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jsrjghtoii 6 luir w;is a grcat success Ibil year. John Johnson, of Ypsilauti, is going oEurope. Miss Mable Graham, of Mooreville, goes toXashville, Tenn., toattend school. C. M. Fellows, of Sharon, took nlne premiums at the state and Chelsea fairs. J. C. Uouse of 1'ittslieUl, and Mrs. Belva King, of Milun, we re mariied Oet. 9tli. Washtenaw connty lost about a luinf old pioneers the past yenr by eath. Saline fruit grotreu are sklppinf; tlieir pples to the Ann Arbor fruit erapor ting factory. One of Lyiulon's farmers will roap 02 eres of rye next ycar, if he live nul the ye lsn't killed. Dennig Warner bas placed a liaiulsome monument upon his lot in the ccinctery t Dexter, in memory of his wife. A woman's prayer meeting Is to be held n Tuesday afternoon of eacb week at ie residence of Mrs. Presley, in Dexter. The last Manchester Enterprise conalus a fine view of their new roller proess milis, which is very eommeiulable nterprlse on its part. On Oct. 15th the inanv frlendl of Dr. nd Mrs. D. A. Post, of Ypsilantl, turned n and made the l"th unniversary of their mrriage a happy occasion. The U. S. Court at Bay City v, 11 have s additional iurors from this county, ohn Cook, Chelsea, and Andrew J. ennle, John Pettie, and Chas. J. Harnes, )undee. Mra. Juli Lowe died at her home in alem, aged 40 yeare. Mr. Lowe died ust one year previous. Six children are eftorphans by this death, the oldest aged 7 years. Squash pie bids fair to be a rarity this viuter, as the favorite squash, the Jlubard, is very scarce on account of the ry summer, and the price ranges high ccordingly.- Chelsea Ilerald. C. F. Overacker, who went down to rimfleld, 111., and publislied the News f that place, had his office destroyed by re rccently. He was the former pubsher of the Saline Observer. Accordinjf to the October erop report, ie wheat in this couuty in May stood al '4,672 acres; the average yield per acre 1.41 bushels, and the probable yield at ame average per acre 852,008 bushels. Orading Is in progress on the school rounds, and when finished with the walks contemplated, with the new house - lf ever tiuished - will be very attractive nd the pride of our citizens. - Dexter eader. Dr. J. W. Babbltt, after living in Yplantl for forty years has come to the wise conslusion (though he Is 85 years of ge) that it is a good place to get out of, nd has gone to Jackson to live with his on Charles. Fourteen milis and elevators out of 20 i this county reported 29,247 bushels of wheat marketed during September, gainst 27,089 bushelá the previous lonth, making a total since Aue. lst of 7,022 bushels. The average yield of oats per acre in his county is put at 31.30 bushels; of arly20; of rorn :;,j (ear). PotaLoes 'lelded 30 per cent. of an average erop, winter upples !0 per cent. and late caclic8 80 per cent. A lady says that the new inarriagc law ught to be repesled as it "is just too mean for anything" to givo the newspaers a chance to publlsh the nge of the jride even before the marriage takel )lace. - Chelsea Herald. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Vedder were tinied in the holy bonds of iiiatriniony just fteen years ago last Friday. That's why ver one hundred of their rclatives and riends cilled on them last Friday and ave them a firët-class surprise. - Milan jeader. For the past two weeks our toivn has een infested with sneak thieves. It Is lid that it was done by home talent, 'here bas been little or nothing stolen. We ad vise everyone to get tlieir pop guns eady and give them a warm reception.- 'helsea Herald. Look out for a new swindle now being worked in our State. It is called the Ohio Hybrld Wheat, and only $15 per biishcl ; another Bobtsmlan oat operation. Don't put your name to any paper these sliarks present to you unless you deiira to tiiid it a note in some bank. Miss Lida Gray thrashed out an unruly boy ín the Dansville school, lor whicli she waaarroued aml tried before a jury at Masoi) on a charge of assaultaud battery. The verdict of the jury was acquittal. We therefor infer that Lida served hlm rlght.- Stockbrldge Sun. A well-to-do l?idge farmer thought he lost a $ 20 írold piece on our streets, Tucs(lay, and a couple dozen men and as many boys poked over the grass, raked the sand and swe pt the street for several liours, but only in vain. Wlien the farmer gottoAnn Arbor, lic put his hand into his overcoat pocket and there found I113 money.- Saline Observer. The State Grangesends out the followïng for the benefit of whom it may concern : Resolved, Tuat tlie Michigan State Grange employ counsel and make legal resistance to each and everv demand made by N. W. Green or his authori.ed agents, for the collection of royalty on driven wells In the State, and plcdges itself to defend in the courts ach contributor of $1 to its defense fuod. Gold has been found on the farm of a AVashtenaw county farmer. He niinded his business, kept out of politics and horse races, planted his corn, reaped his wheat, threslied his gram, harvested liis crops, looked after his stock, sold his rooi, (and never uttered a yawp for more tariff on it eitlier) and when he counted his cash, found he had some $900 in gold after paying all bilis, and glving his wife $r00 ia greenbacks to keep still abouc theirgold mine.- Adrián Prees. The Saline Observor can't si e anythlng the matter with having a banqutt, a feast of cloquence and a ílow of wit, when the new village hal! is completed. Want to trot the Kagle out and make her scream, eh? Want to deluge the town witli oratorj-, and draw a contrast between the gieased-lightning gait of the present age, and the old ox-trot of the Saline fathiTs y That'srlght. It is always safe to kick the dead past because the dead past eannot kick back. Moreover, Siiline has a right to put on a little strut over her nice new hall, anywny.- Adrián Press. It is better to be au old brick than a young brick, any time. The Manchester Enterprise has this item: "In repairlog the residence of our townsman, Newman Granger, a few days ago, John Wisner removed a portion of the brick foundation, and among the brick taken out was one on the llat surface of which was written before it was burned"Hurrah for Wami]r'a Lake Picnic! July 4th, lSöl." It is sounj. hard briok, and must be 36 years old. Of coursethat is not remarkable, because thero are bricks in town much older than that, but they don't teil the story that this one does. It also proves that Wampler's Lake luis been agroat resort for pleasureseekers, j'ea, these tnaiiy years. This brick, Mr. Granger says," was made on the old. yard ncar Carr's eider mili, on Jackson street, and it was probably made by' Albert Case, who run the :irll at that time."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News