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Now the sportsman toes forth with hls gun In search of t dfiy's royal fun. Hut returns home anon With hls powder all gone A ml bis ftugers leas numeruus by Olie. Several of our delivery teams are mad üp o( Mexican mustangs now. The regular moiithly meeting of Ui councll occurs next Monday evening. The Huron Band has disbanded - studie interferí ng with some of the niembers. The AVashtenaw Poinological Society meets at the court house next Saturduy. Dr. P. B. li:)se, of thls city, ha9ju9t re o-i ved a patent upon a "tauk-waste fer tlllziT." The libraryand parlorsof Hobart Hal will hereafter be open on Sunday nfter noons from 2 to 5 o'clock. Hanover Square is the only "park" in the city, and merey wliat a park ! The city autborities ought to be proud (?) ofit There is to be a social of the Mission Circle of the M. E. church, at the resi dence of E. J. Knowlton, on Friday eve Ing. All bilis ag:ünst the city should be handed in to the finalice commlttee on or before next Friday evening to beallowei thls month. liv. Mr. Sunderland's able anc scholariy paper on "India, the Toando Marvels," interested a erowded house at Unity Club, last Mondny. Many of our uierchants are reportin g an excellent trade, and it ie well that thej are, for the way the supervisors pilo the taxes on will take oft' the proüts lively. On Thumlay of last weck L. V. Curry of Fenton, celebrated his 50th birthday, and auionir the gifts was a box containing a present from Ann Arbor frlends. The Wnshtenaw Lodge, I. O. G. T., No. 710, will bold an open lodge and public installation of offleers next Monday evening, Nov. 7. The public are invited. Evart H. Scott sold and shipped 7,000 roots of the new Woodruff red grape to Geo. W. Ciimpbell, (the originator of the Deluware grape), of Delawaro, Ohio, last Saturdav. New telephones have been put In as follows: Mr. Whitman's office No. 50, and bis residence ïïo. 94; Green's livery stabls No. 95; and the new Board of Trade or üneket.Shop, No. 87. In the November nuinber of the leading dental journal of of the east is an editorial of two pages on Dr. Stowell's recent wnrk on "Teeth." Among the good thingg il says ''The work is one of the most beautiful of it kind that lias been issued from wy presa in uny country.1' Mac C. Le Beau has metamorphosed tilines around his corner (Thayer and Lawrence sts.) so that you would hardly recognize them. His barn bas been moved on to Thayer street and neatly fixed up, while a new house has been erected on Law ronce st. tbat will be an ornament to the locality. John Remick Is to occupy the house when corapleted. This city seems to be such a profitable one for bueket-shop? tliat they cling to us like a burlock burr In a sheep's wool. Past history in thi line In this city is rii'h in experience for somc of ourcitizens but not rich in wealth. The tiger appears to flourish while tlie gainbling favors liim, but when luok favors the ciistomers tliere is a suelden cnllapse. The old, old story of ''hertds I win, tails you loe." The Dundeu Reporter s:ys Uiat the new depot to be built by Ui T„ A. A & N. M. R, R. Co. at this place will be of wood instead of stone, and not as elalorate and uandsome as proposed, because the people of Ann Arbnr refused to give any bonus to the road therefore. This is the first intimatton many of the eitizens of Ann Arbor have had that a bonus had been asked. Ann Arbor gave a pretty big bonus toward tlie building of that road not many years ago, we remember. But favors past don't count. Tlie ladies of the M. E. church are very busy preparing Tor their f.iir to be held the first week In December. It will commence Dec. Olh and continue through the 9th. Every Jepnrtment is to be well supplied, but we understand the one of fancy nfeedte work under the euperintendence of Mrs. J. J. Goodyear is to be especially fine, with mee aiticles for Xmas glfts. Any one wantlng quiits or comforts can have them made to order by leiving dlrections with Mrs. W. Warner, on State street. A injunction h as been served upon the mayor, recorder and uidennen of the city of Ann Arbor, together with City Marshal Sipley, restrainlng