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Si a TOhMniT nenr Konk'N Station, Ia., m buggy contalnln.!,' Mra Jacob Stelifus and Mía Barbara Stel .fus was struck by a traln on the 18th and both woinen wero killed. An equestrlan gtatue of General Meade was unvailed on the IStIi at Falrmount Park, Philadelphia. The military parade was of an impoaing character. Otkr one hundred persons left the vicinlty of Belplt, Wis., on the lSth tor Pasadena and Los Anjrelo-s ('al, where they would settle. lUnM.T, Lamhi.ey A ('o. 's mlllincry house, Geurge C. Vminif Jirón.' dry-jroods es tab - lishmeat and Kvcrson A ('o.'s hardware store ut Syracuse, N. ï., were dcstroyed by flre on the lHth. ïhe Iohscs agffregated TB National Rubber Coinpany of ProTidence, R L, owning the moHt extensivo factory of the kind In the world, falled on the HMhfor.ti!(M),t)(Mt. P. R Warmon, manager of the Commerclal Collectinif Agency atClncinnati, wu on the 18th found t-ilxia defanlter In the turn Of $25,000 H had ron t Cana.. . Thk eiffhth game for th'. world'a base-ball champlonshlp, played on the lHth at Boston, resulted: Detro t, ; St Louis, 2. Of the eren games to be played st. Louis must Win aix to aecure the chamjlonship. Detective Ounninoham, alieged to have been engaged in the recent murder and robbery of Kcv. Mr. Uvan, la Weit Virginia, vu lynehed on the IHth, mükinir the tiftli ylotlm of the vigilantes Thk inoHt destructivo flre known for many years was raging on the 1 Sth along the northern rldge of the Bine Mountains, near Carliulp, Fa Much valuable ttmber had been destroypil nnl the loss would be very heavy. Thk ¦tetuner City of Rio Janriro, which arrlved at San Francisco on the 18th, reported that a Chinese junk copslzed in a gquall in Jupancse waters, aml eleven of the rew of nineteen were druwaetL The President and bis party were received by Governor Gordon at the capitol In Atlanta on the JKtli, and were then driven to the expoultlun grounds at Piedïnont Park, where an address of welcome was delivored by H. W. Orady, to which the President responded. A reception took plac In the eveutug. Tm French steamshlp p.rit.iiiuia, which arriTed in New York on the lSth froni MarMilles and Naples, had four oasea of cholera on board. Thb schooner Herman Babfiou, which arrlved at (Houcester, Maas., on the lSth from (irand hanks, reported in with tha French tishlng h uop, St. Pierre iin.i fliiding ten Men drownerï in the cabiu and the vesscl lojrg--d. A BISPATCH of the lSth from Provlncetown. Masa, reporte the losa of the flshlng schooner Itebvcoa Nickerson on the hanks, witk her crew of nineteen men. All the rest of the fleet had returned safely. Foub men employed in the mines of the Hudsou Iron C'oinpany at West Stockbrldge. Masa, feil l'.T ieet down a shaft on the lKth and were fstully lnjured. Fouktkks bwinara honaes, with the potitofBce, wcre dOBtaroyed Irjr Ure at Üelweln, Ia., on the X'.Hh The new stook-ranls at Wichita, Kan., with a nnmlior of Ktreis, homes and hogs, were diwtmyed ly Hrc on the lHth. Thk lïrotlirrliood of Locoinotive Engineers met ia Chicago on the l!th in twentyfourth aiinual convention. Addresses were made by Msror l!oho. (iovernor Oglesby and (.rand ('liief Hngineer Arthur. 0 he lith two treijfht tralns collided at Woodlawn, Neb., on the Burlington road, and the cars were wreckod and took flre, belug oompletaly eonmmed The loss was heavy. AT Washington un th l'.tth the National Carriajjo Builders clecteil Hugh Johnson, of Detroit, president The ninth game of the series for the world's base-huil championship, played on the Üttli at PhilodelpMa, resulted: Detroit, 1 ; st. Louis, 2 The Uuiteil States grand jury investlgating the Fldelity Bank cuses ut t'incinnati returned indictment on thO 19th agalnst E L Harper, ten against Benjamin K Hopkius, ten against Amml Baldwin and seven against Miss .los. e Holmes, Harper'a private Becretary. E. J. W ii. buit, a prominent capltallst and politician of Winfleld, Kan., was arrested on the HUh on the