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Salt Rheum Tho agonies of those who suffer from scvere salt rlieum are indescribable. The cleansing, healing, purifying influences of Hood's Sarsaparllla are unequallcd by any other medicine. "I take pleasure In recomraending Hood's fiarsapariüa, for it lias dono wonders íor me. I had salt rhcum very sevcrely, affecting me ovor ncarly my cntlre body. Ouly thoso who havo suffered from this discaso in lts worst form can imagino tho extent of my affllction. I trlod many medicines, but failed to receivo benefit untll I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Theu tho diseaso bogan to subside, tho Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am cntirely f ree from tho disoase. My blood sceins to be thorooghly purifled, and my general Iiealth is greatly benefitcd." I.ïma.v Allen, Bexton N. E. Church, North Chicago, 111. " My son liad salt rheum on hls hands and tho calves of hls legs, so bad that thcy would crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Sarsaparilla and Is cntirely cured." J. B. Stantou, Mt. Venion, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was Berlously troubled with salt éieum for three years, and recelvlng no benefit from medical treatment I decidcd to try Ilood's Sarsaparilla. I am now entlrely cnred of salt rhcum; my weight has increased from 108 lbs. to 135." Miis. Alice Smith, 8tamford, Conn. If you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has eured many others, and will MM you. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldruRgisU. H;ixfor8S. Preparad only by C. 1. 1I00D & CO., Apothocarie, Lowell, Maa. IOO Doses One Dollar Estáte or Walter II. Kendall. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw s. At a sesslou of tho Probate Court for the Oonnty f Waxhtcnaw. holden at the Probate Office In the city of Anu Arbor, on Wedneday, the 2d day of November, in tte ycar one thousand elilit mndred and el?hty-soven. Present WllllimJD Harrlmarj, Juüge of l'robate. In the mattur f the estáte or Walter H. Kendall, dceased. Moees Seabolt, Ihc dminlitrator of unid, eswte, comes into court and represente ht he )s now prepved to render bis final arroant aa such admlnlstrator. Tbereupon it In ordered, thtt Tnecday, the wenty nlnth day of November Instant, at ten u'clock n the forenoon be axslgued for examlnlng and allowiüK Bnch account, and that the he'ra at aw of said deceased, aad all Qther persons Btoretd In s.ild esiatc.are required to appear at a seseien of aald coart, tben to be holden at t je Probate office n the city of Ann Arbor.ln eaid connty and show' anse ,lf any ihere be, why the sald account should ot lw atlowed : And It Is Inrther ordered (hat aald dmlniatralor glve notlce to the pernons lnterested d ald esute, of the pesdency of eald accoont nd the huarini; thereof, by cansiait a oopy of thia rder to he pnbllBhed in the Ann Arbor Courier oewspaper prlnted andcirculatinj In aid conntv hreu aiccesBlve weeks previoua to aaid day of rarlng. i A ti uu couy,) WM. D. HARBIMAN, WM U.DOTT, r.ob.tcReBí&?fPl1OÍ77


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