them from cutting down or causing to be cut down ?.", Pf tbe 'rees on tne orth sile of Wiliam street, between S. Main and Second streetg. Thig is to prevent the sidewHlk committee from laying the sidewalk on the line where the citv survey "¦ays It belongs. Tbe injunction is taken out by Messrs. E. Treadwell, N. V. Cheever, L. Gruner, S. Bautngartner and John L. Ziegler. The first Coamber Conrert occurs Friday, Nov. 4, at Hobart Hall. The program ia varied and attrac'ivc, and is to be glven by the Detroit Philharmonic Club, and Miss Alice Andrus, Soprano of the Fort Street Prebyterian church, Detroit. Subscriben will receive their tickeU before Friday. It must be remembered that only liolders of subsertipion tickets will be permitted topurcliase single admiss'on tickets. Subscrifcer8 are urgently requested to come earller than usual for tlie first concert, as it will take more time to receive tickets, and the concert will begin at eight p. m. precisely. The doors will will be closed during numbers. James B. Saunders, adjutant of Welch Post, G. A. R., of this city, receivid notlce from the Quarter-Master General U. 8. A., of the shlpment to him of fortyfour headstones to mark the graves of the old soldiers buried here whose graves have not already been provided for by relatlves. Frlends who were kind enough to assist Mr. Saunders in securing the necessary data, and may desire to place at the head of their departed relatives the stonea theraselves can have the privilege of doing so, otherwise they will be placed oy the Post. Any information will be given by Mr. Sauuders. Since the above ws put in type, the stones have arrived, recelpted for, and arrangements made for their delivery at the various cemeteries at once; so let your deeire be known now. A number of our citizens who are opposed to the city improvement fund Whlch tUe peoj)le voted for at a ípecial lectíon h,lc] on Aug. 2Gth last, have joined together, raised a purse, retained Hon. A. J. Sawyer to be assisted by Hod. ü. Cramer, and propose to secure an injunction forbidding the supervisors from preading the $5,000 so voted upon the tax rolls of our city. This means of couwe, that while they would like to gee the city boom, they would prefer to let e-one )y for it. Every tax-paying elector had the rlght to cast bis ballot for or aplnst thU project last August, and be should have done so. The vote WKen at that time would indícate that a large ruajority of the people lavored the wx and we beheve such is the fact to-day .on',0r"iWr""K'A"" Arbor can never ln, kc'P. up with the procession," without anytning with which to pay fór A. L. Noble will furnish the lit. juniors wlth plug bats. Yesterday was All Saints Day and as such properly observed at St. Andrew's church. There is to be a lecture at the Cougregational cliurch to-morrov evening by Prof. D'Ooge. Our local tried to writc up tho Hallowe'encelebration, butgaveupindespair-too elabórate altogetber. Poles are up and wire stretched for an electric ligbt at the córner of 13th and Fuller sts. Mach needed. Fred McOrabcr and Ed. Duffy took a ten mile ride on horseback in the country Sunday on acouple of the thorough bred mustangs. Geo. Kyer, a young son of N. J. Kyer, was kicked in the face by a horse he was attempting to lead to pasture last Thursday and considerably injured. Thomas A. McCann, formerly a compositor in tuis city, and a firet-class fellow, is a caiididate on the labor ticket in Detroit for nieinber of the board of estlmates. The regular monthly meeting of Hobart Guild is to be held on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. It is expected that about 50 new members will be then taken in. L. Hirschkowitz, for some ycars a variety and fancy store merchant on Ann st, in thU city, has bought a half Interest in the clothing business of Moses Brown, of Mt. Pleasanl. Dr. Jacob Wile, of La Porte, Ind., and Miss Nannie Hammond, were married last evening at the residence of the bride's párente, Alderman Amariah Hammond, in the 5th ward. The reception given Geo. E. Bliss and wile, of Jackson, by li is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Bliss, was a pleasant affair, and their mniiy friends gave tliem a cordial welcome. On Thursday last, Mr. T. P. White, who resides on Fifth st., had a collar bone broken by the frollcsome antics of hls horse th:it lie was allowing to graze in his yard for a time. Dr. Eddy wlll lecture next Sunday evoning to young men from the following test: 2d Chronicles, IX. 