confession of a negro, who saiii that Wilber hired kim to klll ¦ man named Van Cleve, who was murdered soms time ago. James Pols, aged eighty-three yeors, one of the pioneers of the Wabash valley, was killed by the cars at Wabash, lnd., on the lOth. Threb explosions of natiixal gas on the lüth at Pittaburgh, Pa, oocurrlng almost Kiinultaneouslv, purtly wrecked the Hotel Albemarie and Bijou Theater block, and shattered every window in the viclnity. A score of persons were wounded, two fatally. Thi Western l'nlon Telegraph Company on the litth notitied over two thousand einployes of the Baltliuore & Ohlo Telegraph Company that theii services would not be required after November 1. Auvicss uf the l'Jth iroiu ludían Territory say that the people of the Cherokee nation wer bolsg robbod, their huuses and stores burned and the omen and children tlred upon by a lnd of desperadoes under the lead of Bml Tralnor. At Jalappa, Pa, on the lth Henry Shaflner, geil evanty four yeais, killed hia wife, flfty-Blx yeare of ae, nd then shot hbiiJf de. il The couple were married a yekr tgo. FrvB thih-haM) shoe-inakera abandoned thebr benclies at Philadelphia on the 19th, and the proprtetors of twenty-four factories paiil off thelr hands, the employers turning the strike into a lock-out The President was driven to the Expositlon gromulK st Atlanta, on the 19th and went throngh the dfsagreeable task of revlewlng a procession in a pourlng rain. In the evening a public reception was held at the Kxecutive mansion. The general astemblr of the Knight of Labo at Mlnneapolls udjourned ite die on the lïHh. G. C. Flora, of 'aniphellsvllle, Ky., the champion iuail eater of America, coinmenced on tho 1 ttth the foat of euttng one bnndred quail in tifty consecutivo daya It was announced on the 1 tth thai all of the Western roads had agreed to make a uniform rate of two centa a mile on twothousanil-inlle tickets, rotainlng the two and one-half-cent rate on the thousand-mlle tickets. A stobm in Louisiana on the lOth leTcled all the sugar-eanc between Morgan City and ew Orleans. In the latMr city houses, enees and trees were blown dowu and many of the streets were inundated WriiJAM Walier, importer of dress trlmnings at New York, falled on the 19th for S125.000, due princlpally to Kuropean Inns. Am Eaaton (Pa ) manufacturei ha ving purchased the land about Hutchlnson, Kan., ivhere salt has been fonnd in large quantlies, on tho lOth forwarded machinery for mlning it SQUATTtni ren flockin; to Fargo on the 2Otti U tile claims opoa Indemnlty land thttt bad been deolared opm to srttliimont. The Nntional eonvcnUoii OÍ iiiploying printers, ho'cl in ChloafO, adjimmcd on the L'Otii without baring oometo sny aettuiant of thn n ne-hour d sputn. uncí ft, was thouRht probable timt rfoYámbet 1 would be the baglnntng of a gonnral lock-out or strik In tin' 1ih ])rintlnf establishment of all tho principal .-lies of thn l'nlttfid States. In Chicago "" -ottl Judïe Jamtaion overruled tb motton for a DM trial in the "boodle" connt.v coniiniHiuunHrit lw, and the slx men wou'.d have to go to the penitentlary fox fcWO vrais each. Aktkii OOfrylog out the iiKiial progjnMHM atMontgoinnry, Al., on 'JOtti tlio Presldent and his party started on tholr return to Washington. A FIBE on the 20(4) In San Francisco de¦tmyrd the Fulton Iroa worka (loss, #200,000), and the California car wmks (loss, $50,000). Dn. NonviN Oreen on the 20 th denlcd the atory that two thoiiRand Baltlmore k Ohlo telegraph eraployei wem t UediHuharged. Colonki. H. A. ItoènWMMV, president of theMemphls Joekay OWh, iell dead In the olub-houso on the -'0(h ft r th second race. ItATN 1 UieNt. I.oui.s Detroit game of hall at Washington on the 2th for the world's ohamplonsblp. It wan entimated on tliB 'JO h that the yield of wheat tn M clitgan wwild reach L'-.Kir, l.'i:l liush'-K PotatoeH were acout one-third of a erop, anl wintar applea onehalf an averajfo oxoji Nkab Itonon, J ml , on the '_'0tli a chlld of ]oeeph Clearr waa turn to ilwith by