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Good Advice To Girls

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Miss Alcott talk thus sensibly to the e'irls of to day. It Is a wbole Tolume. She says: 'Girlsdon't bein liaste to wed. Juild iip heulthy bodieB by good food, lenty ofexercise and sleep. Learn all the iseful household arts before you attempt to ranke a home. Cultivute your minds with the best books that you may be able o teach your childrcn much that schoolrainiug alone will never give you. }hoose your amusements wisely, for 'outh must have pleasure, bilt need not waste itself in Imrmfiil frlvoloty. Aboye all, select your fiiends with care. AvoiU .'ris who live only for fashion, flirtation, ind eujoyment, and use the privilege all wouien muy claim, todeclioe the acijulntince of youofi men whose lives will not ear iuBpection by the innocent eyes of vamen. Let no delusion of wealtb, rank, comeliness,or love tempt you to trust your ïappiness to such a one. Watch and vait till tlie true love comes, even If it be all your life, for single blessednesa is fur etter than doublé misery asd wrong. Spinsters are a very useful, happy indeendent race, never more so than when ill professions re open to thero, and lonor, fame and fortune are bravely won iy tii;my ifted members of the gisterhood. Set your Standard high and live up to It, ure that the reward will come here or ïereafter, and in the form best suited to our real need?. Fint Cowboy. - I don't mlnd in Injun laving liis rights. Second Cowboy. - Them's iny sentiment?, too. He ought to llave his riglits. "lint it lie undertakes to assert hia riglit?, tlicu he ouglit to be aculped." "That'8 wliat I 8ay, partlcularly if be ias any good rlding ponies.1' - Texas Siítings. How cn a bride be expected to show self-possesaion wlicn she la beinjf glven away? - New Haven New. Impurifica of the blood ofteu cuuae ereat annoyance t this season; Hood's 8ar8aparill:i purifles tlie blood, and cures all such MlVcctioiiB. Omália Editor- What's tlmt surprises yon so? Wife - A most remarkable thing ín tbis pnper. It saya tlmt the widow of fin editor ín Shawnee, Ohio, still conducta the paper, and saya that her busband'a spirit directa her. O. E.- Ureat Scolt! Are editors never to have any rest ? "What color matches best with red, do youthink?" "Blue," replied the scapcgrace. "Vliy do you tliink so? " "Well, I have uoticed that h ln-ncver I paiot the town red I feel blue for a week. The colora match In my case every time." A law prohiblting iutemperate hoardInir of wealth miirh t prevent monev from


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