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Time thle taking effect Nov. Hth, i Central Miandaril Time. chicago to dktroit t . ? (Tïj x. r1 J g = i 'i ""'"¦ ñ fl s fe i il Íi5_l":LJLÍ? Ö U.m. Á.a. p. h. p. r m I ' Chicago. .Lv., 65üj 00 810 4 4 8US iïiriS Kilaroazoo...'iai7 1.50 .VI KÍ0123I " Battle CreekJ 1 19 9 27 733 l ÍI2 SJ? Jackson ! 3 15 4 23 8 4 3 15 i UnnUkcJ 338 . if.l Chelea 35 Vá.lS Dexler 4 14 ... ï5ij DcihiMin... 4 ......... :.::;: ¦ Ann Arhor.... 483; 5: 45.... 435 'UWS., Ypilanti 450i 645 5B J 52 o fayneJunc. 515 605 515 6lL,it....Ar. SOO 7151045... u ?. t.Thoma, 1U5 S45 100 9 55 S Fallí View s 45 .. [S ' N. Falla Í22 548 138 'si, Bllffl 438 756 795 3 86 ttt DETROIT TO CniCAGO. "- , II II II fL Í1 i _s_ _ _ _c á 5 „ „ , m ¦ " r 'VSf1?. 118t) 54S öl6 UU il'.ti.. N-JT"1'" U15 31 1230 St.ThomiB 416 1001... 115 J Ji , _ A. ¦ . ¦. P. a p.M. P.M p M ! Detroit.... I.v. 7 U0 910 180 4 00 8 00 9 15 ." ' W.yne Jane. 7 40 958 203 4 45 837 955 '" Ypíilantt .... 8 0110 12 2 20 5U 8 58 10 20 Ann Arbor..., slu KI fc 2 34 53U 9 14 10 DeThl Mfl!.. 8M 542 I'eiti-r 886 5 50' 8 89 t'liolce 8 48 B05' 52 " (iraci Lakc... 10 . 27'1015 Jackaoii 9 85 1135 3 32 7 1010 52 1208 '" Hatlle Creek.. 11031 112 4 40 8 52, 12 12 1 85 " ' Kalamazoo. . . 1152 1 5n 5 u 1 jo ï:)f, ,. Ohlca)f.i...Ar. 5 15J w 4QJ tmti.... 7 00 Mus 103) O. W HUOOLB8. U. W. UAYÏ O. P.4T. Aitent Av-t.. Anu Artx Chlcaiso. To'?l(i, Ann Arbor k Norih Mlchlcw Katlnnj. TIME SCHEDULE. ToUke effect :it 12 oVlock, n on, on Sun(l;iy, 'Jth, 18S7. Tralns rnn by Standard Time. OOING NORTH. -5 1% ?S 8CATION8. Si ïo ai JS iz 51 SI .r , , . M. P .P. .A.. r"1"'1" , L 5 15 3 15 25 5SO MiuiUttat Janctiuli 5 'M 3 20 (i l 6 l i1"1" 527 88 6K. K Sanwrin 545 3 4S 7 2J 7 ag y..iir.w Joiirtlon 02 4 0517 51 R 11) V"u,dt-e UMUimt 1 " II 4 18' 8 2 900 ""V 4 35: 835 9 Hia,nYV, 60 4 4.11 8 M IV W " "'"'¦' 7 OU 4 53 9 05 10 2U Arlxir 7 B 5 10 i, i, I M .;ln 7 H3 r, .¦) 9 5.1 m Wt.IUTioreI-.ko 7 4Ö s 45 Me.12 2 1.1 ow" 8 3.1 8 28 6 30 5 uu ""racl ï 30 7 ) 9 W p M Coralina 9 (5 7 4i) 111 :iü UiV'-" 1001 7 S 11 ou ¦ )rb .lumt'nn tOflfi 3 In 11 ir, '"' ," , 11 ii 9 r. 2 4 ï L011I1. 11 $ 9 : 3 36 A'n 11 42 941! 3 55 Mi. r.eanant Ar 19 30 10 30 ti Ou "'.' r. . p. a. a OülM) SOUTH. STATIONS. ff' i 5fl Í" Oi Mt. I'lcasant Lv 's') 't! 3(i "i 30 A'".... 10 15 7 20 22U ?¦ Lom n s-, 7 27 2 2 'JhHca ¦ ¦ , 12 25 7 4-. 2 46 Owoíío Jouctlon 4 00 8 55 4 ik" Owiwsu 406 9 .t 408 "" Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 "" ;uri"d 5 l(t 930 4:!6;a rwii 7 40 10 20 5 33 5 1 UhitrooreLak.! ix.. 11 00 (i ib 1 'i'land 6 3Mlli la ;a 4 Ann Arhor 7 15 11! tt ' I t-Ilolil 7 96 11 iM - 14) 11 90 I rauta 7 3 11 50 7 10 11 50 Mi'nn 7 45 1204 7 20 12 7.ÜU 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 nndee 8 08 19 24 7 40 110 Monroc Janctlon 8 10 12 31 7 51 1 :) Samarla 8 25 12 48 8 10 2 10 Alexis 845 loo 8 3 2 4ó Minhatlan J,mction 8 5 I 05' 8 37 Toledo Ai 9 00 1 10 8 4 8 15 A. -¦ P. M.p M. I'. X. .-uutli Lyon Brancli. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUl'H BOINI) Train 6 Train 1 p PM 9 60 I.v. Leiand Ar. 30 10 00 Ar. Worden Ar. B 90 10 20 Ar Sontn Lyon Lv. ti U0 Cinnectlons: At Toledo, wltli raHiaada dlretive at Manoiittan Junrtinn, iih Whevllns 4 Laki: Krle H. K.; at Alexl. JuuciIod, i h M. C H. II., Lu, S. & 11. B. Ry. nd V. & V. M K. K.; I loiiroe Juoction. wlth L. S. M. 8. Ky .; at DanM, wlth US.1, s. Ky.. M. A O. Ry.; ,il Miln Junctlon. wlth Wabaih, St. Li.uln 4 Hacin. l. at Pittjlield, wlth L.s. A M. S. Ky.; t Aun Arlwí w th Michigan Central K. H., and al S011II. Ljoii wlth Detroit, Lancine A Northi-rn K. K.. uiirt Mich. A. L Dlv. of Grand l'riink l(v. At Hnmluirx' wiih M. A. Line Divi.lou Ciranrl Tni k R. At Iluwcll wilh ü.uroit, LinKliij; & Nonberi, K'y. M Dnrand with C'h cis & Grand Tronk K'y u.i l.