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U?PRICE's CREAM Used ly the United Stales Kndorsed by the hcads oftheOreal ITnlversltles m the siroiiKcst, Pareit, nd most iicnlthful. l)r. l'rlce's theoDlj l'.nkins: Powder llmt does not oonlftln Amman la, Ilnie or Alum. SoW oniy nag j;.KIN(; PÓWDEÍI CO., HEW ïoiik. CHICAOO. 8T, LOUIS. B VThe Best and Purest MedicineS HlL EVER MADE. I , ]JWltwillrtrlvcthcIIvimorfromyourBI I TcXlKvstom, and inkc jour ?kinl I II'-' 'V X.'-'1""' :u"' "'"" , Th'Wel I I ',.PL.liIllr" alul Blt'"'lil Ü5 v oA , L w linli mar your benut; M % " V AXk.wlscan.1 n-.,l HM sniMll-i.nly a teaT " ¦, V uf + Ml .poonful. 4. 's %¦ , I medicine. Try K, ?n(JXJ S'X I vi.n wlll be safiaflad. 7 % V. IL ( ,ot H of yuur Drugglst. %",- S ö IION'tWAIT. GKTITATOSCBk " Jg I n.'v lMseaae an.l lab to live t.. Hl ' [ i lu y íaver iall to cure. III 3 ï-cent stamp to A. P. Onlway Col,.,i,m, Mass., for bct medical work putillshcU? AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH IfTUPTppWBBlFROM CHICAGO, áFrofllPE:0uRLA0inN5 I .VÍll' 'cHOICEOF [mjmji rlM routes; via nTjTñjpDENVER, bAUrUn11 CDUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, STJOSEPH,ATCHISON OR KAN SAS CITY. For datet, rtes, tickets or f urther Information appty to Ticket Agents of connecting Une. or address Paul Mobton, Gen, Pass. &Tkt.AKt.,CWcago,lll. i to IMViRSAL fcf V m J3 5 - .L tf' B A T H , H t" ' ' " ï - - WaW " ifct ¦ Y f 't Cnmu inri, ti" HT" '"ja rJiff' J 5 P SI í.'sl'Sür-áS ' ? L IOiWí&i7. Oíd Balb, TWwnl. !¦ L Snd f,.r i-imihn. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE ARRANGEHENT Ff)K Phjsícian and Families. Neater and Cbeaper ANII MOKK CONVENIENT TIIAT A STATIONAHY IJATH TUB WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTURES. 32-83 Tutt's Pilis stimulans he torpiíl livor, atreng-th Un ilii; -I i ,¦ .rtuils. rlllnlnlne l'oHils. mul are uuequulcd un uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. ín malarial .livlri, (s thrlr Irtnc are Idcly re'OKUÍzCl. us I Uvy ukihs i-. uuur n,,,,, rii.s ni lrt'inKth'BNtein Irom tbul .son. l.h'coiiil.t snirur loulicl. UusvHiiiull. I'rice, 25ct. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Mnrray St., New York "arbückles' name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores ftom the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always bny thls brand in hermetically eealed ONE POUND PACKAOES. uli-un All I til E lOCTiO th.s paper, or obUin timatn on dvortising space whtn n Chicago, will fmd it on file at 45,049 Randolph ' I ABR O TU HU f. L ¦ thiiAdvrt:ingAKncyof LUIlll tt I ïlUIWliO I J í WT can Mveat honie.nnd make mort money at lili w"rli "r "" 'hap at y't'''i(r 'l"" " "'i III wiirld. Capital nut needed; yon are ¦ " %J iarled free. Buth mils ; all ase. .A nj one can do the work. Lare earnlna are írmn lirut tart. Ctmtly otitflt ond ternií free. Bett'r not delay. Costa yon nothíni; to end ns jmr ddreae and lii:d out ; if yon are vice ytni w MI do lo at once. H. Uallett & Co.. Portland, Mjttne. oliiP8e- with emplojment at home, lh' hole of the time, or for thclr pare moment. Bnalneof ne lljfht and profltablc. I'ereons of elther sex canlly carn from SO to fó.OO per evening, and a proirtional Btim by devotlng all thelr time to the huptnes. Boy ard eirli earn earn nenrly at mnch at men. 'J rxit all who ace tbis mny nend thelr nd drees, and test the bnílncíf, we make thl od'er. ToËUchas are not well eatirñed we will endone dollar to pay for the tronble o( wrlrtnc. Full particalar and ontnt free. Addr8B Gkoroe 8tiísoM & Oo. Portland Malne. ft r X T fletdi ara Mana, bat thote be wrtu t I I SlimoniCn .Portland, Mln,will rtcelT Ivl I I l"'. f" infirma!. on aboul work which I I I I I ilifjcanilo. ar,J Mvea! licjma,thal will par VI J JJJJ ihtm froro 5 to ¦? " laj. Rome ba earr,loerV'hiad7 Eillifr ni. ïoung oróla. Capital olraqulrtd Yoo aie nareed ftf Tbofe w bollan at ODOa aia abaolulelr aure U iniv '"" fortunea. All ia uaw. Mmorc money tlmn at anythlnu else by tak Ing an ai'iicy forlh'i best peiling hook nut. Bi-KiiiDere sucreed gtandly. None rail. Torm" fne. Hallktt Boiik Co., Portland, Maine. "¦¦"nïTTTYT t bemade. rut thlp out and reI m II V ""¦" t0 " nd we wl11 9eDiil"n I I W P I nree, Éömethlnt or v reat Ta lo I and Importance to you, that wlll 1I1U11JJ1 t„rl you in biiainen whicb wlll lrine yoi In niore monej i g t away than anythlne elseln th8 worliT. Anyone rcan do the work and live at home. Btlber box; all ges. Somethlnc new. thttjnat coiné nioney for all workers. We wlll etart yon; capital no' needed. Thl lp one ol the germine, Important chaneea ¦¦! a 'relime. Thi'pe who are ambltiou and nterpriping wil) not flelajs AiMri'KH TkuïA Co., Aaguata. Malne. THIS PAPER sysïsfï1. iniv rHikii iwwEii, a cos KewspapeT Advcrtising Bureau (10 Spruca UaPUf lffini tl8illKinitr:n Isla)' MI Mi VIIMI Le mude lor lt lu lik fff I UlIHa


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