a ehepherd doj. The little lellow was caresning the aniniiil. whiih sudiienly Bpranff at hin lineal anl killiil hiui lpfor help could arrive. Thk Excelsior ReAntHR fTiiiMfiailj of Olerelnnd, ()., falled OU the '-'Otli tor .flL'..lKK). Near (rcor's, S. C. f reijfht aud pasgengcr trains collided on the 'JOth. and thoensrlneer of ÜM waaMinjrrr and a woman were killed and Umi persona were wounded, of whom four or tlvo wre not expeotetlto gurYive. I'"bakz Mikhof, a mninlxr of an Anarchist clnb which had been maklng a liviujf by ottüijf ftr; to properQr h Ni Vork City for the pnrpoKp of gTttinsf the insiirunoe money, was found (fullty on th; 'JIH.1l Kobert (oi;k, a pr(Hp"Min Ncbraska farui'T, va.s wntcn.cii ut Naahville, I1L, on the '_'ot li to fuiuteen years' luiprisoument for a murdor coinuiltted twenty years a(fa A inccnillai y tire on the 20Á at Marinette, W,s , destrojted loiiy buUdinft in the buslncKs portioa of the olty, entailinj a loss of f350,000. Tiihek coaches of the Ches:ipeake A Ohlo fast expreaa were thrown trom tlio track at 8t Albans, W. Vil, on the ÜOth. The cars were flllrd with jiassonüors, twenty -slx of whoin wore lnjuivd, inur probably fatally. Spbinikieli), Mo. adopted local prohibltlon on the líOtli by a majorlty of 250 votes. The eleotion was hotly conteeted and ladicK workel earnest y ngalnüt the llquor traftic. Captain Mathiam OaeHi mie of the oldest settlerH of MfnneHota, luinud bungelt' at hin home at WhiHted on the 'JOth. It was thought exipsslve drink ng lod tothe act Woodmax, Truk & Co., jolilier In dry goods at Portland, He., f'iilnd on the 20th for 9300,000. Whii.k Ihraihlnx on tbe '_'oii naat l'astor, Nob., with a Hteatii OttWÊÜtet, the entine burst, killinif Mi ban Hodifarn, the owncr ot the mneliiiii', and ïlunuw ('rane, ons of th hands. Michaei. Myers. an employé at one of the Brler Hill (O.) fnrnaoea, was at the topraaking repairs on the L'Oth when a puff of pas stuplfled him, and hc feil into the furaace and was cremati 1 Aloso the New Kii_rlnnl optut a terrible storm rujred on the Utat, mul uianv vessels were drivcn intn hnrlmr for sht-ltor, having suft'ered mine or Icsh scverely. Application for a writ of error and stay of proceedlnfTH in the Gkloam Anarchkits' casa was made before the Uuited States Supreme ('ourt at Washington on the 21st The managers of the Alpha Oil Company, the yonng rival of the Standard Oil monopoly, made au assignmeut at Detroit on the üist. ItK capital was 96,000,OM Ovkh s;x inclips of suow feil on the 21st at Bessemer, MiolL , aud at Hale's Corners and Mugkego, in Wisconsin. The PresldentlaJ party, en route for Washington, stopped for one honr on the '2lst at Asheville, N. CL, and then procjeded on thelr journey home. By the explosión of a boiler on the 21st at Lincoln, Neb., Charles Thomas waa killed and two other inen were fatally scalded. Hox. Nate Fbedebicks, of Findlay, O., and two of his chiUlrcn died on thuülst from the effwets of pai'U green taken with cabbaga Min. Fredericis and two other chlldren were dying. Andbew Flkminu (oolored) was nanged on the 'lal at Tallulah, Lil, lor the uiurdei of Demp Benyon. The inayorof Tampa, Fla,, on the 2 Ut sent out an appeal for aid In behalf of the sufferere from yellow fever in that city. Fbom the report on the 21st of Governol Chnrch. of Dakota, it apjiears that during the last Bix yearB over iifty-three million acres of land in the Territory have been entered. The pojnilatlon Is estlmated at DG8.477, the inorease during the last year being 6U,0OO. Thk boiler of a portable saw-mill at West Brownsville, Pa., exploded ou the 21st with terrino forcé. Two brothers, John and Williain Kelly, and a man named McCanii, were instantly killed. Buit on behalf of the United States waa Im'k uu at New York on the 21st against the trii-ti't-s of Trinity Chnrch for lui port Ing, under contract to preach, Kev. E. Walpolè Warren, in vlolation of the Contraet-Labor law. Therk were 1 72 business fallures in the United Ktates during the seven days