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Pr.KSIDENT l'LCVCLAXD On the 2Jth lSSUell a proulMuttlon déslifnatfnff the 24th of November as a day oí thanksgtving and prayer. Thirtken ncw case of ycllow feTeraod three deathH occurred on the 2Sth at Tainpa, Fla. The outlook was disconraglng. At Huron, D. T, the reuidence of Eugcne Kelly caught flre on the 25th and two chlldren, who wcre i the house alone, wcre buroed to death. (ihhi.e Bai-dwin, ex-justicc of the peace of HarrlBon township, Ind., was aocldentalJy hot nd killed by hls soa on the 29th whilo Inmtinif. Thk Treasury Department at Washington on the 25th suspenided the issolng of eilver oertlfluaten or other paper cnrrency in denomlnattoni bolow flve dollars. It was reported on the 2óth that gold had been fouud on the west bank of the Chtppewa rlver, flfteen miles from itmnonth. Specimens exhibited at Eau Clalre, Wla., were said to be of htgh value. Thk nlnth liiennial International conference of the Womcn's Chrtstlan asdociations of the United States and Canada commenced in New York City on the 2."th. Mrs. Flsher, of New Haven, Conn, , preideL ffnj,u Bbkp, a noted olí prospector, ¦who wan worth soinewhere near a millton dollara, was drowned in the Atlantic ocean near Somor's Point, N. J., on the 2rth. TBB introduwtton of resoIuMons of sympathy for the Chicago Anarchist at a meeting of the Turners' Society of Louis vil Ie on the 25th caused a split in the organizatlon. Th resolutions were tabled. Th boller of a threihing machine exploded on the 25th on the farm of Oeorge Irwin, near EUendale, D. T, and three men were killed and two fatally wounded. The saw-mül and planinjf-raill of 0. C. Loomls, at Loomls Station, Mo. , were degtroyed by flre on the 25th, causing a loss of $160,000. THEwalto of a paper miU in oonrse of construction at Corlnth, N. Y., feil on the 25th, killlng four men. Qsosns W. MooRE'ti fonr-year-old son was burned to death on the 2"th ut Hra7.1l, Ind. The boy's grandmother monnted a horse to go for a doctor, and was thrown off and fatally injured. Thk staam whaler Oroa arrived at San Francisco on the 23th from the Arctic, and reportod the cutoh of the Heet for the season as the largest for niany yoars, the total number of whales taken leing 256. This would amounv, to 48,000 pounds of bone and 2,800 barrels of oiL TOE State Department building at Washington wan draped in black on the 23th as a mark of renwet to the memory of the late E. B. Washburne, of Chicago, who was Secretary of State for a short time during President Orant's Adminlstratlon. Th fourteenth base-ball game of the world's chainpioimhip series between the Detroit and 8t Louis clubs was played In Chicago on the 2.rth. Score: Detroit, 4; Kt Louis Browns, ',i. The President on the pardoned Henry C. Curkendall, convicted la Michigan of havlng ooiimVrMt coin in his possesslon. Heavt snow-storms occurred on the 'J3th at Staunton and Charlottsvüle, In Virginia, The regular meetings of the Uablnet were resumed at Washington on the 2óth. Advicïs of the 'Mth from PittBbnrgh say an attempt would be made to unite all the coal minera of the country in a National or ganizatlon. They number about 250,000 men, Ak area of about twenty-flve acres caved In at the Green Iildjfe eolliery near Scranton, Pa., on the 25th, owlng to robbing of coal pillara Three veins of coál were choked up and would be abandoned. Tbebk were flve hundred cases of typhoid fever in Cincinnati on the and the disease was rapidly spreading. üeports from the Northwest on the 25 th were to the effect that the thermometer registered a polnt lower on that date than ever before In October. Whilk acting as target-marker on the 23th for the Brainerd (Mina) Rifle Clnb Wllliam Monroe, an old soldier, was accidentally shot and killed. Adviceh of the 25th say that a white man named Parrish shot and killed three negro men in Calhoun County, Fla. , because they took hls boat without permission to gather wood in the river. Buïtalo (N. Y.) advices of the 23th say that details of the recent great storm on Lake Erie how that flfteen vessels were rrecked and aeven lives were lost The State officials of Indiana on the 25th begun a war against certain mutual insurance companies charged with carrying on a fraudulent business. An attempt would be made to drive them out of the State. The tbird Chinese suicide ever known in New York City oecurred on the 26th. Low He Yone, a Chinese laundryman, cut his throat in his lauodrv. Up to the 2Kh there had been from 225 to 250 oase of yeUow fever at Tampa, Fla, and 34 deaths Jeff Davis revlewed a procession of thirty thousand Confedérate veterans at Hacon, Oa. , on the 20th. On the 26th companies of rangers were ordered to Starr üounty, Tex , to protect the inhabitante from the raids of Hcxican bandtU. Almont Ugatnlng, a