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And Nearer Still!

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1 hrough f Mentís In the city we learned of the striking of gas on Mr. KawBon'g farm. in Bridgewater. It wm struck by the Pruddeu Bros., of Chelseit, while boring H well for water, and was a surprit to all conctroed and, withal, an opcration of mucli interest. Furtuer details are as fullows : Mr. Rawson wa9 boring for water and the drill, which was down about 180 feet, had been working in solid rock for days, having pierced t 22 feet. Jnst before the gas was dlscovered, a rumbling noise was heard in the iron tubing with which the well is cased and everybody feit ceituin that water liad been struck. The noise would Increase until it deepened into tilmost a roar, and then it would recede into the depths of the earth, only to again to approach the surface. The lead was lowered Into the pipe and, as had been suspected, the noise was found to becaused by tuerushit'g of the water, and the worknien deeided that its cccentric action was due to the fuct that they had not yet cleared it by mean y of the sand pump. It was determined to pump it out at once, and in preparing tp do so, Mr. Rawson detected a rush of what he thouyht air out of the well. The man who ran the drill sujfgestid gas, but as he had never before struck any, dld not really believe that he !iad found it this time. However, Mr. Raupon, although he thought himsclf foolUh, lield a match to the pipe. An explosión and a roar followed that were heafd for a long dlstaDce, and for a few moments there was a lively race among the men to see wlifch could get the farthest away from the blazing well. The llame rose to a height of nbout 10 feet and then dropped down to 2 fVer, and then rose and iell with the ebb and tlow of the water in the well. The blaze was finally smothered with some difflculty at 11 o'clock at night; but it is Mr. ÚawsonV intention to push deeper in the hope of gettlng a bigger ilow. He may a'so torpedo the hole. Mr. Rawson is a well-todo and intelligent farmer. We understand that one of our eminent citizens says tliat the booming furul of f5,000 id a "boodle fund," and clearly unluwful nul iinconstituüoiial. As this same, e. c. uot only npproved of the $5,000 givcn to the M. C. R. R. Co., after giving the said company a riglit to closa and bridge streets that was wonh thouaand of dollars to it, the present cry of 'boodle" is ut k-ast a trifle inconsistent. If thisis "boodle" o was that. If this Is unconstitutional so was that. Any man who is constaiitly suspicionlng the motives of otben will bear watchini liimself. Thert is no doubt bot tbaJ one or Iwo "boodle" sclirmos have beeu workèd ;hroug:h the coiricil, but not tliroiigli this Muncil, or through the Itusiiiess Men'g ssochition eltber,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News