ended on the 21st, against IK) the previom seven dya The tf-ntli garae of the ohampionshlp series played on the mornlng of the ülst at Washington, reeulted: St Loul, 11; Detrolt, 4. The deciding game was played at Baltiuiore in the afternoon, the Detroits winning the world's chauiplonshlp by a score of 13 to i. In the eleven games played Detroit secured 88 runs and the 8t Louis Browns 33. The Amcri;au Slii]iing and Industrial League met on the 2 Ut at Boston, ten States bing representad. Speeches were made by Senator l'rye and Hon. Nelson Dingley, of Maine, who advocated better protectlon of our foreigu carrying trade, nd that a portion of the Treamiry surplus be nsed to pay for sailing uieruhant ships under the Ainerican rtag. John Dickerson, a well-icnown capitallst of Los Angeles, Cal., was killed in Mexico on the 2 lst by bandits. On the 21stThlrd Assistant PostmasterGeneral Harris said that untll otherwlse ordered the sendera of third-clas mail oould use euveloiH! on which their business canls are printed. Petboi.eum was süuok on the 2 Ut at HutchhiHon Kan , at a llntaneo of H 20 f eet Onlya short time sjro large deposita of salt were dUmiTciwl lu thut locality. Ten vuluable horst wcre.barMd to clenth on the 2 lst In a Ure neax I'ona du Lac. Wis. Al) tic of tfie 21rt report a dtiapemtñ erfoounter betueen Bud rralner'H gan oí outIhwr and a vfg. lance eommlttea led by Kobert Handerson, on the north fork of tho Arkanfus rive.r. IihIíhm TTtÍttry BttM f the vigilante were killed mnl a like íiuiilbcr werp leiiomdy yóiinded Tho outlaws lost H f teen nien F. J. McKnhii!-. . who ml forim-rly ii !:' ner of Mnckuy, the milllonuire, and one of thi' nioHt prominent men on the l'aclflo coast, appeared l.rfore the vMIjm of Ht. JoBeph, Mo., on the. 'JlHt, in a. punniloís . ¦on dltloD, ml b' ¦itifvd rallroad ]uss to Kuiisus City. p PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thk SepublioApi of the Hixth dtHtrlot of LoulRlana on the 2Oth nomlnnt-d Jurtge John Yolst for CongreHHman. It was tated on tha 20th thnt Bjrtley Campbell, tho plnywrlirht, was hooii to be released from tÖs Middletown iinviiim. He wan reoovermir his reason. Thk Loulsiana Democratie State couveutdon wlll be héW it liatón Jtoníre January 10. The Oeorgln ï.-gHrtntnru udjom-ned on tho 2ltafter a fonr-Mionths' seKiion. Of all the public uuwun'H iliMciiHM-d none ware ilually adopted. Daniel Tine, of Puw Paw, 111., who wal born in 1 7Htl, dlcd on the 'Jlut KOREICIr!. Details on Ue IHthof the recent disastrou tire at Haiikow, Chlua, give the numkor of llves lot au one thonsund, umi liio ralue of the pioimrty destroyed uttoat and whore t 3,0OP,SO9 uipIh. Socialist nt Borne, Hwitïerlanil, adopted rcsoluUons on tho lstli protoHtii ufolnst the execution of tho ('hltago Anarchiuta Thb Leliic Diücount l'ompany, a bonklug-honse at U-ipsic, liMinany, wltli a capital of !,0M.(00 luarkH, falled on the 18th In conscíjuence of unlawful peuulatlon. Adv:ceh of the 18th say conflict between the pólice aiul nnemployed worklngmen were of dally occurreuce In Ix)ndon, and that the moi)B had uocefully realsted gqnada of iuointB(l pólice in Hyde Park. In a í.powh on the 1 Sth at Nottln(fhara, Enz., Mr. Gladutono Mid that ooerolon wa dtrected, n-it ajjiiinni rrinn-, bilt ngmluit the people of beland couiblulnif to preserve their intcivsts, anl thit t'.ic who'.e Bystem Of (tovrrnmpiit in' Irclnnd reqnired to be thorouRhly rforinf d, root and jranch. SevLBAL perMonki were injurttd on the 1 i'lh In a fitfht betwepn the polioe anJ the unemployed working:-nien in IiOndon. A London Btock-broker nanied Falrbaln abscondeil ou the 1 !l!i, leartug debt to th amountof HilX,(MM). Skvers snow-storm were iircvailing on the lfth tliroujhout Italy. In many places the erop had beeu seriously injured and cattle severely f bitten. A hurricane Ttelted Venice, unrooflng many houses and dolng much daraage. Thb steanior Oreat Kasteru w ib boM at auotion in Loiidon on the Jülh for ijilün,000. Thb district of Roqnl, Hayan, was