Real Estáte Agent, Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. últl ÍOANINQ- Money to loan on flrst-class j Real I :slntc Mortgage at Current rates of interest. Satlsfactory arrangements raadle with capitalista desirlng such lnvestments. rlvery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlnml as to legal effect. Z. P. K1NO. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News