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This s wliat tlicy cali "injun" gummei but is t lnjuu" nua I Eli W. Moorc has bMfhl Dr. Cole's place n the 5th ward for $1,000. The Main st. front of Gil. Snow's livery barn is being iuslicil rapidly. A new stone v:ilk is being laiJ in front of Eimmuci Wagnert store, on s. Malu streot. The aew folden of the M. C. R. H. has :i handoine picture of utnrersity li:ill on tbe outside page. Rev. Dr. Ram.-av di-livers hia second sermón upon "Student Life," next Sunday ercnlng, at the M. E. Church. Tliere are five prisoners in the county jail DOW. Sheriff "Walsh will not get wealthy out of hls fee?, that's certain. The niother's meeting for tliis montb will be held at the Presbyterian chureb on Wednesdiy afternoon, (X-t. 26th, at th ree o'clock. Geo. W. Renwick, the boss fisher of tliis section caught a piekeid in the Huron river, SaturJay, relghlng Glbs., 7oz. Thisisno flsh story. Bar. Dr. Eddy will lectiire next Sunday eveniiig at the Presbyteiian churc.h, ipon the subject: "The chocsing of acalling In lile " for young men particularly. The lire .¦il:irm l.'ist eveninj: was caiiied by a blaze In the oiling room of the Ferguson Road Cart factory, on Detroit street. But slight damage na done. Our local dealers are selling co:il at #1 below Jackson, 50 cents below Toledo and Detroif, and 15 cents below Uuffalo. A fact our eonsamen doabtlm iippreoiuti'. At the annual meeting of tbc Port Huron Gas Light Co., held In that city lasl Tnesday, Messrs. J. Austin Scott, Wm. Wagner and ,1. E. Beal en reelected directora. J. D. Wile, gradúate of tbe medical department, and now practicing at L:iporle, Inil., is to be inarried on NnT. 1 st. Ie Miss Nüiinie llaininond, of the 5th wnrd, so say tlie cards. J. 'C. Knowlton won a suit in the Pontiac Circuit last week, defeating the colIcrtlnn of a Bohcmian oat note. Thli is the second case of the kind in that circuit whk'h he has won. The clothing stores havo made an ajrreemont to close at six o'clock in the evening exeept Saturdiy night. They do not SMV tnythlng about clownx Sunday-, whleb would not be m bid Men. Freilits on the T. A A. A. R. R. are lnertuTng so rapidly at Ibis pot at, Uiat notbinc but a ncw freijrlit house will ever nnswer the parpóse. And wben the T. & A. A. kttenpt anything tbey accomplish i usually. The Ypsilantian compares their fair with tlie cminty fair, and presentí an array of figures In tbe former's fnvor th;it is quite artontehrng. I teil yon tbere'a nothing like "showin' how mucb better our'n is than youi'n." Dr. D. E. Osborne and wife arrived at Yokolmma, .Tapan, on the mom ing of Sept. 9th, fier a voyage "f 1" days 19 honra from S m Kranciicn. They are on their way back tu tlie interior of China, where he will resumo bis work as fl modicil ni wsintlrt 1 v_ Frahr'ck Kirn, íged 07 yi'ars, of tlie 2d ward, was found dead in bis bed Sun la.y iiuMiiin);. Mr. Km was one of our most respected Germán citizen and liad been section foreman on the M. ('. H. K. for abont 30 years. Ponen) services were held yesterday p. m. Tlie fi'st sentence onder the new law was mndo bv Ju-tice Fruwnff last Monday, "Fruik Wilson," buiñg sent tu t lie counly j-iil for 16 days for being found drank on Sunday. The Ritndny drunks better keep off the streets under this new law, or they wlll probubly be sent up. Another af t lie new lawl wlikli lias recently gnnt Into effoct rpqulre sherifti and tlieir deputies to record the history of all felona utuler tlieir charge as far as poHlble, and nttach a photograph of t lie man to the same. It establiahes a "rogiie's gallery" in tlie sherifTá office. Caroline Kuiler, of TecumfcU, formerly a resident of S Main streot, died Oct. 12th, ageil 77}2 yeais, if gineral debiüty. Her remuins were brought to tbia city for intr:nent. Deceased was a raother of George Fuller, tlie clerk of the Ituesell house, Di'troit, and :is :iü olil pioneer of this county. The Cocker League has extended an inviiation to all of the youns; people's 80 cietiei of the various churchrs In the city, togfcther with the Student's Christian Association, and any others who inay desire to attend, to be present at a social in the parlors of the M. E. ehurch, on Saturday evening next. Have you wen Lrm Goodrieh this week ? If not you shouM meet him. He is very happy, and is