floodod on the üoih by spring whlch had eppeared there. Extens ve cane fields were submcrjfi'd and the water was ristn Chief Juhtr'E Lkwis, of Munltoba, died ou the ÜOtli at Winulpeg, aged ¦eventy-one yean, after u Nhort illiies-i Deceased wa Sakur of the Dominion l'arllament in lh:i. Off Beachy Hcad, Australia, a collision occurred on ilu; 'Müi between the stoamer ITpupa and the bark rianter, and only two of the crew of the bark Hurvlred, eleven persons belng drowned. Thk steamer Cheviot was wrecked on the 20th at Fort Philip. Australia, and many of the passenger were drowned. Advtces of the 20th report unnsually cold weather in (ierThKrtT for tMa time of year. Several persons had lx?en frozen to death while sleepinjf in the opeu air at ('arlsruhe, Crefeld and other placen Excavations in Jerusalejn, on jround belonglng to the üussian (Inveiument, rcsultedontheUlst in tho diHcovery of the remaim of the ancient town wall and the posltion of the gates of the town during tho llfe-time of the Saviour, and through whlch he passed to Golgotba. Repeated riots coiiHtraiiifd the mayor of London on the 2 lat to cali a meeting to discuss mensures for alding the u&employed workiug-men in that city. IJITER NEWS. Hon. Euhd B. WiBHBORNK died on the fternoon of the 22d, of congestión of the hoart, at the resldence of hls son in Chicago, aged seventy-one yearg. He was a noember of Congress from 1852 untü 1809, and was Seoretary of State In President Graut's Cablnet for a short tiine, and afterward Minister to Franco for nine reara The business porton of the town of Murrayvllle, HL, was destroyed by flre on the i.'2d. The statue of Abraham Lincoln wai unvalled on the 22d at LÍnooln I'ark, Chicago, by a grandfon of President Ijncoln, and a large crowd was present to view tho ceremony. A TERRmr gale prevalled on the 23(1 on lakes Huperior and Michkran, and several vesgols were wretked, but uo loss of life was reportad Fbancis Mvrpht, the noted temperance vorker, roinin nced a series of meetings In Chicago (in the 33d A KiKL in Sc. LouU ou thf L'L'd whlch broke out ín the wholesalü boot and shoe establishment of Wooiman, Todd ('o., coneumed swveral laijje bniiem housea, oaushig a loss of $.(l,oo). Ths Presidentlal party arrived safely at Washington on the mórnmg of the 22d. London ndvlces of the 22d say that the town of Ket il, iu l'.iuliarea, (eiitral Asia, had been destroyed by ftre, and half its lnliabltant were mraed to death. HouuGits attacked a stage-coach on the 22d at ürdding, ('al, and killed V. T. Henderson, a iirominent resident of Adin, Cal. J. O. Frexoh, miyor of Maxwall, Ia., was Phot dead in his offl.-e ou tlu: 22d by I'erry Aokeis, a wor hleas fellow, who afterward kille. 1 lihnself No oaüse was known for the crime. Heavy nvnrJtnnam om'nrrsd on the 2:id In portions of IillnolK, Imva, WUcouxin and Minnesota. Mrs. Sarah Ki.i-ck. famillarly known as "Qrandina Klinck," died on the L'2d at her home iu Princevllle, 111., at the advanced age of 101 yenrs 1 1 months and 28 daya B. F Jones, chairmun of the National Republican Coinmitt'M', (Ksued a cali on the22d fox a meeting at New Vork ou December 8, to flx the date and place ai the next National IlepuMiran convention. Vrt tho explonion on the 2,'td of the steamlaunch Mary, in N(?w Vork, two mn were tilled and were seriunsly injured. Amkr Ghei:n, iu cused of the abduction and niurder of Litvlla MjèKbitt, was taken rrom the at I.-I))hl, Ind., on the'_'2d and lynohed. Jnst hefore h'n dpnth he protested his innoceuce and decUu-eil that the girl was BtUl alive. The KfiiH!it-KMi:il ri'purtMreecntly pnhlished of cmel evictiouK l.y ISritisli land owners in [owa were dealed on the '_'2d At twentv-stx leading clearlng-houseg In the United stat' the exch.Anjje.s during the week ended on the -'2d aggregated $1 109 - 003,42:j, agatu(l,(hi;,:i(H,Hi:i the prevlons week. As oompard with the correBpondine wnek of lssti, the ineroase ninounts to il H ler nent


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