'chapter, 18tli verse, "And there were sis steps to the throne, with a foot-stool of gold." Some of our older citizens will remember Mrs. Isaac Green, who died at Centerville. St. Jo. Co., recently. She carne to AnD Arbor in 1852, and for several years was a devout member of the Baptiet church. Roland Reed In bis catching farcial comedy "Humbug" played to a large audience Monday evenintr. The plny was a grand success and kept the audience in a roar of laughter during the whole performance. There was a bigturkey radie at Adolph Jedele's in Scio, last Monday night. About 25 tui keys were raffled. Andrew Reule, got 2, Ernest Dlertele 2, Enoch Diertele 2, and Paul Schlanderer 1, all of thiscity. There was a nice social time af ter the rutile. Prudden Brothers, of Chelsea, we understaiul, have struck gas in driving a tubular well for George Rawson, 3% miles south-east of Manchester, at the depth of 200 feet, in quantities tliat will Surn. Tliey are still sinking, and do not say that they have found water. Iloward Holmes, of Linsing, formerly lieiul clerk in theofflee of the State Board of Health, has bought a half interest in the Ann Arbor Register, taking possession Nov. l9t, yesterday. This move will ie apt to count out Mr. Bryan, one of the most gentlem inly scribes of our city. Regular meeting of the Unity Club on Monday, Nov. 7, at 7:30. The third talk on "Ruskin the Writer" will be glven. A paper entitled "A Summer in Honduras" wlll he read hy Prof. Mark E. Harring;on." As the Professor has just returned from a Bojourn there, the paper will bo very interestins:. Supervisor Graves, of Ypsilanti, doesn't like fountuins, and offered a resolution ín the board of supervisors to compel the city to put the drinking fountain in front of the Conrt-House around on some back corner, ciilling it a nuismice. This action on his part is surprislng. Local jealouses ought not to curry a person that far. The following is the report of Supt. of Sewing School for the months of September and October : "Received money from Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Tripp, and material from Mrs. Dr. Prescott, Mrs. W. B. Mlller and Mrs. Story." Friends are cordially invited to visit our school and to send iu donations to Miss Henning, secretary, or Mis Brown, superintendent. The Ladies' Cbaritable Union wish to acknowledge the receipt of a larjfe and valuable package from D. F. Schaircr. ïov's and Men's clothing are very much ïeeded, underwear, although very much worn, can be made over for children. If you have anythingto give novo is. the time t is needed. Please send card to Mrs. íohn R. Miner and packuges will be called for. E. Baur has returned from Bay Port, Midi., where with Mrg. Baur and daugher, he vlsited his son Bertrand and saw very striking improvements, by Win. L. Webber, of East Saginaw, who built one of the largest hotels in Michigan into the vilderness, cleared the woods, made iiirks and all accommodations for excuriionists and sumraer-resorters. Bay Port s one of the best locations in Michigan r that purpoee, gituated on Saginaw 5ay, underlain by birds-eye marble, caronifeiou8 limestone, Parma saodstone. ts foresta are of evergreen and desiduous rees. Rev. Jason Bundy, acting as soliciting agent for the Wilberforce Untverslty, of ndlana, has been in the city during the veek, seeking assistance for that college. his college is for tne colored race exIu9lvely, and under the supervisión of he M. E. church. There has been an average attendance during the past 24 years of 138, and itsgraduatesareeraployd as teachers In nearly every state in the jnion. The trustees now desire to raise 1100,000 by popular eubscriptions to esablish a mechanicnl deoartment of which 118,000 Iihs been already subscribed for. Ar. Bundy tells us.


Ann Arbor Courier
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