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Iliulson, '89. entered HiirvarJ this fall. Prof. M. E. Cioley was In Lansing Wednesday lut. The Course !n Clioral Masterpleces has been withdrawn. Coild has been chnsen base ball captain by the freshmeti. Walks to Ypsi. are quite the proper caper now-a-days. Tlie Willia-tis profesa irship fuml now Muouiita to $20,000. '91's cla9S yell has rnriniilated itelf into "Tuin turn lararum." T. Willie Rockinyham, lit. "90, has entered the law deparl ment. Jos. Vanee, the law librarían has an assistant in .John Duif, '88. Giillin, '90, lm? entered the Yale .Scientilic School at New Haven. C. F. Clayton has been chosen foot ball captain of the frcslunaii das. F. P. Whitely, '87, bas entered his father's law office at Findlay, Obio. The Alpha Delta Plu house is being i m pro ved by interior decoration. F. W. Melliop, "88, and F. W. Air.ett, '88, are speudin;? the }ear ia Kurope. The fenior laws will be furnished witb new tiles by J. T. Jacobs & Company. Dr. Frederick Novi has been appointed Mttotant in Hygiëne at a salary of $900. Miss Mabel Uand.iM, '89, is now enjfaffetl iu teaching school at Denver, Col. T. J. Bul Hoger, Lit. '87, Is engajjed in the active practice of law at Galveston, Texas. $55,G35 flowed Into the univer9lty's collera through the lees of the studen ts last year. Fred W. Job, '87, has opened up a law office in Chicago and Is duing a prosperous business. Moot congress was held Saturday the 15lh wltb T. E.Gossman as rpeaker and J. E. Bell, cl. rk. A portratt of Hort. Thos. M. Cooley has been placed over the rostrum in the law lecture room. Messrs. Day and Young, meinbers of '89, speared twenty pickerel up the rlver on Saturday night. There were 87,500 books drawn from the general library last year, and 1,945 druwu by professors. Baseball Is occupylnL the uttention in the KUbernatorial department and several games are on the tupis. Prof. M. L. D"Ooge spokein thechapel Sunday, taking as bis subject, "The Higher nnd Lower Life." Chamber concerts will be given in IIobart Hall Nov. 4, Dec. 2, Jan. 21, Feb. 3, Mar. 2, Apr. 8 and May i. The Argonaut made a slight error in confusión of classes by creditiug au '89 class meeting to the sophomores. '91 held a very pleasant social at the resideuce of Wiss Lizzie Campbell on Packard st., last Friday eveninr. Miss Florence Whltcomb, '88, is now in Home studying music and the fine arts. Shc returns the latter part of December. W. E. Chandler, lit '82, has moved from Pontiac to open up a real estáte and iusurance office at West Superior, Wisconsin. Henry A. Davis, a gradúate of the U. of M., and a biilliant young attorney oí Chicago, died tu ihat city on the lOth inst. Miss Willoughby, president of the Adelphi, bas resigned, the reason beliijf her absence from college during thi year. l{ev. Mr. Gftlpln, '82, has been placed in otante of Hobart Hall, nnd under hls dlrection many improvi-ments will be added. 91 has acerpted '90's challenge for a foot ball rush and the game will takt place on the campus next Suturday, coov mencing at 2 p. DL The Homeopathie departmeut to-day has as many students as tlie mnx'mum uttendance last year and doublé the nuinber of three years ago. The following s the registration in the various departments up to to-duy: Liicrary C75, Medical 801, I-aw 300, "Horneo pathic G5, Dental 105, 1'liarmacy 91, Total 1,545 A circular letter h.ts beeu sent to the alumni of the class of '8G, solicitlng subscriptions for the establishment of a fellowship In this university. f500 is necded. DougalBrown, president of last year's freshman class, has not yet returned. Miss Franc Arnold acquittc'il herself admirably in the capacity of chalrman at the recent '90 meetlug. Khrtuan, 88, is drawing the plans for mechanical laboratory to be placed on exhibitlon at the American Institute of Architecture, held in Chicago this week. Prof. Payne's salary as Chancellor at Nashville will bc $3,500 per year aad residence furnished. He will assume tho posillon on the lat of February, 1888, giving this semester to the U. of M. The Unity club elected the following oftlcers at their regular meeting : President- T. H. Qale, '88. V. Prea.-D K. Cochran,'88. Seo'y- MIbs Ida A. MorrUli. Ass't Sec'y- C. Stlckuey. Treas.- G. Keudall. B. S. Parsons, law '85, was in the city Monday, on his way to his father's home, at Troy, Pa. Mr. Parsons is nracticing his profession at Duluth, Minn., and reports everj'thing prosperous in that región. If there Is any one person about the university deservingof the raise in salary it is Secretary Wade. He has been raised toa"full professorship," $2,200, and the only tliing to be regretted about it is that it was not done long ago, for it was deserved. The Student's Lecture Association has secured a valuable program for this year'g course. Among the lecturers who" will appear are Ex-U. S. Senator and Register of the Treasury B. K. Bruce, Rev. Sam Jones, Dr. Vincent, Jos. Howard aud Charles Dickens, Jr. The University Dramatic Club has rcorgauized for this year with C. T. Alexander as president and J. H. Lee as secretary and treasurer. Tvvo good plays will be presen ted during this year under the able directiou of Prof. P. R. DePont. A succesjful year is anticipated. According to Librarían Davls there are 62,398 volumes in the various libraries of the university, besides 11,549 phamplets and 264 charts. Of these, 48,971 volumes all the phamplets and charts belong to the general library, 9,595 vols. in the law, '.447 in the medical, and 419 in the dental library. A class meeting of '90 was called for Saturday morning, the principal business being to take action on the decisión of the freshman class in regard to the lont-hall rush. As 1 postponed the event the meeting djourned having lirst appointed a committee to draft resolutions aud prepare a memorial for Fred. R. Komer, who was drowned at Bay City last suinmer. Alpha Nu programóte for Saturday eveninsr, Oct. 22, is as follows: At 7:30 Part 1., Kxtemporaneous speaking by Sloam-, Fairbanks, l'arks and F rost, with McBride as critlc. At 8 o'clock, Part IL, Essay, "Homer," T. L. Bolton; oration, "Sympathetic Nature," W. H. Walker; readini, Keports of Alpha Nu 35 and 40 years old, W. E. Healy; debate, Resolved, l'hat debating should be made the main Feature of our Alpha Nu work, Aff., J. W. Matthewí; Neg, W. Cuspin; Htcess. S)dal college soDgs; general iViscussion.


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