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Vigor and Yitalit v Are qalckly frlven to every part of the body ly Hood's Sarsaparilla. That tired feeling is enlirely overeóme. Tlie blor.d is purified, enriclied vitalized, and oairies hftnlth instcml of dlsease to every orjran. The stomaoh is toned and strehythened, the appetite restored. Tlie kidney and liver rmiscd and invijroratid. The bral ti is refreshed, the mind made dear and rendy for work. Try it. Whtle Judg Cowing in the New York court of General Sc- mis, was pivlng li is charge lo the jmy In a liurglary case whetinneof the jurvme:; fainted. His Honor liad just Mil, inipreMively: "di -nllnufii of the jurv, in arrivln? at n verdict yon must take the le-timony of the witnesses tor tlie dvfetlK and give thein full weljflit.1 At t!i worüi "must givR them fnll ucilit" the juryniaii swo.nn'd away. He was h coal desier. - TcXíl Siftinjís. The performance Qf ¦ duty ranks before the offerlog of a prayw, any day - nny, is ol ilself the best praycr- Carnerie. There are three thin-fa tliat ouglit to be considired bcfore somc tliinjr are spoken ; - the marmer, tlie place, and the time. - Southey. A pactiücr who had obseived to the street cir aouductor tliat t was hot, snddenly torned and diFCovered a lady witliin hearing. 'I bea your pardon, madam," he said, contrltely. "Oh, ynu needn't pr,"' responded madam fanolng herself vigorously; "it's very nmcli warmer than that."- Life. There i mucli said about tbc wickedness of doing evil thnt good may come. Alas! there is sucb a thing as doiiig jihuI that evil may come. - Barr. Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salvo in the wofld for Cuts, Hruisefi, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fcvir Sorel, Tutter, Cbapped Hands, Cliilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It Isguunnteed to gWe perfect satisfaction, or inoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbacb & Son. Please of you don't trust in der pont nadiire of pooples, poodygwick,you don't get trusted, also. Vour face is strangelv familiar to me, Ir. Have yon a strawberry mark ou your left arm? Sccond Stranfrer- No, sir; but I have a rope mark on my neck. I kii.-w I had seen that beforu! I met jou in Dakota. The most eplgrammatic remark tipon miMlern t islions in dress that I have heard licredlted to Mrs. Keely, lm said rccently: "When I was a irl we uscd t. bïtloned up u our uecks and one button ou our gloves; but now thei their glovei buttoneti up to iIk i neekl and one button on theff ilress." - Anicrican Register.


Ann Arbor Courier
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