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Thursday OH. ISlh- The report of the Snpt. of the Poor was presented hy Supt. Greenc, whlch sliowcd the follow ing ixpeiiditiirc- : Help account $1.531.14 lilmksraithlug 4ü.ir. Beat 585 M liooks and statlonery SS.70 HootHiuid shoes 184.(17 liurlal 2..UM ClOtlllBg Dry goot Is and Ix'ddlng linios Huci medicines 4i 18 FrelKht -;7s Farm lmpIciueutB HO. 10 Kurulture 35.00 Flour and bread stoft. 3.50 Urocerles and provlsions 9HÍ.H8 Hardware IH. 7ti Huy, gruln and feed. 10.UO Improvementi 8 4ü Fork 4.3RIS 1'tllilH lilip mis Repair H5.78 stock liióoo Tobaooo I.-15 Woodaodootü 7ÍS.78 Mt-il. HervlceH 8B.0Ï Legal services 14 HO Total expeiiHOH M, 191.48 Totul receiptsfroiu all ourees (7,95B.9C TUe Iblliiwiiif,' aiiiounts are Utf poor fnnil froni uUies Hiid Uwm tot Laat .war's board: City of Ann Arbor $ 80 18 Augusta ÜW.Si Kreedoiu 08.00 Mimchesier (.VIH) Northfleld LKli 3OU.U0 [.lina 6V0Ü Sul. in n 7 SaliiiB 89.00 BotO 17.571 Hilaron 75.00 Superior lttUO Sylviui , Kt;i,(i Webster 8.28 York 5.00 Yystlantl ( (X) Ypslluutl city b2l.:l Total 2,73B23 Tlie faun products for the year aiuountcü ti $1,755.40, and the pauper was cstniiated at $100.00. The total number ol umie pmipen inaintained duriug the year were 13(i; feinak1, 07; average DUinber of niiiairs Mi. 'I'ht.'ii! wire 10 andar 14 yean ol agê. The averayc number enpported durliig the year v:is 'J4, at a coet of $1 2-"i pi r week. The estimatrd expeotea lm the ensning ymr were Mtlmuted at 18,030.00. In the ¦¦itienioon Uie boaid proceded to the electlon of a county laperinteodeut of the poor with llie fullowliu; r -sitlt : D. I!. Green g ElUha Loomls 13 e. a i'oiui 2 lilauk 1 Total n Mr. Looinis wus dichircd elSCted. Fridity - The board listen ed in theannual report of the treasurer hich showed the ledeer to lialunceat $25. ;4!l.5(! OH resources and liabilltles, and the amnunt recelved durlnx the year to lmve beeu tl62,60&82. Mr. l'urtcll, from coimuith-e to visit the county poor house, reported that thcy found i'Verythiiiji in good lliafF, and ree oniinended that tlie tlmnks of the board be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. MvDowell "for the very uble maiiner in whlch thcy have cllfch&rged the dutlM Intruited tii tliem." Wblcll report was KCCepted and adopted. Thé usual resol ut loo nthoilzlng Ibe clcrk to purcbaM rapplles for the various county oflicvi wan pawod,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News