bay stalllon slrd by Almont, dled at Kast Aurora, N. Y. , on the L'iith. He was valaed at $15,000. A íirk on the 'Jtith destroyed a shanty at the new aqueduct in cottrxe of constructlon at New York, and two man perished. A bottxe was pii'kcU np on the 266h at Sandwich, Mass , contamina a meBsare that the steamor Hidney WHgtat was off Key West and in danger of foundering. The Wrlght, with a crew of stx men, left Phlladelphla September 14, 18H0, and was never heard from. A NUMiiER of Jpctment uit were on the 2Uth declded agalnst farmers in Pope County, I1L , and In favor of non-resident claimants. Many of the vlctlms had entered the lands even before patent were granted, and had been occupying them for a quarter of a century. Tas faet became known on the 2Uth that Henry Martin Jackson, the cashier of the snb-treasury in New York City, was a delaultertothe extent of $10,000, and had tled to Canada. Thk Indians in the Northwest are lnclined to Btray from thek own territory, and owingto the troutile with the Crown the Secretary of the Interior on the 26th ordered the agente to keep the varlons tribes upon their respective reservatioas. The last game of the world's base-ball chatnplonshlp serie, played on the 'M th at 8t Lonis, Tesnlted: 8t Louis, 9; Detroit, 2. In the flfteen games, of whlnh Detroit won ten. Detroit scored 71 and the St Louis Browns !":$ runs. The Bteamshlp Oaellc, which arrived in San Francisco on the 26th, brought news of the drownlng of three hundred persons in Chinese waters by the wreeking of two steamerg. A Mas. Ketchum, of the town of Sodns, N. Y. , wan llterally scared to death on the by the attempte of a drunken man to galn admlsslon to her hom It was Minounoed on the 2Uh thnt the mmufactiirers and flint-glass workers wero anable to reach an understandlng, and a trike was Imminent, w liieli would involve bout fivc thoiiHand persons. DuuiNU the last yenr $1,0115,570 lias boen expended by tho Government In tlio cducatlon of Inrtion chtldron. THE story of evictions in TVxas ly a syndicate of foiVin ospttatbltawM ontl27th denlcdabsolute'v by the officials of the company. AT a funeral on the L'Tth iiear Sycumore, O., the homes rau away wlth the henrse and wrecked it. Atfener1 panlc followed, durlng which I!ev Mr. Ilowoils was profoiibly fatallylnjweil. Tas Jamos L BèfffH riintlnpt ('ompinj of Chicago fallcd on the 27th for#I2,"i,O00. THE two dnughters of MTohnel Hogan, of North Adam, Mass , ware Miiffocited by gas from a coa] tuve on the 27th. Neciroeh belonjdng to the Knlffhc of Labor, and engaged on sugar planUitums in LouiHlnna, strucK fr highcr wajrda nnd rcfnsed to permlt wüllnjf men to HU thrir positlon Ou the 27th State troops wero diRpatdhed by Oovernor McKnery to qnall any dlitnrbanco they mlghtoaune. Eöoehe Kempi.e, Oovernor of Washington Tcrritory, iu his amiual report on the 27 th places the population at H3, ); taxable property. $50,(183,890; inileage, I,o3o; approxlmate acreage of ooal landg, 180J000. Governor Hcmple recommends tbat the Terrltory be adinitted aa a State lnto the Union. James E. Hamilton, a mnil-carrior between Maino and Ijake Worth, on tho South Atlantic coast of Florida, was pulled from hi boat and deVotlfed by Bharks on the 27th while erossing Hillsboro inlet in a row-boat. Vincent B. Whitnet, a ticket agent for the twelTe differeut railroad? which enter the relay dupot of St Louis, Ho. , dlsappenred on the 7th, loaviu); a tittxtÊt 'n i8 occounts of .". M M). Tbe corner stone of the monument to be ereoted at Hichmond to the meinory of General Kobert K Iee was laid on the -7th wlth approprlate eerumoniea R W. üawson, the Chicago banlcer, was on the '7th recoverinpslowly from the Wottndl inflinted by his Rtop-son Iec, in front of a church, anit hin physicians said that hia pronixHits for return to health were (rood. The Michigan Halt Associatlon ou the 27th determined to top the manufacture of alt from December 1 to April 1 , in order to reduc the larue surplus now on the market Abouments for a writ of error in the Chicago Anarchist' case wi'ic rommenced before the United States Supremo Court in Washinïton on the 27th. Thb Grand Army men of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky met in reunión at Oinclnnati on the 27tn. In the parada ttve thousand men were in line. At the International convention of Brokherhood of Uailroad Brakemen in Binghamton, N. Y. , on the 27th, 8. E. WUkinson, of Peoria, III. , was re-elected Grand Master. It was stated on the 27th that Dr. Andrew Jackson Grant, the notorious blgamtst and conttdence man, who dled in Boston last spring, was a son of Víctor Emmanuel, King of Italy. Tbe funeral of ex Minister Washbuxne on the 27th at Galena, IJL , called to that city msiny prominent people from a distanco and large number of the early settlers of Jo Daviess County, former friends and associates of the deceased. A riEE on the 2th at Ixs Angeles, Cal, destroyed the Central rallway frelght depot and many cars, causlng a loss of !