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The governor of our state has set aside ...

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The governor of our state has set aside Thursday, Nov. 24th, as Thanksgivlng Day. Every day sliould bc n thanksgivIng Oay in thls countiy wliere prosperity reigns so uninterruptedly. . The board of supervisors act upon miijlit, not right. They hare the city in their power and they use t without any compunction. How long wlll it be at the present rate before all the taxos wlll be paid by the cities ? The Manistee Deniocrat, of which Henry G. Wanty is the editor and proprietor, comes to our table looking neat and tasty, and wlth columns well filled with good live readlng matter. Henry will give the people their money's worth, every time. It pays to be brave down In Texas. J. E. Smith, an express messenger who shot two train robbers who attempted to rob nis car, has been paid $2,000 by the state of Texas, as a reward, and the express company proinises him $2,000 more and the railroad company $1,000. Under the new law corporatious not filing their annual reports with the sccretary of state, are liable to a fine of $5 per day for each day that business is done until the report is liled. If enforcod, thi8 law will make more work for the supervisors who are to collect the game. A newspnper man in Kansas sends for a copy ot Dr. Chase'a Receipt Book, and adds : "An editor is somewhat liable to have use for a recipe for a broken head or a skiuning, and I would like to have such a book at hand." Now if all editors were as sensible as this one, how inuch sufferisg they might save themselves. The k I(1k and their larlaU wlth a few hltehlng posta topperate on ooostltute the iiialn excitement slnce the advent of the cowboys here. Tbey hould be flogged and sent home or to Borae back street to opérate.- South Lyon Excelsior. Oh I p8haw ! Were you not a kld once yourself? Don't forget that the boys must have amusement, and what Imrin is there in lassoing hitching posts? Woman's spliere is certainly widenlng, for there is scarcely an avenue either In trade or in the learned professions that is not open to them. Mrs. (or Miss) Martha Strickland, formerly of 3t. Johns now a lawyer in Detroit, is chalrmnn of the coinmittee of the Wayne coiinty bar to examine cnndidates for admission. The Canadians are already whlning over the prospect that the Fisherles Conimission will not award them the big end of the bargain in settling the fisheries dispute. They can rest ussured that the United States has a guardián Angelí on that commisslon, and if the Canadians and Britishers get the start of him it will be against bis record, that'g a)l. It is all ritclit for the Southeruers to make a big hullabaloo over Jefif Davis, and talk grandly of the "lost cause," and wave the confedérate bloody shirt, but it will not do for a republican paper up noriu io meiiuon me inci urne mtrc was a rebelllon in this country a quartcr of a century or so ago. Any reference to the G. A. R. boys even, is wavins the bloody shirt. A Casa City lover who went ovor to marry a HuroD county glrl the other day was bo rattled by the law's stern reallty wheu be applled for hls Ucense that he forgoi the glrl's name and was obllged to go out on the street and look up some one who knew her before he could flnlsh hls llttledlcker wlth the county clerk. - Caro Jeffúrsonlan. If he starts out that way, what will he do by and by when a list of eight or ten household articles are given liim to remember as he starts off down town ? The poor fsllow is to be pitied. As a Irustling, wide-awake town, St. Louis, in this state takes precedence. Within the short space of three days an $8,000 electrlc light company was organized, oflicers elected, the entire capital stock pa!d in to the treasurer, the franchise granted, f5,000 worth of electrical machinery ordered, poles bought, 6tone and brick bargained for and work begun on the building. If there is any place in the state that can beat that record where is it? Boys should learn that the destrnctio n of property Í8 not fiin, and that the laws of this country are formed for the pur pose of protecting people In tlieir property rijht8. We are led to remark tliis from the reckless destruction of fencef, walks etc, last Monday eveuinij, Hallowe'en. The noise and the racket people can put up with, although there are instances in which this is not pleasant, but the wanton destruction of property ie gomething that should be eftVctually stopped. Ypsilanti Is not one of the towns tuat Is colng to boom. It it booming. TheYpllanilan man figures tliat the value of the building enterprise begun thls year Is ?192,010.