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A Scientific Fact

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"Royal" the only Baking Powder Free from Urne and Absolutely Pure. Linie is the serious defect found in most of the cream of tartar baking powders. As a matter of fact, chemical analysis luw found it in all sncli powders except the "Royal." lts píeseme is causeil by the use of adulterated cream of tartar in the eiïort to reduce their cost of production. Lime adds to tlie weight, while it detracta from the strengtli of the baking powder. It also renders the food less wholesome, giving rise to dyspeiia and kindred ailments. Baking powders containlhg lime produce less leavening gas, and therefore in use are more expcnsive than a first-class, pure article. The Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar that is first specially refined and made chemically pure. No tartrate of lime or other impurity can íind its way into the ' Rnyal," and to thia fact its great superiority in strength, whol soiiicncss and keeping quality is due. All this iidds greatly to the cost of manufacturing the Ubyal liakinu Powder, but as all iis ir.gredients are selected and jinjian.l uiih the sanie precise care and regardless of labor or expense, u article is produced that i.s free from every extraneous substainc -"absolutely pure." Nor does it contain any ingredients exeept tliose necessary to make a pure, wholesome and perfect baking powder. Prof. McMurtfie, late chemist in chief to the U. S. Dejartinciit of Agricultura, after analyzing the cream of tartar used bj the varimis baking powders of the market, reported as follows: I have cxainiiied the cream of tartar mamifactured for and used bv tlie iioval Haking Powder Company in their baking powilur. and lind it to be perf(;ctlv pure and free from linie in any i'onn." Prof. Love, who made the analyses of baking powdei-s for tlie N. V. State Board of Health, as well as for the Government, (¦¦rtitirs to the mrity and wholesomeness of the Royal. Dr. E. H. Bartiêy, chemist of the Brooklyn, N. Y., Department of Health, says : " I luive recently analyzed samples of the Rojal Baking Powder purchased by myself in the stores of this city, and find it fioe from lime in any form." Uiead. cake. liiscuits. etc, irepared with Royal Baking Pu wier, will be lighter, sweeter and more wholesome than if made with any uther buking powder or leavening agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
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