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At the opera liouse on Fridav Nov. llth. cvery lady holding a securcd seat, wlll receive T. S. Arthur's novel of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," free. The Rochestcr(N.Y.) Union ot Sept. 20lh has this to sny of the company that id to appear h,ere next week Frlday : "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" wat giren at the Grand Opera House laat evcning. The company presenting the play Is a good one, rad na well recelved. The ïwltchell of Mr. (Stevens, and Joe Morgan of Mr. Koarney, deserve special mention. The neateBt work of the evenlng, howover, was done by Baby de Castro, the chlld actress, who Is really a wonder. Tho Brooklyn church Cholr (Juai tutte did Bome ver line slnglng, and were ronndly encored." From the Syracuse Standard : "The old melodrama, the old reallsm, and the oíd moral were not missing at WIeting Opera Uonse In the revival which "Ten Nights In a Bar Koom" hadthere laat night. The company sctlng in the old play gave its scènes and Bltnatlons wlth vury earnustneas, recelved from the audleace cordial approval. Herlous and comody parta got thelr ehare In tnrn of the applame, and as the touching story of the play was anfolded, intereft in the outhome was aa intense as lt was j ears ají. ''Ten Nights in a Bar Koom1 has been sbelred so long tbat lt Is lo-day almoxt a new play. The services of the Brooklyn Charch Choir cuartt;tte are made very acceptablu as the play progreases. They slng In fine volee and perfect uutaon." On Tuesday erening. Noy. 8th, will ftppear In tho Qrand Opera House, one of the finest and most novel cntertalnments ever seen ia this city. Of the play the LouUville (Ky.) Evening Post sayg : "Kvery seat at the Buckingham and even the Btaudiug room were taken last night, and the sale of admisxion tickets stopped befare the cnrtaln tmb raUed on Mr. Frank 1. Prayue's melodrama, "Mnrdotbe Uuntcr." The play is full of thrllllng incident, the actlus startlag from tbls oantry and pruroBlug through Uuesla to Hlberla, the land o! the exlles. The barnlng bat scène is very reulletic, and wliun the tralned dor "Jack" goes to the rescuu cr his maater, untioa the ropo holding the door, and Mardo emerges from tne burnlug bnllüiuï, tbe audience seem to forget that lt in only a play, and glve vent to thelr feelfngs by loud cheerlng. In the last act, whcre Mardo enten the llon'cage and takra the list of the names of the Nihilista from the animul's neck so as to prove hia innocence, the andlence Is held epellboand antll Mr. Prayne is out of the enge In safety. The play, which Is of the most euaaiional stamp wlll contlnne during the weck, and on Thurvjay s special ThankalTlnK matinee wlll De jflven.1' The New York World says of Frank Frayne : "Seldom, If ever, ha a largcr andlence bees attracted to the Tn'rd Avenue Thoatru than that which drawn tuKether last niht to wltnese the epectacular hlstorical remance of "MarJo." Thi' ploce la of a hlghly sensatlonal character, out, UDlike manyofthat clags, It posesse considerable lltcrary merit." The individuals who are always on hand to predlct tn open winter are not go numerous hh they were a few years ago. .Heveral liard winters with plenty of snow have rather put a Unniper on wenther proj?nosiicator8. It lias been several years sinco Michigan has enioyed an old-fashioned open winter. A nice open winter would be a good joke on the coal combinatlon. It is possible they muy be outwitted in that way. Hope so.


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