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In speaking of the ncxt repnbHcan nomfnn...

In speaking of the ncxt repnbHcan nomfnn... image
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In speaking of the ncxt repnbHcan nomfnntion forgovcrnorot' tliis state, Uu; llülsdale Leader quotes a recent uticle from the Cor uier and adds: There Is one thlng he (ineanlng Gov. Luce) wlll not be llkely to tjrasp nexttlme and Is the hand of llilly Krench "tils dearest and baal frlend"- unlll nfterhls nominal t.m nnrl clectlon. Wlien tba Inte Klce A. Beal waa the i i)n-t' r nul editor of the Coukiek hehad a ablt of speuking lila min.1 without wattinii flrat to flnd out what somebody else thought. Hestoodby what he belteved to be for the best and fought for it even lt Inf;le handed and alone. II is spirit seenis lo lover over theestabllshment Bllll. Jt is too . ut I to talk about renomlnatlon. The repabliCHi) purty eannot aflord to nrtitlly the aRpIratloiis of fiuy man at the expense of the public (jood. The people wlll expect a man to be large eiiough and broad enough to turn away from plolllng for elf-auraudlzement uní with uridcrstaiullTiii sufliclent to cover thedeinandsof the whole state and they wlll try to liml lliat man. The fearful accidents constantly liappening upon railroads in tliis country almost makc a pt-rson sliuddcr, even of atteniptiii a journcy by rail. It is far more liazardous tlinn a journey across the ooean. Tlio inter-stnte commifsion might do a riind thiiiíí lor Iliis natlon by snigcatiti}; iotne trencral law for tbc govertiraent ot' ïaUroails, lid the metliods of beatilla and iigbtin passenger care, to prevent these fearful disasters. Tlit: peo pie muy be governed too mucli, Ijut it is quite evident tliat ionie of our railroads are not gorcrited enough. Tlic Detrolts Imvc won G out of 8 of the uanics of the world's ehmilontaip scies from Lhe St. Louis Brown".-. Mr. I'owilprly or not Mr. Powderly. Tlmt a lhe queBtloa.- Townsend's Suuüny Lift. U's Mr. Powderly fMt enough. Yon can bet on hta .ind win ever; tinu'. Detroit will liave in exposition about betlme Arm Arbor gets a paik. Both letlrabla posslbllltica but not probalililíes. The peoplc of Ann Arbor are ilcsirous of au ordinunce, forbidding the burning of leavrs in the city. Such au ordinance should bc in force in every city. - Adrián l'resf-. It is tlic car stove lliat adds horror to a railroail colusión or accident, and burns ap llio niaiincd viitims. ïlie car sto?e must Lo, and the peoplc will tliank our ast lrgUIature foi branding the thing as unlawful. One of the bniy plBOM theRC day, Ir Iiurr'K eider mili. Mr. liiirr uncí Sons protly nenr liitvo Iliclr htindH full. nmking clder, applo lelly anti sorghutn BOlMNSf saline Ubst'i'vor. The jelly and 'lasfcs are all rigbt, of couifc, but htidn't the "devil's kindlingwihmI " ought to be Harr-ed out '¦ Ouroflioe clock became exorclseii wllh nn i-vil spirit or HOincthliiK else, a w mullís It sturteUslrlkinK and rattlcil off three hundred taps of the b?ll and awoke rveryiKHty in the house, before the thlng could be laBSoed.- Saine Observer. J'erhnps the clock got indignant over tlie ainount of "tick" required by subscribers, and went off on a "strike." Don't himno tbc clork. Au ex-freemail carrier ot Jackson infoi nis one of our readers that the systeni has played sad havoc witb some of the carriers n tliat city. Thcre are thrce of them who have inocombedto tlieir artluous tasks and have bccome irabeciles. One of theni who gave up liis place sonie time since is ItiU (i liis mimi) assorling and delivering his muil and nolhing that his friends cnn do will prevent him frotn keeping rlght on in his Imaginar; woik. Uiider the headtng " A Feat of the Fect," the lust Ypsilanti Commercial relates this: "The following young Iadie9 walked trom Yptllantl to Ann Arborone day last week: Jennie Schuier, Belle Marshal, Louise Cady, Jessie and Annie Sullivan. No one took their time, but they doubtlesa broke the record." Had thcy been placed at the washtub with a week's nceumulation of soiled clothes to wade through, we wonder wliat the record wouUl have brea then ? The Adrián Times suy that the Hnn Chaur.cey F. Cook of Illllsdale, wil probably be the next democratie nomi ioo for Oonprcaa froui tlils llletrfct, öals bury having DO ainbition to niake the race again, and Mr. Whitman dcemini. it useless to run, witli the feelinjr tha now exists bttween the flemocmts o Wiislitciiaw and Monroe. Ilowever ou democratie friends need not troubla tlicin selves about the next CengreMman fron this district. Tlie poaltlon luis In ei promised. - Ypsilantian. On Satuiday the 22d inst., occurs the 4th meeting of the Michigan Schoolmaster's Club, in Room 24 of University Hall. The programme consists of a report on Secondary Instruction in Europe, by Prof. Calvin Thomas. Discussion to be openrd by Prof. Hamilton King, of Olivet College, from 9 to 10:30 a. Dl. From lito 12:30, a paper by Prof Lmlpman, upon The Place and Function ol the Normal School. From 12:30 to 1 o'clock business meeting. In the afternoon froin 2 to 8:30, Prof. I';ivne will rearl a paper upon "The l'liilosophical and Legai Basis for the Educational Ezlutence of the High School." From 3:30 to 5 a paper hy Supt. C. N. Kemlall, of the Jackson schools, followcd by a discussion to be oiieucd by J. II. Drake, principal ot the Battle Creek llirh School.


Ann Arbor Courier
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