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C.H.St.CLAIR&SONS MANUFACTURERS OF FÜRNITÜRE. OPJÍRA HOI Si CHAIRS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now preparad to manufacture School and ('hurch Furnltare, and Opera House Chaira, Lawn Settees, Camp Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best and slmplest and most rellable In use. Kepalrlng done on short uotlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CYLINDERS, PIPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY CUATES, In lact, any artlole madeto order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. INSURANCE RiSAL E8TATE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Ilamllton Block. Partles deslrlng to buy or sell Real EsUte will flnd lt to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represent 15 drst-class Flre Insurance Companles, havlng an aggregate capital over 180,000,000. Kates I,ow. Losses Uberally adjusted and promptly pald. I alBO Issue Life and In vestment Palíeles In the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetta, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Aocldent Insurance, can have yearly potlcies wrltton for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at Low ratee. Money to Loan at Current Riites. Offlce hours from 8 a. ui. to 12 in. and 2 to 6 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News