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jpPRICE's CBEAM gAKlNg l'scil by tlie ("nileil sínica jOTernmeot. Knilorsed by i!' beoda "i tbeureal Uní veruit Ie :is the strongeat, Pureat, and moal iirnithrui. Dr. Prloe's tbeonl; Hiiknu Powderthal ¦ !¦ n nol eontnin Aouaonla, Llmeor Alom. Bold ouly In can .¦ ruin-: bakixg powder co„ M.W YORK. CHICAGO. ST. I.IH1IS. 1 THE CREAT Germán Remedy.ffl 1 TRUTHS FOB THE SICK-m l..r il-:itl!hT7uïUvïïn7"p!!ïïï BtHonsSpcllsdopeod foracatwhero8ix-H onsi LPBOBBrrriuu i-mit Bittkrs '"Hl it vi!l curi' yon. uot asstst or cure. ll n i, .,;.,,.,. „„i; "¦¦¦¦ g HdiattlrcilnndullKOiit1 CK-auw tlio vltintedn llli'eciiii; lf B, use i,] „hen vrai HOeM lllsri.i-iirii nm-EKS; t9 impurltlca l.urst III it ill -urr you. ngthrough the -Uinl II II o,uu-lMre , V'""'1' ¦" I;,'."V '''"IB Pïthn rníll mïi work SüLPHCR Bin KRS.M SV?ro?.rÍXd ;""' hMí w1 ío1 H llnot procure snlHcienl _____ __ _ ___ UI HexercUe.andallwfto sri.rm i; Brrri i:.-l llT''1,",""" "" " wlllcnre Llrer( m II HIshouklnseSijLPHDH .,iT„. ,,„„¦, ,„. ,Us- I ItoraitofromUheum ""J 1"lilli '"' "pan-jl atlm, use ¦ bottle of Jakeyou 8trunh';iu.ll I 8ULPHUB ltrn-KHH : 'wiltliy. II It m'vcrfailsloriirc. M.,.„,„ ;, , , Klislil pj Bon'tbewïtEouta n-MmiikeyoiirlilnodKJ J3l)OIIIi'. Tryit; yuu l'"'c, riili :ni.l stnmff.U vrill Dot regret it. nd your ilcsh lianl. III I II TTüTlüïïratT 'I'ry Si i.i'in i; 1IT- lhe.ittlif whn are nlt rERS tonlht, 'itul IDrflDdown.Bhnuldusc yoa will sleep uelllll Hl-I [ I III Ij 11! I II :ili'l l"i'l tn"I.T '¦¦¦ II IJ poyuu want 11' best Medical Work published? Seml '3 '2-oiit 8tamis to A. 1'. uitliWAY & Co, liunton, Ma--., Hinl receive a vn-, free. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH jrnSrnpñSSiFROM CHICAGO, yïïff I peoría oyC ¦flSTL0Uli áC DW" I ijll CHOICE OF lgmmji fv routes; via pTncnpSlA1 denver, llALrUnl"cGUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA, STJOSEPH, ATCHISON or KAN SAS CITY. For dates, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting Unes, or address Pau L Morton, Gen. Pass. &Tkt, Agt., Chicago, III, i gi UíIVPRSAL L".. m 1'Z1T, ÍS h -Uinilr A H-uul " Oli Bathi Rcnewtd. ? L Scnd for Circukn. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mlch, A COMPLETE AKRANGKMKNT 1"j; Phjsiciin and Families. Sfeiter ui Cheaper convenient THAT A STATION KY IÍATII TUH WJTH NO EXPENSE OF BAT1I BOOM AND FIXTUKKS. SSt-SS TutfsPl ni Imnlad s he orpid liver. slrvnirfh¦ '¦ tn '¦¦;: rs i i M.ri; u iis. ree ulule tlie !OHtK. and ure uuualeiUs su ANTI-BILiOUS MEDICINE. ín malnrlnliüslriits thelr vlr llenare iilclj reroaiHKi. iiHtbey pmsm ip. iillar,r,i.rlielnlrt.eiitftl,.,.vslein I rom 11.1.1 im.Iso.i. Kiegantlv Murar coated. Doae mnall. Prfco, aScto. Sold Everywliere. Office, 44 Murray St., Now York ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE is a guaraatee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept In all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Alway s bny thls brand In hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. 1M1-UU HU W til I I W t lid i peper, or obtain estimites on adveftising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 10 49 Randolph St, j KH A TUAIIAC theAdvvrtitingAgoncyof LUIlll tt I liUlnAOf l,rYT can Mveat horae.ftnd make more money at ¦ Mil w"rk f"r ""' 'tlHn "' Biyth'"e i-in1 1 iiiík ¦ III worid. Capital not needed ; yon are M v %J elarled freo. Both sexos ; II ases. Any one can do the work. Larjje cartiinirB snre from ílrBt start. Cogtly outfit ímd terina Tree. Bitter not delay. CoetB yoa Doihins to Bend us your ddresa and fied out; lf yon urr wlse you wlll do so at once. II. Hallett & ('o., Portland, Maine.; clasBeí wlth cmployment nt home, the whole of the time, or fortticir ppjire momentu. IlusineBe Dew ÜKbt and profliahle. Persons of either tez eaelly i-arn frum 50 to t-j.OO per evenlng, and a proportional sum ty duvntlnf; all tlieir tuno to the buatne;8. lioyn and trirls carn eam nearly as mach as men. 'l'hat all who see thls may !nd thelr addrese, and test the bualneea, we make thls offer. To uch as are not well satfpfied we will send one dollar to pay fo' the trouble of wrltlnir. Full particolar and outfit Tree. Addrsss Qeokgk Stik8oh & Co. Portland Muine. f f T T fii'iil ' ¦curra, bat thote wrio wriU te E I ¦ ntl ,, l'orltiind, Mine,willret;iT I _ I I II tur, full infi rrnnlioii about work whlch I ¦ I ihr) can do. and liveat boma,ttit will py A J JLtlJ them from K 10 $25 [r Son ha tarnrdoverfyiinadar Elltiir ez. younn orold. Capita] Bot requlred Vou areitarted frea. Tboke wbottart at onc ra atjaolutclf aare of arjutf bula fortunes. All ia Daw. 1 1 J 1 ¦ T more moncy than at any thlng else by tak 11 I 1 int mi afji'iicy furtho best selllDg book II I I nut. ll'Xinners sucrecd Kiandly. None 11 ¦X1 rail. Term free. Hallktt Book Co., Portland, Ma! nu. ¦mf niTTTÏT to be ct tnl9 out and reI Al I. y t'"1" to us, and we wlll mendyou I IU fl I irir, loisethlng of preat va luc and Importance to you, that will ¦¦ tartyoaln buelnexs whlch wlll bring you !n more mouey ri, t away tban nnytliin olseln tbls woria. Anyone Ecan do the work and live at home. Either Bei; all aires. SonictlilnB ii"w. that just colli money fnr all workers. We wlll tart you ; c.ipital no' needed. Thie Ie one of the fjenulne.iiiipoi tant chances ol a Mfetlrae. Those who are ambltlou und enterprlilu wlll not delays Address Tkue A Co., Aufusla. Malne. TH IS PAPER iï'uixv. I IIIU I #11 ¦¦¦¦ KOWELL A COS ' Newspnpor Alvi rtlslng Bureau (10 Spraca Mrri:t,,wlierMu!vT. ip lfffini# be uiaüü lor it la II kif lUflIX. I


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