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The finl Know-ntorm of the soapon oocurred on the 1 1 til at points In AViwonsin and Michigan. The Moond pune for tho world's bMe bal! championship, played on tho llth at St. LouIn. resaltad: Detroit, 5: St Louis, .'i. Thk total imscsaod value of railroad proporty in Illinois is $08,571,230, n increose of $3,:!i'.l,(H)O uver last year. J. A. New-omk, illf llllT with boing "the loneliighwayinan" who sevoral times robbed tho stage bel ween ]l.-ulin;rer, 'f ex. and San Angelo, wns arrestad at t'o'.cman, Tex., on the 11 th Thk rresidential party was driven around 8t Paul on the 1 Uh. A reception was held at llinnrapolis, ml at elght p. m. tho departure as takm for Omaha. Thk Bryn Mawr Hotel, a well-known Buniinci resdrt neai Philndelpliin, was destroyed by lire on tho llth, causlng a loss of $230,000. A monument to soldiers and sailors of the lato war wns uuvailed on tho llth at Bethlehem, Pa. At Koutx, Ind. , at about ono o'clook on tho morning of the 1 lth a trolght orashed into a pasisenirir trnin on the Chicago t Atlnnt o road, and prohably lifteen persons snffered dcath and others were lnjured. The coaches took lire and the unfortunates buried in the debrls were burned up before the eyes of their frlcnds, who could do nothlng for tliem. The soenes were heartrcndlnp. An entire familv of nix penga immed Millcr, of Dundee, ÍIL, lost thelr livos. Thk Niohrara Land and Cattle Company of East St. Louis, 111., failed on the llth for $360,000; MMte, $250,000. The btM hall ncnsmi of tho Northwestern League cIomI om tho llth, Oabkoah win ninjf the ehamiiionship. The foUowlng is the record: Onlikosh frames won), 7(i; Milwaukoe, 75; Efea BCótnet, 78; St Paul, 70; Minneapolis, ."1; La Crosse, 42; Duluth, 41; Eau Claire, :!. Nine yüutliR were arrosted on the 1 lth at Klmlra, N. Y., who had fonned a recular orfrantzation for the pnrpose of burg-lary and ¦non. The country a!onpf the Rio Orande river In Texas WM inundated on the llth, and the strects of Krownsvillo were fllled with water. Matamoros was also under water. A gano of counterfeiters that had been operatinjf extenslvely for eome time past in the vicinity of MltchclI, Iud., was run down on the 1 ltli by Federal marshals. William McCuen'h house in Sully County, D. T. , was destroyed by flre on the llth, and two of bis infant children were burned to deuth. ¦ Assistant fiEcnETAUT Matnard decided at Washington on the llth that pauper children sent to this country to be provided for by charitable Boeteties In thls countrj' and forwarded to homes in the West could not be allowed to land. Michaei, Davitt, of Dublin, addreRsed the KnlghtA of Labor convention at Minneapolis on the llth, and was mude a member of the order and a Knight of Labor organlier. Peter Huohm, the eighteen-year-old son of John Hupheñ. a procervinan at St Joseph, Mo., qnarreled with his tsthor on the llth, and ended by atabbtng hlm to death. A fire on the 1 lth destroyed the Georgia Central depot and warebousa at Waynesboro. Ga. Loss, .f 100,(M)0. The transoript of the record in the ChiO&fo Anarohlsbs' cscewaa oompletod at Ottawa cm the 11 th. TÜere are H,!l."0 pages, and the whole is bound in seventeen volnmee t. ï. Garrant), treasure.r of the Cleveland Firomen's Balie! Assoclation, confessed on the 12th to a shortage of four thousand dollars in h s aerounts. He lost the mnney in 8}eculat;iM Duhinu the last voor the Western Union Telegraph Cmnpany bandled 17,384,030 inissiiLiis The surplus for the year'8 business Is $2,093,3.12 A eiüh deposit of rock salt was found on the 12th at adepthof 470 feet at Hutchison. Kan. A Por.TAiii.E saw-mill exploded on the 12th eight miles from Jackson, 0., and Kent Evans and James I'.win were blown to pieces and the engine and mili were utterly ruined. Itf the third game for the world's championship, plsred on the 12th at Detroit, the latter club beat 8t Louis in thirteen inniiiL.'