humming the following veisei continually: There caxe to port last Satnrdny mom, The sweetest little craft. Without an Inch of rigglng on I looked, and looked and lauühed. Kliii out wild bellsand taine ones, too, Kiug out trom morn 1111 nouu. Kluit In Uie MILU: worsted sucks : Klng In the bib and spoou. (A boy, of ) An article taken fiom the Lansing Journal, entitlcd "Hazlog at the Agr" cultural College," may be of interest to sonie of our readers who have an idea that all wickedness is eonflned to any one instltution. We are pleascd to state bowever, that there is very little of this species of barbarinn carried on at the university, it bavinjr been left to lesser collcijea to i erpettiate. The Michigan Central R. R. lias isíued a bandeóme iiamphlet eutuled "Niágara and Heyond," beautifully illtistrated, and among the illustratiuns are the ncw station house in this city, and the university. The M. C. R R. is probably the best patrón of printers ink in the country, aml its (-mi tantly increasing buflnesa shows the wisdom ot such a course. This book is an ornament for most any one's tablc. The Ciirnwclls have ílled a bilí against J. M. Swift t Co. to compel them'to remove their llash boards and lower their dam. to prevent the water from setting baok into ihe wheels of Cornwell & Co's pul)) mili. Swift & Co. have filed an anwer and cross bill complaininjf that Cornwell i Co. have constructed tlnir 'lam in Swilt &, Co's reservoir, and praying that the eoort decree the removal of Cornwell A ('o's dam. The county board of school exauiiners met at Jadge líarriman's ollice this a. ni., and clected E lwin C. Warner, of Ypsllanti, as secretary, at a salary of 1,500 per ypar. Bnidaj this salary the law gives the secretary Í300 per year for stationery and npenet. Tlie board consisted of M'-si. prfcecttX and Lodeman and Judge Harriman. Mr. Lehman, of Chelsea, who claiina his right to a nienibcrship of the board, did not appear, hut propuse to contest his right to the place in the courtg. Tetor C;irey lias liis ncw building enctoted. The ïvlmilding of II. Kitredge's ban on W. Ami st., Is progressing rapidly. ( 'aspar Kiusey lost a valiiable norse last WcUiKsduy thathehaa driven foretgbt ycars. C. M. Oagood, who livcs about thrcc miles BOftb of town, lias about 500 bushcls of goed apples this year. Miss Nellie Oarrlgues, wc understanil, is meeting with elegant success In fonniug a class in light gyinnastlcs. The cloth'uig merchants of tliis city have all agrecil 10 close their stores at C o'clock p. 111., i'xcept on Saturdays. A wisc move. The Young People's Society of the M. E. church gie a social next S.iturday even ing in the cliurcb purlors, to which all ure invilcd. The way the leavcs came down o ft" the trees last Saturday mornlng could only be equaled by the way the water comes down at Lodore. Mrs. VanNoruian, of Ami Arbor, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Blood, and will soou go to Illinois to visit relatives. - iKxter Leader. H. 1). Platt, the state oil inspector, is distributing new testing tools to bis deputies, in order to secure uniforuiity in the oil inspectious iu the state. Charlie C. Matthews, youngest son of Ilenry Matthews, of this city, died Oct. lStfa, aged IS yeara. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from the house. Henry G. Bennett, formerly of tbis city, and a son of Henry D. Bennett, was married on Wednesday, Oct. 5th, tc Miss Jennie L. Boggs, at their home in Los Angeles, Cal. The governor has appointed Antlrew Campbell of this dty.'and H. D. Platt, o PUUfield, as delegales to the National Fanner'a Conveutlon, to be held at Chicago, Jíov. 10-12th. The board of managers of the county fair held a meeting yesterday, audited bilis and ordercd the same paid Notlces will be bereafter given of the date tor the paymmt ot premiums. The ngeotl must have had some one in their niind's eye wbeu they passcd the resolution reiniring professors to refrain from the dlaenwlon before their classes, of questions which pioperly belong to the regentó. Amelia, Jaughter of Paul Schall, died Oct. lStil, aged H years. The balance of th laniily, who were all ill at the same time, are now getting better. Paul lias the lytopatby of many triends in bis afflictlona. Superintendent llamilton say3 lliat experimenta iu burning crude oil for