-troit. Grand Haven U'j . Ai uw. so Jnnction with Uitrolt, (.rand Haven 4 Milw.nk.o li'y aud Michigan Central R. H. Ai .su Lum wllh Dftruit. Irfneii'K NorlhiTii K. li. aort .- : gi na ValUv & St. Louis Fi'y. At Alma It . lMr,. t. Unslne & Northern R. At Mt. Plcint wilh Flint & Pcre Marqnette K'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Mnacr. W. H. BÏNNETT, v. (.v. WALES. Oen'l. Phh. Ticket Airent. Local Agent. Estáte oí Walter B. Brnett, STATB OF MICHIGAN, Cauny of Wuihtenii. At a ecBslon of the Probate Court for the ('oanty oj Wahtenaw, holden at the l'robnte office, in tbe Ity of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twriity-ioortli day of September, in the year 011e thoasand eibt hundrud and elghty-seven. Present, Willlim D Harrirurtn, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the rutate of Walter B. Bnrnett, minor, Ann E. Burnett. theguatdian of eaid ward. comuB hito court and representa tbat he li duw preparcd to ronder her unnual account aa anca uttrdi;in. Tberenpon It i ordered, thnt Frlilav, the fonr. tsenth day of Octolier, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon be sslnel examlnlng and allowlni Buch ao-oiintAiid tliat the nexi of kin of raid ward and all otbur pure nu lnterented in Raid estáte are requlred toappear at a W ln ofwiid t'ourt.then tobe holden at the Probate OBlcc In the city of Ann Arbor, In pald county. and ahow cauee, Ifany thcre be,whj the eatd account nhould not be allowed. Aud it i.i further urderen tbat eaid gu-irdian glve notlce to the peraona Intercited In sald eatate, of tli. M-ndency ol sald account and the bearlDg tlivreof. ty catulng copy of thls order to be publiühi'd in the Ann Arbor Conrier. a newspaper printed and clrculatlng In raid county, two ut. ceaaive wwki ur vlous to gald day of 'h"arinr, (A truecopj.) W1LLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, Jndire or Probate. WM. G. DOTV. Probate R2lter. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,OOO,OOO. ¦H'curity held for the protoction of the pollcy bolden. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresents Ihe followlnit flrt-clas compaolrr, of whlch one, the Ltna. has alone paid (56,000,000 Ure loesus In Dlxty-ave yuare : .Etna, of Hurtford $ 9,19,44 Fraiikiin of Phlladelpliia 3,1 18,713 Oormiinin, N. Y 9,166, W QeriiiKii Ameiiciin, NV 4,006, Londou AásoMnoe, Lomloii... 1,418 Micliifran F. & M., Delroit. . . 2Í7.608 N. Y. Umk-rwriterg, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,605 Hiu'iiix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Losses liberally djusted and promptly pl"Policies iued at the lowcst rite ol premium. HDltf A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate G-laBs Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURAXCE! Lowost Katcs, Honorable Adjiistments aud Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS SPK'IAI, ATTKNTION OIVEN TO COLLWTIN or Kknts anii Manaokmknt of Kkai. ¦¦ TATK INTKRKSTS KOK NoN-KkSIDKNTS. h" riBK SATISFACTION TO OWHKRS GUARA!"A.


Ann Arbor Courier
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