-, 2 to 1. Bbeadstuffs exporta dnring last September w-ere valued at $1 1,004, 132, against ,f 1 1,28 1,1158 in September. 1 886. The Presldentlal party arrived at Kansas City on the evening of the 12th and met with the customary reoeptioa At the Coats House a private reception to the two hundred meinbers of the reception committee with their wives and daughters was given, and an Informal private luncheon finished tlut night's programme. Five bandit who recently abducted Senor Herrera in Starr County, Tex., and held him until ransoined by the payment of $l,r00, wero reportad ou the 12th to have been caufrht and lynched. The Btaflord National Bank at Stafford Sprlngs, Conn., was closed on the l'Jth, owlng to irreiilarities of the cashler, R. a Hicks, who confessed to having ombezzlcd 979,000 The Ohio asylum for the insane, at Newburg, was p;irtly deatroyed by fire on the 12th, and tix women, who were incurably insane, were burned to death and throe othere wore badly injuxed. ÜoniiiT Gakbett's reeinatton ae president of the Baltimore & Ohio Ilailroad Company ma accepted at a meeting of the directora in Baltiinore on the 12th, and the Bale of the telegraph linea to the Western Union Company was ratifled. The annuiü onvention of the American Bankers' Assoclation commeneed at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 12th, President Loren 0. Murray, of New York, presiding. The conventiun représenla, dlrectly and indirectly, nine thousand banking houses, with an aggregate capital of #l,ooo,(0,000. Fobest firea in several California counties had on tho 12th swept many valuable faruiB out of existence, and miles upon miles of timber and vineyards had ben destroyed. Many families had been made homeless, and the ground was covered with carcasses of all kinds of dead animáis. The report recently telegruphed from Toledo, O., that the remalns of seren murdered infants had been discovered in a clstern connected with a house formerlyoocupled by a mid-wlfe, was on the 12th pronounced utterly falsa Snow feil on the 12th in portions of New York, Massucliusett and Vermont David I, Stair was arrested on the 12th atFrauklin, Hans., charged with being concerned in the robbery of the Dexter (Me.) Bank nine years ago and with the mun Ier of lt treasurer, J. W. Barron. The AVisconain State Antl-Prohibitlon 8ooiety opened lts third annual session tn M1U waukee on the 12th. A ckus who was brought over from Naples on the steamship Alesia died of cholera at Swinbnrne Island, New York on tha 12th. Mb. Caldwell, American Consul-General t Cairo, Kjfypt, reported on the Uth that Mx thonsand natlve pupihwcre 1m attend ancc in wIioo'k in the Niln vallev, establlahed by Amerioan miaatonariea A ri:.n:iK tin' at l.'kr llenton. M itin., hnil on tlio l-i'ii deatroyed several funn botuei o 1 1 1 oUHd other daaifttrtt A wkathki: bureau tbr Ibe MnrUjwnt wa est.-ihllslied "t Si Paul M t lic Ittlh, Mayoii Korim, of ('Ilición, ransel the police on the Ktth to elo-e the luills air.inBt George FrancU Trjin, mul the agitator wao not alloueil In -prak lu the rvenlng Mr. Train bil the city for BprtatfSoM, HL At ITinill City on the l'.ith the President latd tho foundation stone of the new building tliat is belng creJted by the Young Mcn's Christian AMOCiation. In the afternoon a public recoptton wal he'.d at the eojtotn-botue. In tbe evenlnjf, af ter witnessing a pafreant In (he i honor, the PresU dcntia! part v left lir Memphis. Owix to the hostilo attitude of the Indianson t ( nnv (reek and 1, iwer Rrulo rcBcrvatioiiH in D.ikota on bka I8oh the allotnient hu vi'vs were Ntopppd. F4MI of a violent ontbreük ware tirtartataMl Consui, J W smitii reportad to Um State Department at Washington on the I Jth the diHcovery of rlch deposim ot lt ! 