fuel at the water works is progressing favorablr, and be believes that it will take the pla-e ot' ooal eutiraly if a monopoly does not run up the prlce so high as to preyent. Martin Clark is collecling the bonus for the liew fruit picaBTTing factory this week, and those subscribing can aid him by being prupared for bis cali. The proprletora of the factory liave fully and satisfaetonly complied with the nqulrements. A note trom Chas..R. Kiehards, who is now with a large wholesale house in Cleveland., contains the infornnition wbich bis many friends here will be very glad to learn tbat he has been proinoted since accepling bis present place, and likesthe prospects very much. Fred Bartletl's farm house iu Northtiekl, was burned last Friday, with neirly the entlre contente. It is tmderstood that there was a small insurance In the Continental Co. How the fire occurred is unknown. The loss will be a heavy oue for Mr. Bartlett, as he can ill afford it. Probably the greatest grape raiser in this section Is Jacob Ganzhorn, in the 3J ward. He has twelve acres of vines, on two acres of wliieb be had nbout ten tons ol jrrape?. He has niade $1,000 worth of wlne ihis year besides furnteblng hunureds of bushels of grapes to local partiet. Last evening the Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church elected the followlng oflicers lo serve for the next six months: President- C. E. QoJdard. lul Vice I'res- Karreinau. id Vice Pres- Miss b. Markham. Secretary- M18H liosewarne. Treasurer- C. II. Webster. The city clerk recelved a communicatiou from Park lï ipids, Minu., the other day, asking if Aan Arbor wanted "some tame dear to put In a park," and offering them for $73 each. Wc have a great many very tame dears, but bless you, not one so cheap as the Minnesota breed appears to be. The newspaper men all swear by Secreiary Wade, believing bim to be one of the most accommodating and pleasing offlciaU on the campus. And Maj. Soule isn't very far bchind. If the Major is asked a piece of news he doesn't care to divolge, be will get jou down in an easy chair and commence telling you about the fishing up at Top-in-a-bee Bay. Geo. E. Bliss, of Jackson, and Miss Jessie Nelson, are to be married to-morrow at 12 o'clock noon, at the residence of the bride's parents in (,'liarlotte. A reception is to be given the couple Saturday evening, at the residence of the groom's pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bliss, on Williain st. in this city. Ed. Kent sold hls house and lot in the öth ward the other day, and then bought the block on Broadway known as the Kellogíí block of the Treadwell estáte. He claims he has already been offered P2Ö0, in cash, more than he pald lor the ¦ame, bnt rofneed It, having declded to live in it liiraself for a while. The dog-on-ded-est fish story we know of occurred Friday last. A decent look ing dog came out of Stimson's store with a nice piece of balibut weighlng perhaps four or tive pounds, took it over on the court house square and devoured t. ExMayor Roblaon who wltnessed the scène says that it was the most religious canine he ever saw. Dr. Frotliiiigham bas been making extenslve improvements about his residence. Be bat taken down all of the old fences; is laying a good tar walk; has moved thc buildings in the rear of the house farther from the street; is having freah paint freely used, and altogether ia making tliings look pretty line thereabouts. Last evening was a rather unpleasant one at the opera house. In the lirst piare a yonng man named Julius C. Daniels walkeil Into the house and up to the orchestra chaira with a placard on bis back, and was promptly put out by üflicer Sutherland, who now has a warrant for the young mau's ariest for "maklng and exciting a di-turbance at a public meeting," etc. Then, at the close of the 3d act wheu the fire alarm sounded, there was a rush down the outerstairs. In the crush there was some crowding, when a colored man pulled a ra.or and went to sliishing those about him, cutting two or three persons quite severely aboul the hand and wrists. A warrant is out for the fellnw, wlio, it is said, bas skipped out. Manager Sawyw says that cost what it may lic proposes to have things run in an orderly manner at the opera house, and has liad several deputy marshals appointed for service tbere.