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The Old Spirit Still There

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M acon.Ga., Oct. 27.- Last night a great torchlijrht demonstraron occurred in honor of Jefferson Davii. Gen. Henry Jackion, ex-minister to Mexico, in his speech to the veterans yesterday said : Confedérate Vetebans. - There stands upon the soil of Georgia the distinguished Mississippian who, wtthin llie life of the present generation, was the so-called traitor, leader of a so called lost cnuse. We, confedérate veterans, relict of the armies which fought for that cause, are here to meet him, to move before him - !n pride and pomp of no Homan triumph, it is true, but bending our necks to no Roman yoke of suhjection. By invltation of the state of Georgia, seakliL through her duly empowered official?-, all have come. Benold majestic tin tli revealing herself. State sovereignty is not dead. Georgia ii a sovereign still, and calis upon her people to glory with her to day. Her glory is in lier history. Her history is the memory of her dead; and tbis day is eonseerated to her confedérate dead. They were .guilty of no Ireason to her. To w-hom, then, could they be traKors? Where shall we seek thelr higher sorereign ? Shall we lind him in the federal constitution ? Then there was a sovereign smitten to earth by traitor hands, trampled in the dust by traitor fret, but the hands and the feet were not tlieirs. Do we hold that the men who fought againsttbem were traitors f Not at uil. They, too, were loyal to their soverelgn. The world has been told that the people of the south made the war to perpetúate African plavery. Th's is false. They did not créate, institute, nor do they now wish to restore it. Red wilh the blood of confedérate héroes, moist with the tears of confedérate widows and orphans, eastward shall the principie we tought for continue to rol 1, carrying with it the blessed light of Christian civilization all round the globe, and so surt'ly as it moves it shall bring the day of triumph. Iu tbat triumphal procession Abraham Lincoln shall not move as the rightful president, but Jefferson Davis, the socalled traitor, leader of a so-called lost cause. We, as confederates, can echo from our hearts the patriotic cry of Webster, the great. "Thanks be to God that 1, too, am an American Citizen." But if the so-called new south be a base surrender of the oíd, a false confesf ion, meanly false, of shaiue in our dead, which none but the silliest fooi can honestly feel, tben, with all ot the power giveu to us by the God of Truth, we cry: "Avaunt, false south. Avaunt, rotten trunk upon a cursed root, thy fruit must turn to ashes." Yesterday everywhere throughout the city confedérate flag9 were flying, but still the leading and the thinking people here say that it means no disloyalty to the union; that it isonly a last farewell to the old man who must soon leave this world and to the cause these people fought for under him. The especial feature of the celebratlou was the review of the confedérate veterans by their old president. Mr. Davis, tvith ti is family and a number of Georgiana, was at Capt. Johnston's house. The procession was too large and enthusiastic to come in at the gates, but swarmed over the fence and filled the entire front lawn. Every fellow was pushing to get nearer to the porch, and every voice was shouting "Hurrah for Jeff Davi." What the crowd wanted was to see Jeff Davis himself, touch him, if poasible, and to worsbip at hls feeC. Mr. Davis, whose 79 years hare left him in a very feeble state, mde desperate effort to shake hands over the porch ralllng wlth everybody whom he could reach. Somc of the men who were strong enough to keep the otfoerg awny stood and held the thin, pale hands to their lips and wasln-d them with tears. Long-haired, unkept oid fellows crawled right upon the shouldert of the men in front of them, and piled over their heads regardless of everything hot their one purpnse of touching the hand of Jeff Davis. Thev scrambled Bnd fought and yelled tili bedlain must Iiave seenied a dense sllence beside them. Yet, even then the enthusiasm was not at ts heigbt. It was not until somobody hunded the ragged battle fliig of the third Georgia regiment over the heads of tlie erowd that the storm blew the worst. Mr. Davis grasped the tatters of the fliig and pressed them to his lips. This was the signal lor the most violent breaklng forth. The air was full of such expressions as "God bless Jeff Davis " "God bem tlie flag;" and kindred sentiments. Men in the crowd below and men and vromen on the porch broke down under the straln put upon their emotlons, and in a moment the entire multitude was in tears. The old confedérate president waved the battle torn ensign over the heads of the people who yelled and threw their hats away and cried like so many children. Mrs. Davis and her two daughters kissed the flag In turn and for each kiss 5,000 huzzas went up. Mrs. Davis at last tore off a shred of the flag and placed it wlthin the bosom of her dress, whereupon a perfect pandemonium of "God bless jours," and similar ehouts was let loose. When the flag was handed back to the multitude, the men snatched all available tutters and pressed them warmly to their lip?. Prctty soon Mr. Davis rose, and faclng the people in the attitude of n speechmaker, munaged tinally to bring about a lull, In which he was heard by the very nenrest ones to say : Friends and Bbothers. I am like the old flag tattered and torn by storms and years. I love It for lts own sake and for yours. I love it as a momento of what our forefathers did and what they hoped you would do, I will see you again. At this point another flag- one of the oíd original flags, witli the three bars anc eleven stars- was passed up, and Mr Davis and lús entlre family kisscJ and wept over lt. Presently Gov. Oordoii beKan a spcecli, and undcr oover of this Mr. Davia was driven to the fair grounds, where there was a repctition of the scène atCapt. Johnston's house. Several badges werc presen ted to Mr. Davia and bis daugliters, bearing conspicuously on thelr faces confedérate ÜagB and printed sentiment;!, of which the followinjr from the badges presented to Mr. Davis by the youag men's veteran assnclntion is au example : While the survivors of the confederacy do honor to theirchieftian, wo, their sous remembering your faithfulness to and suflfcrings for them, join our hearts with theirs In gratltude and together pledge you oternal love. Our praycr isthat God, wbo has beenjust, mayRtill care tor you, and when the end comes crown you with glory that never fades in a cause tliat oever dies. When Mr. Davis received this badge from the hands of Congrnssman Rlotnit's son, he wept llke a chlld and 3aid . My young countrymen, I am proud to know that you hold in reverence the memory and principies of your fathers.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News