1 uear Port Adelaide. Austra'ln. A un the 12tb entered a house at Fond du Lao, W.s , ooonpted by Mra Wllliam Koelme and tour d'iughtenj. On being discovcied lic att.u-ked the i ve women wlth a club and nenrly killed all of them. The ñshins: scliooner Thomas 1 Porr, oí Qloucester, Mur , was on the l.'fth reported to havo bouu lost with her urewof fourteon men. Tuk MnHonic Grand Ixwlpe of Missouri In pession nt Kt IxiiiKi on thi Jltth RnRtaincd the law forbidding loclfrcs to accept as memlicrs nnj person eniriijred In the saloon busini s-í. In Vtm York City on the 13th ünltcd States District Attorney Walker decided t lint the ense of Ucv. E. Wlpole Warren, reoently called from Euglaud to the rectorship of the (hurchof the Holv Trlnlty, comes under the contract labor act. Sult would be broujrht affainst tlie vcstry and wardens of the church. Geobue Uahnes cowbided Alvin Itobinson nt Mount Sterlinff, Ky.. about one y car oyó. On the l.'lth the men met on the street, whun BoblOBOn dtflw lus revolver and hot Bardos daad. At Hoek Creek, Mo., an express train on the 13 tli diished into the rear of an necoraodation train, two cars telescopinff. Awoman was killed and sevoral other paasengers were badly Injuied. The fonilli for ütt world's base-ball cbainjiionuliip, pla.ved on tlie Ktih at Plttsburfrh, tosultod: Detroit, 8; St Louis, 0. Detroit has won three of the four games jilavcd LOQAH C. Muruay, of New York, was on the Kith re-elected president of the American rsankers' Asociation, lu sesslon at Pittsburgh. An Enpflish land Ryndicate that purchased a tract In the Texas Pan-Handle conslsting of ''M stctions was on the lHth enifaged In an attempt to dilve a colony of settlers from it The latter proposcd toremaln, and serious trouble was anticijiatu l. The President and parcy renched Memphis, Tena, on the evtuilnpj of the 1 Ith. The ree 'ption they received in the South wan ven' heiu-ty. Thi:ki: men were drowned on the 14th at Meniphis, Tenn., by the c ipsizlnK of a boat A NEM' Stook Vaiils ('ompany, with a capital of 92.tX0,000, was oryanized in Chicago on the 14th. At Quincy, IiL, on the 1-Hh Thomas S. Kalilwin made a balloon aseension, and when over one mile high he Juinped from the air-sbi]) and reached thïground In safetv by means of a paraobutB. The lif th game of t ie series of the world's ball championship, played on the 1 -1 th at Brooklvn, resulted: St. pon s, ."; Detroit. ;t. Kowakds (colored) was hnnged on. the 1 Ith at ('larksville. Ga., for the murder of William F.eliols last Mny. Theue were lh'J buslneas fiiilures in the United States durlnr the seven d ys ended on tliu 1 Ith, against 1,'tö the previous seven days. Most of the businesN clisaütors were reported from the West and South. A monster Raw-mill cnglne boiler exploded at Centerville, W. Va., on the Uth, tearing every thing looss in the neighborhood, killing three men and wrecking the mili completely. ( AiioLiNE Knowlton, iujured by the recent lire in the asyluin for the insane at Newburg, O., dled on the lltli, making the uighth victim. F.arlt on the mornimr of the 14ththe Baltic cotton mili, at Baltic, Conn., was destroyed by tire. The loss was placed at $1,ü.")0.0O0, with insuxance of $2."7,000. It was eetimated on the 1-ith that the cotton erop of the United States Üiis year would amount to 6,000,000 balea against 6,000,000 balea for 1886. The health authorlties of New York on the 14th lssued a notice that therc was no dan?er from cholera which was brought to this jountry on tlie steamer AleRia. It was estlmated on the 1-1 th that from 6 - 000,000 to 0,400,000 hogs would bepacked in tbe West during the npproachlng winter ieason. The average for rive years has been 3,150,000 hogs. In hls annuol report on the 14th to the Sccretary of the Interior, Land Comnilssloner Spnrks speaks of the "present wasteful and íraud-inspiríng system of disposal" 5f the public lands, and intimatesthatthere s much room for lmprovement In the laws upon the subject. At Cygnet, O., on the llth J. G. McCall, il and ga well contractor, and William r'laufrhner, were burned to death in a planng-mfD conflaffratlon. WoiiTHi.Kss characters recently ralded the lomes 01 peaoeable negroes at Clovor Bend, rt, and ordered them to leave. The Govjrnorou the 1 It ordered the sheriff to jrotect the colored people, and to make a uil lnvestigatlon of the affair. In regard to the recent railway horror at ïouts, Ind., Coroner Letherman rendered a rerdlct on the lith censuring the Chicago t Atlantic Kallroad Compnny, and declaring hat the craln-dlspatcher of the road and Snglneor Dorsey, of the freight train, wexe legüpent and careless in the discharge of heir duties. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. MR3. Gakfield and her daughter Mollle ailed from Nmw York for Englaud on the Oth. They wero Ruddanly cammoned to ondon by the news that n nitce of Mrs. iarfleld lay Rerlously ill thera John IÍ Peakson, one of the oldest Jour lalints In IVniiNvlvuriia, dled on the lOth at ancaHter, agöi seventy yeam Kev. It (}. Wii.deb, editor of the Miê.Umro tieie, and a prominent divine, dled at íew York on tbe 1 Oth, nttho age of seventyne yeara Judok Thomas C. Human, United State linister to Mexico, dled In New York on he llth. Hls home was at Alexandria, La, nd he was sixty years of nga The Nebraska Demócrata met In State onveutitm ut Umaha on the llth and noralatod Thomas 0'Day for Judge of the Sureme Conrt The Republicans of the Nineteonth Conressional district of New York on the 12th ominated cx-Congiessuian Jolin M. Balley, f Albany, for Congrosfi Bkv. John V. Mn.i.KR, oue oí the oldest Methodist ministers In Indiana, Sfei o tb lüth at Indiunapolin, a-red wventy-0110 yeiir l The ofilcial returns on the l.'ith of the re, cent e'e 'itlon in Ti-nnf-i-r ¦ nr ;i mnjorlly ot' 27,003 agamst, i r tn I1 1 i n. , Tuk ramalui ol General Kllpatrtok, WP ! ed in Ai-p iiwall, were landed U) New York liiim tbeleaniei;Nwt9rton.tlie Klth, ond woutd le inteue.l in tüe Uültcd State Killt iv Ocmcte y HtWesl I'olnt. bh. !avh II. Kekii. editor of tbe ÜnUtd Fra'vt rían and one of the foremoKt preach er of h(8 chureh, (lied ut PittabargB,Pa.( on the 1 1 tli, agcd wventv years Dr. VtÚAX Anwrrr, of NeW Vork, editor of ¦ the ChrMim f'nvm, was on tlif 1 Hli en! faged m n pulpit upply lot l'lymouth Ohurch, Hroiiklvii, pAdWg Külectión of a lerninntnt j .sior. ÏHE Natlonul Iiuiuntrlal Iiufonn oonyention, l h ¦Kiiin on tlie 1 )th at Sprlic-H.-ld, IIL, adopted a platform whlch includcs prohlbltlon and unlTerSil BiyTrage, oporation of Óie raUlroadH and teIegTph linea by Ihe Govi'iiiiiiciit-, and cmllg 4br the dlnfrani chlsument of all pecton fuilíy of corrupting the fraiichlM-. A National ('ommittee ¦ was appointcd, one for ccli State and Terrltory. FOREIGHAdvices of the lOth froin Dublin Hay thai the iuppressad branches of the Irish Loarue keep on holding meetlnr8 in open dctlanca of the Government A riot occurrod on the 1 1 th at Hevna, KiiBsia, durinff the electlona for member of the Sobranje, and twenty-four persons wera killed and th'rty woundcd. Three Mexlcan smufrgler wi-r killed on thellthby the authorltles near Kan Fernando. A TEnniFir dtorni on tho 1 lth at Mazatlon destroycfl ifïiOO.OOO worth of property, and it wan feared a number of ltve were lost It was said on the 1 lth that there waB no foundation to the story that Don Pedro, Emperor oL Bruzil, was about to abdícate hls throne. Heavy niiov-ntorms prcvaüed on Uie 12th in Kiifrlnnd and Walea Advicek of the 12th ay that durin a rocent storm on the southern ooast of Mexico Quelito, a town of more thaneight thoiiBad people, was totilly destroytd and many llvcs lost 1 he en tire coftVe and orange crops ia Klno'o were Biso destroyed. AcconniNO to official report received on the lUth, thero were 30,780 fatal cass of cholera in the northwest provlnces of Italy during August. Mks. (íeoikík f. rsAiK (Dfnah Maria Muloch), tho author of "John Hallfax, Gentleman," and other notud works, died In Lnndon on the lüth, atred ixty one yearg, A ctclonb swept over the Southwest portion of Havana, Cuba, on the l.ith, mcvlng in a wcBtcrly directiou. N'o damage was reported. WnjJAM Jardine, of Jardine i, Co., dealers in diamond aud preclous stones In London, failed on the lUth for JtO,(HKX The bill making the President ellgible for a second term nassed tbe Mexlcan House of Deputies on the lth. It had prevlously been approved by the Senate. Slioht shoi.