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Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia Of Knowledge And Language

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One of tlic most extraordlnary litcrary cnterprlscs of the ajre is the work whlcli beurs ihe above tltle. The spocinien pages wliich the publiilicr sentís, freo to any appllcant, show the type wLich is uscd - a good clcnr-fuccd Hrevier; also the form - "Ideal" for convenience, easy for the cye, handy to hold. Tlic volumes wil] average about lilO pages culi, nul there will probubly be about thirty of thein- the "nianifold" number will not be incoiivcnient; when you consult a ryclopeilia you are BUpposeU to Know w'liat "tit)c""you are looking for; the lettering on the back of each volume tells yon at a flanee wlwt tltles will be found witliin, so you do not look In the wrong onc - :iud the volumes are so "hamly" you quickly turn to the soughtlor p:iKP. Tlie ManKuhl OyclopeOia Is tobe much inore tlinn a "Uyclopcdlaol Usefiil RnOwl edjte;11 t will einbody alo a dintiomiry of thu Knglish Innguage - includinjr every word whicli haf any claim to a place in tliu language. Ilow ofteu you have eonDllted Appleton's or Chaniber'a, or Johnsou's cycloptdia and failed to tind the tilje yon viere loukine for - then consulted Welwtcr's uiuihildfjed and were successful: the word bclonged to the dictionary, nither than to the cyc.lo.pedl:. Or you luw coiisiiltcd Webster, and found little moro thaTI a mere detiniiion of the word - roo muit g to tbe cvclopedia for details of knowleiJge. Or, more probable IliHn cithcr ol tlie loreoing snpposltlons, you do not own eitíier a tirst clM cycloH'di:i or a lirt-cla8 dictioiinry, or only Olie of ihc two, heoHiise of their pmliibitory, so you "consult your Imahialioit" :i i tel "tro Imngry" for lsck of the tcw lincs ol' print that would iatisfy you ! In tlie Munitold Ci'clopedia you will fitxl a survey of all knowlidjre of wblch tllultrafed by tlie Knglish languagf- and its cosl ia within your lench, only 50 cents a volume for clotü liiiuliug, 0"i ctnls for half morocco ! In this age of tlic world, no general (¦yilip'diii or lictionary eau be in ."i'y propof 8' ut 'original" - ench ncw ion. if it nicrlt, in b iscd upon the knowleilgc found einl odied in all its preilrcrMiins. "Kiioh i'd);('" iis set forth In b oks can not lie nionopolied by "patent" or "cnp)ii)hl" - only tlie torin of eml'O'l mi-iit (nu bc tbus rovend. The IhIcsI diocovriH'ü (or iiniigmint!S) of the imientisis. Hie l:iiixt "Htids" (or tniuds) of the aieliH'olojjii-ts, the latest theories of tlic polincaí acinnailKt - ill are subject to tlic "sinht d.iifts" of the latent encyclopedist Alden's Manifold CyclopediH underiiiki s to combine In the most convenient and eonclse (nnd yet full) and econom cil fonn poisible, the resul ts of the 'cliolarsliip of the worhl, un ti the time of its pabllcntion. Availlng itself m st of the laliors f its prcdei'cssorg who have accoiniilislicil the best resulN, tlic Manifold Cyclope Un, more birjtely l'ioin ('li.imlicr's than trom any other of tl e family of cvelopcdias, and more Iarjjely trom Storinonih tlmn from any other of the tamlly ¦tilicti. liarles - the C'hamber's is an nckiiow]eil;red model for a cyclopedit; but it is .idoptcil pai ticnlaily to RDgland rather than to America; Stoiinontli It the acknowleilu;ed peer ol Web ster, Woicerter, the Iinperi il, and Murr;iy, ;is in autliority, but without a peei in the coiniiined qiialitlet of coDcliene, clearn'8, and KCCaracy of learning. No authorities, however, are bluidiy followed, but eftort is e.iret'tilly mude to briux ;.ll niatters to the yenemlly necepted stand ard ot the most eminent American, ratber than fore'gn schobir-hip. Editorial talent second to none in Am erica, hl experieme and skill is ensjnged in the couduct of tlie work; pub isher's past eNperenee in cyeloped a innking (notably in tlie hbrary of universal knowleilge, now known - trebled Inprice - as the International Cyelopedia) is j;ood bHSis for the pledjje Ie oiaket to hi patrons ilü.t the MhiiíI'oIiI si a'l be inferior to no other cyclo, edia in any of the imp rtant cyialities ot a popular guide toknowl edL'e. Specimen pajjes t, or a .pcimen volume may lieordcrcd and rettimed if not wanted. John B. Ai.dkn, PnblUher, WÜ PcmiI Slrn-t, Xew V'oik.


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