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I,et us then be up and tnistllng, Witli abeart forany fate; Al1)' boomlng, ulwuys nutllng, I.okVii to buy up real estáte. Ann Arbor's gas well isn't roucli of a bore. Wheat can be sold at our milis for 72 cents per busliel. There are many sldewalks that bid fair to bc frost bitten ngain this fall. "Three times and out," so the lire department boys thi'ik they will have a rest now for a time. It is predicted tliat there wil! be less building in Ann Arbor next year tli:m tliere has been this. The "rooms to reut" this year are more tiumerous than the roomers, and prices have fallen accordingly. Potatoes are dowu to 70 and 80 cents pir bushei by the load. Some loads going as low as 65 cents. The plan adopted by the state of Michigan for a lish slmte can be seeu at the lieconler's oiHce by interested parties. Manager Sawyer complains that many troupes booked for the opera house fail to ippMtr. Tliey either woodbine or skip. The last issue of the School Moderator contaius a cut of the Tappan school (6th ward) in this city, and a good description of the sanie. Saturday afternoon Dr. Rumsay will deliver an address at the laying of the corner stone of the new Preston M. E. church, in Detroit. Tlie forthcomiug receipt book, wlnch is being issued by the Methodist ladies to celébrate their jubilee y"r, willbe a good oue. Evcrybody will want l copy. The erop of culis in the apple yield is very large this year. Cheap eider and plenty of work for the fruit preserving facti ry. A review of Gibbon's two chapters that impute success of Chrislianity to natural causes, will be given by Rev. Dr. K:im.-;iy. at the M. L. church Suuday veiling next. Jos. G. Price, whose face hns been a familiar one upou our streets for many years, lias removed to Grand Riipids, together with liis famlly, where he will take up nis future abode. Treasnrer Tozer gives notice in auother column tlint he will be ai the company's omce in tlie eourt house basement on Saturday, the Otl , 12th and l'Jth of November, to pny premiums nwardcd at the county fair. In con neet un with the next ponul gical exhiblliou at the court house, on Nov. 5tli, will also be held a Chrysanthemum exhibillon, at 10 o'cluck a. in., and lastinüf uu til 5 o'clook p. m. Ladlel are especially invited to visit this display. The various fire hydrants ought to be tested every six months at least, to aseertain f thcy are all free and Hot clogged up. We are told that some of tliem have not been opened sime tlie water was !lrst turned on. lt inny prpT ¦ diastrous neglect toatfl diiy. Dr. W H. Jackson altd wife have been called upou to mourn tlie loss of their little baby boy, ba having dled yesterday mnrningof diphtheria, aged one year and four monlhs. The Doctor and family have tlie warm sympatliy of many friends in their atHiction. Rev. Dr. Steele has coinpleted liis engagements willi tlie Muuorial Cliurch of Detroit, the pulpit of which he lias mr plied for the past two mouths. Last S.ibhath lie preached for tlie Baptist church in the absence of Dr. Haskell who was in attendance at the Baptist State Convention at kalamnzoo. When achiniQey i so constiucted that about the (lrt lire built iu it set tlie house on tire, there is criminal earclessness soinewhcre, and some one, eilher the eontractor or the mason hiinself ought to be niaüe to suffer for auch work. There is too much of "1 doii't-care-a-cent, anyway-to-get it-done," feeling in the cotistruction of our buildings. Honor and honesty are at something of a premium. It may not be clearly underctood that unlers the Chamber concei ts are given we are to be without any very good music this season, as theíe are not to be given unless the subscription tickets sold cover the expense of the series. It is lioped that tiiose who have delayed sending in their Bubscriptions will do so at once. The question must be decided this week in order that tickets may be distributed before the tirst concert, Nov. 4. B. K Bruce is to deliver the fiia; lecture before the StudenU Lecture Afsociaiion on SaturJay eveuing next, hls subject being, 'The Race Problem." Mr. Bruce is oue of the foremost men of his race, and his words will be words of wisdom upon this subject which is of tuch vital interest tothe perple of this natlon. Mr. Bruce served the state of Loulsiana aa Jpenator for a term of years, and was register of the treasury under Arana He will be apt to draw a fall house. The alarm of fire last Monday morning at about 10:30 o'clock, brought a crowd at the corner of N. Main st. and Miller ave., before the ho9e carts or firemen got there. The fl unes were all tbe time eating their way into the dwelling house occupied by H. G. Snow. The crowd went to work and pretty thoroughly cleaned out the contents of the lower part of the house, and then attention was pald to tijihting the llames which, being just under the roof were hard to get at. They were flnally subdued, hut not until the building was a total wreek. The building was owned by John Beahan, and insured for $1,000, which will cover loss. Mr. Snow loses perlups $200 in household goods, uu insured. Prof. Butts of the Orchard Lake Military Academy was in town Saturday. Ile reports HhU useful institution as full and omflowiDfi He says iu order to prove the ndvantagis of Military Drill in the Physical development of the students at the Michigan Military Ac.idemy, each l)oy is weighed and careful mcasurements taken of his height, chest and arms at tlie time of his admisión, and a record uiailc. This year, at tlie end of six weeks, a sccond measurement was made with most satisfactory results; there being an average increai-e of over six xjuuds for each cadet, and a grand aggregate gain of nearly ei;ht hundred pounds of good healthy boue and muscle iu thU short me, and without a single case ofsickness. Deputy-C'lerk Watts! That docsn't sound so vcry bid, does il? The Cocker League Record will probably not be issued uutil ucxtinonth. J. M. Stalïbrd's bill board looks tuuch better than the old rubbish on the Parker lot. The tl rat snow of the seasoncame down upon us In great simpe last Friday momIng. The social meeting at the M. E. church lust Saturday evening wns a vcry plmMnl one. The two sermons of Rev. Dr. Rarnsay upon "Student Lift" were very well re. ceived. Jacob T. St Clair and Mr. Einma F. Wise were married on Oct. 18th, 18S7, by Rev. Dr. Ramsay. The wild geese have commenced making their sonthern trip, and some people predict au early winter. One bos instead of a hundred or so would make our lire department far more efficiënt. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." If the supervisors buy the wood market lot to build a barn on lor the jail, wliat will the eity do for a wood murket? What Jack did for his supper? The topic of the weekly prayer service ttiis eveninr at the M. E. church will be "Bible Study." Next week, Wednesday evening the topic will be "Family Religión." The old Fantle homestead on E. Liberty st. luis been handsomely fixed up. If you want to boom a street get DeForest on it. He will accomplish it ev ry time. The base ball cranks all went down to Detroit Monday to seo the Detroits return triumphantly as the world's champions, and beat the St. Louis ürowns in one more game. Frobably the ffrst ice of thisseason. was consumed in the Courier office this a.m. Mr. Toms brought in a large chunk, over an inch thick, made by Jack Frost last night. This is a fast age. Le Roy, the infant son of Mr. and Mr?. James M. Cook, died very suddenly Friday night last, of indigestión. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Ramsay offleiating. Hon. Thos. H. Williams of Jackson, Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Kuights Templar of Michigan, will be the guest of Ann Albor Commandery next Thursday night. His visit is for the purpose of inspeetion. There are more water takers on E. Ann gt., between División nd State sts., than on any other block in the city. The water company ought to give the conamners there a G-inch main instead of the J-lneh that thcy have. The "post ollice corner," is the pride of Ann Arbor for architectural beauty, but if appearanct'S öou't deceivc us, it will have to take a back seat when the new bank building now erecting here is complcted. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. ProaMotlag Attorney Norrl nays he Intenu lo prosecute all persons caiuhi carrying coucealed weapons, when there Is any posslblllty of couvlctlon. - Ypsllantl Commercial. The question suggests itself from reeent events, whether rn.ors can be called "conoeali'd weapons." The house of Dr. II. C. Allen on Jefft-rson st., cauxht fire last Saturday niorning at a little after 10 o'clock, and was damaged abont $;ï00 wortli. The fire resulted froin a defeetive chimney, and the house hose kept it subdued until the englnes got there. It was u very narrow escupe. Two months since the Detroit Evening News offered a pri.e of $25 to the agent throughout the ftate increasing his list the greatest number. Early Monday mortiing Will VV. Watts of this city received notice that the prize was his, and so he went down to seethe world's champlons and ex-cli:impion?, and get hls money. Charles Orr, ot Xenla, Ohio, arrivcd in the city yesterday to be associated witli S. C. Andrews in the book business. Mr. Orr bas been in the book trade for about elevr n years in Xenia, and is thoroughly familiar with the trade. He has the air of a genial, protupt anU pleasing business man, and comes to our city witli many good words of old Otilo filends. Old Bureas went ofí on a high old tear last Sunday evening, and scattered things abont lively, breaking several lights of glaM iu business houses, playing bob with electric light and telephone wires and scaring timid people out of their usual amount of sleep. As many have remsrlted, it would have been "an awful night for a fire," but the fire didn'toccur. Dr. Beakey informs us that tbere are at present only two cases of diptheria in the city of which the board of health have any knowledge, and that the reports which are circulating about the city and country that the disease is raging here, are entirely untrusfworthy and unlrue. There have been a few deaths this season, but not more than common, and every preciution possible is being taken by the board of health to prevent its spreid, and with satisfaetory results. The legislature of 1869 passed a law protecting the fish in Whitmore Lake, in this e unty; in Devil's Lake and Round Lake, in Lcnawee county ; and Brace Lake, Calhoun county. It provides that it shall not be lawful to catcli, kill or destroy (Uk with peines, nets, or any form of speurs or fire anus, in tliose bodies of wiitcr, and between the lst day of December and the Ist day of April, to fish with hook and line, or in any other manlier. The penalty is a fine of f 100 or 60 days in the county jail. Xothing makes life so pleasaut as the small change of courtesy; small attentions that oost little, but may mean much. There are letters, for example. Some cannot iffjrd any extenslve c irrespondencej postage and pper must be cousidered, with a narrow income. Hut a few words of sympathy to one in trouble; congratuhitions to a huppy one - they give so much pleasure at a small cost. Or a Btray letter of friendly import to a louely one among strangers - why, it is an event to be reiuembered. Burglars broke into the hardware store of Schub & Miiehlig last Sundav night and blew open the safe, hut by some fortúnate providence, (probably the watchman, Mr. Clark) were ecared away before getting the contenta of the safe's money diawer, some $300 or f400. This is the thir 1 time Mr. Schuh informs us that safe blowen have visited his premises. Once bcfore in his pnsent loeation, and once while witli Mr. Widenmann - where C. Kbcrbacli'a store is now located - at which time they took some $2,400. The Captain carne down town Saturday night with "blood in his eye," and DO burilar would huve cared to liaTe crosjed swords with htm at that time