- Ypsllanti Commercial. The boom can't be in Mr. McCormick's district, which was reduced $5,000 on the equalization report, while Mr. Yost's district waB rniscd only f 100,000 ; making a net increase for the city of 95,000, not one-half the above claim. Here in ' Ann Arbor the supervisors salted the city over a balf milllon, which is more than i doublé of the wlldest claim for i ments. Verily, the supervisors look ' through the magnlfyiug end of the gluts ] npon Ann Arbor's iniprovements and I turn it the other woy In looking upon i improvements in other parta of the t ounty, so that thcy appear very small. 8 Villajes that have doublcd in wealth in { the past few yeara (Chclsea for instance) c are lowcrcd ! Ilarper's Weekly of Oct. 29th has a serie -s of caricatures giving the "Impressions of our Base Hall Artist," which are pretty good, evcu if it does crodlt tlio I'ctroits with tlie bij; hcad. Tlie Detroit Free Press claims that the Michigan (republlcan) club banqueted our fi'llow-townsinan Dr. Ilcidinnn, in groat shapc the other nlplit. Glad to learn tlmt the Dr. gets back nto the foltl wheii away from home, if not always thcrein at home. After reading an article in another column, taken from the Chelsca Herald, in reference to the secretaryship of the county board of school examiners, the query sutrgests itself : Hae not the Herald out ofi' its supply of Probate oflice pap by its bold, bad words? By good rights Dr. C. C. Yeamans, the republican nominee for mayor of Detroit, ought to be elected. It is strange leadership that will nllow an important momination to be kicked and cuflfed about for weeks ahead of the convention, and Dr. Yeamans ig a brave man to accept it. Here's hoping he may be elected. The National Republican Commlttee will meet at the Arlington House, in Washington, D. C, Dec. 8th to fix,the date and place of holding the next National liepublican Convention, whose business it will be to nomínate the next president of the United States. No more 1200,000 curs or cyelopedia speeches. The verdict of the jury in the trial of Dr. Waite, of Brlghton, for the murder of Ida Loe, will bc hailed as a return to reason of jurors in murder cases. The verdict was guilty of rnanslaughter. During last week there wcre three convictions for murder in the state. It is probable that a few more convictions, and less attention paid to tcchnical creep-outs will have a wholesome effect upon murderera In Lliis state. There is to be a joint meeting of the Michigan Ilorticultural Society, and the Michigan Hee-Keepers' ' Association, at East Sügiuaw, on DecemberG, 7, 8, fl and 10, This session is held on invitation of the Business Men's Association, of East Saginaw, and all interested in horticulture or bee keeping are invlted to be present. A line exhibit of products and appliances will be made. An excellent program luis been arra'iged. The Ypsilantian gives our nuinerous eyed neighbor the following send off: "The publishers of the Ann Aibor Argus, theleading democrat paper of the couaty, have a proper appreciatlon of the fitness ofsome thinjis. They offer the Argus for one dollar and a half per. yoar, in advance, and ngree to Bend witli t a neutralizer in the way of a book tlmt gives a list of antidotes for all kinds of poisons. You pay for the dlsease and the cure isthrown In free." Tlie Democrat s "man About Town " picks up some pretty good polnts occasionally, of whlcli the fbllowirig ib not the least important or inie. Why not do it ? : ' It is well known that thousands of dollars are taken out of tliiscity every year by the different InarMM eomptnies, all of which could be kept II home, if a nmnberof cntrrpiisiiifrcitizons would organizo a compwij l.ere. It is admitted that Ann Arhor is one of tlie Incklest places In the coun'iy, aud wMb our present system of watc r works, a tire could gain but littlo beadWiiy bifore being extloffuUhed. Of conrse I am aware that there would be a good deiil of kickin on tlie part oT oertalo ients who inake a living in tlie insurancu buciueH, but let thcui kick." The Ann Arbor Courikr, Is selzed wlth the "grpe vine twist'' In both legs and Is very angry, because the democratie dof supervisors, falled to dieet at least one republlcan to lx; ii superintendent of the poor. l)()U't healyoursystem Detsbbor. It breeds humors In the blood.- Adrián Press. A post offk-e seems to be a wonderful balm tú the feelings of our Adrián brother. It has quieted him down and mide hlin as calm and lamb-like as rouge on an old maid's face, or sootbing syrup to a babe. Tlie once roarin üon roars no more; the flerce lynxeyes have lost their savage grandeur; tlie keen stilottbpointed pen th.u he was wont to use against the "rascáis in power," lias been exclianged tbr au old stub that runs over the errors, wickedness and chlcanery of the "rascáis" now in office, even íir electricity over a copper wire, propelled by a double-jointed dynamo. The change is trooderfall Wonderful


Ann Arbor Courier
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