-k.H of earthuake were feit throughout Central Mexico on the 13th. Damase Dehormter, a ('anadian who claims tohca prlest, recelvéd twenty lashes on the Ktth in the jail at Montreal as part of hls punlshment for having commltted an lodecent assiult upon a yonng girt (lENERAL TOULANOER TRS placed UmW arrest in Paris on the 13th for the poriod of thirty days for iiisolnnce in re pi ving to the lnterrogations of the Mlnlatei of War. On the llith Uutttd Ire'and, of Dublin, Willlam O'Brlen's paper, published slx column of reporta of various InngYil meetlngH, and observed: "Thls is how coerción terrorlze8 the Irish." Exte-íxive forgeries upon the Government were dlscovered on the llth in the. City of Mexico, one alone amouuting to .f 1 ÜUMHl A heavy gale was r portod on the 14th on the north coastof Great llrttain, and numerous vessels had been wreckred and many lives lost Lokdon advices of the 1 itli announce the losa of the Britlsh ship Monarch en route to New York, and the captain and eleven of the crew perished. J-ATER NEWS. Stephen W. Hawsow, a wefl-known Chicago banker, was probably fatally shot on the Hltli by hts step-son, Wllltani Blayninker, aged seventeen years, as he was leaving the Third Prosbyterlan Church. Hls assailant was taken to Jail. The shootinjr trrew ont of the troubles between Mr. llawson and his wifo, (rom whom he was seeking-a divan-v. The Ki'publioans of the Seeond district of Rliode Islnnrt on the lilth nomtnatod Warren A. Arnold for ConRTeHsman. (KinuiR FitANds Train was refusod permisKion on Hm lOth to lecture on the Anarchist nt Sprintrfleid, III., and departed for Ht LoiiIk. The Presidencial party reached Memphia, Ti;im , on t)e 15th and wis royaUy received. Judye li T. Eilett, ncarly eijfhty yeors of aje, mie the wulcoining speech and UoVily afttrward feil dead from Iurulvsis of the haart, which sad event cat aploom nvtr tlic mtirc city. Thu party left fir Xitsliville at one p. m. TintEi; ni.n wore drowned on the 13th nnir Macháis, Me., by tjhe oapalrhut of a boat A tnté in tlie luinli.r district of Cincinnati on 1 ." ili destroyed a iarjfe auiount of lumber and a uumber of houses adjocent to the yards. Losh, 1 ."(), 00(1. ItOBBBRS on the lüth entered the home of Rev. Thoinau Kynn, a Methoiüst minister of Walton, W. Va, and af ter thuy had h cured fivcral hnndred dollarü one of thcni shot Mr. Ryan dcad. A pursutiijf party shot one of the burilara de:id and lynched the other. Alexander A. Davis, of Syrmuise, N. Y., was nouiinated for ( 'on„n chs by the Democrats of the Twenty-lirtU district on the lóth. Ths sixt'i basrt-ball game in the world's champloiiiililp ituis lietwecn the Ht Louis and the Detroit clubs, played ín New York ou the 15th, wa won by the latter, tho coore Btandini; y to O. An express men n ,vr nrwnfU ErueBt Sniith hot and killed two tra n robbers on the 15th near Ei I'aso, IVx., who were tiying to rob hls car. An Incendlary flre on thel")that Park River, D. T., dCRtroyiJ two tilocks of bulldliiifp, inclnding tlie (tazcite oftice. Two of the fire-bujfs were captured. Uodkrt Oilks (colored) was hangod on the 15that DallaK, Tex, for the killin of Albert Willian He oonfetwed on the scaffold. Onjs Bexican was killed, two fatally inJared. tlirc ïKyroesserlously and a nuiuber illKhtly wonmled In a general ügt ou the lUth near Kiversld, Tex. Most of the rioters were lutoxlcated. 8ix business houses In Pulaskl, Tena, were burned on the 15th, causiu({ a los ol $50,000. Twenty-geven horoes pwitbad In stable. At twentyslx leadln clearlng-houses In the United States the exchang-es durlng: the ¦week ended on the 15th n(fgTegted 1,080,301, 84U, agalnst $1,038,008,109, theprevious week. As compared with the oorre¦ponding week of 1880, the decrease amounts to 3 0 per oenL


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