(('J0O,0O). No InBurance. The Chesapeake A Ohlo railrood went into bankruptcy on the 2tb. General Wllliam C. Wickham, of Richmond, Va., was appointd reeelver. J. E. Smith, the expresa messenper who recently killed two robbers near El Paso, was on the 2Sth paid $2,000 as a reward by the Governor of Texas. The èxpress company and the passeng, rs vrould give him $3,ÓtK) more. In a sciilHiiR rae on the 28th on Iake Maranacook, Mnlne, Teemer, of McKeesport, Pa., easily outrowed Gaudaur. of St Louis, making the three miles in 20 minutes '-¦"- seconds. Lina Geissett, the insano dauphter of a Milwaukee (Wis.) saloon-keepor, poured kerosene over her clothes on the 2Hth, then applied a match to her dress, and was burned to death. Two men were inntantly killed and three others were seriously injured by an explosión on the 28th in I. N. Topliff's carriage factory at Cleveland, O. A teleoraph pole placed on the track of the Koek Island road ncar Morris. 111, wrecked a freight train on the 28 th, the englneer and nreman being killed. It was believed that the intention of the miirderera was to derail the Kansas City express, whioh, fortunately, was half an houi lata FoRTT-NrsE head of cattle, suffering from pleuro-pneumonia, were killed on the 28tb on a farm near New Brunswick, N. J. A water-famine prevailed on the 28th in the two western tiers of Ohlo counttes and the adjolning territory of Indiana, and great lufferlng prevailed among cattle. Neab New Burlington, Ind, on the 28th Peter Shockley shot and killed bis fatherin-law, James Carrey, and then blew out his own bralns. An old grudge. The world'g bicycle record of McCurdy, of 305 mllea in twenty-four hourg, was beaten at Crawfordsvllle, Ind., on the 28th by a G. Whittaker, of Chicago, who went 323 miles in the same time and had one minute to spare. The statement that Father McOlynn, of Brooklyn, had repelitod of his rebellious conduct, and that he would be taken back lnto the church, was pronounced uutrue by Kr. McGlynn on the 2Kth. THE schoonor W. K Taylor, grain laden from Chicago to Kingston, OnL, was reported lost on the 28 th with all on board. The body of a murdered man was discovered on the 28th at the Pennsylvunla depot in Chicago in a carriage that had been ¦hipped from New York. Thkük were 1!)3 business f allures in the United StateB during the s even days ended on the 28th, against 172 the previous seven dayB. CTtizens of Kusiiavillo, Ind., on the 28 th blow up with dynamite the liquor saloon of Peter Kemp, wiio was doimj buslnese without a lícense. At a meeting oí employing job printers in Chicago on the 28 th it wug decided to strenuously resist the demand of the Chicago TypogTiphical Union for a ntne-honr day. Tut K'uterpriv nowspipcr office and several other bnsmess plaoes at Greensburg, Ind., were destroyed by tire on the 28th. IN the Supreme Court at Washington on the 28th State's Attorney Grinnell epoke against tbe petition for the granting of a wrlt of error in the Anarchlsts' case and was followed by General Butler The court then took the matter under advisement THE boilers in Holden's fire-brick works at Mineral Polnt, O, exploded on the 28th with terrific force, futally scalding tour persons and seriously injiiriug Hve others. Dimrao a quarrel on the 28th at a negro camp-meeting neir Brighton, S. C. , one man was killed and six others were futally injured. Great excltement prevaiied on the 28th at Saxonburg, Butler County, Pa., over the discovery of oil, and preparutions were Ina .nade to sink forty well A town BaAsd (ioMcii CJtv uh under way, and hotels and farm-bons were overcrowdid with newcomM ¦""' 'IK wHH "' laluloua prioa __ PKRSONAL. AMD POL4TICAL. ClIAUMS PlCKKNH, KOU )f tllO fulIlOUR , rhsi caminen I asertes of readingi trom lliB f'athor's works In New York City 00 t)u: evenhtg f tl' -¦" li. lü-v DaVTJO GbIT, thi oldcnt minister In the Methodist chmch in Ohlo. died at hls resideme in l'mdlay on the 25th, aged elghty Hi'von years. The Repiililliianu of I-ouistana will hold a State oonvcntion at New Orleans January 23 for the purpose of nominating Statu OftiCiTS Thomas M. ('oi.rmax, whoforovcr twcntyrlve years, was city edftör of the Publn Lftlgfr, of riillali-lihla, died on the 20th. The Navy Department at Washington wan informeel on the L'lith of the death of Cominander Wil Hum Gibson, United States navy, retired, at Atlantic City, N. J. The announcement wa made on the 'Jtith thnt Hecretary of State liayard wouid leud to the altar the coming winter MIas Sophie Dallas Markoe, an employé in the department of wftloh Mr. Bayard is the hend. Colonei, Oharxes B. Fi.ood, a veteran journalist, died on the 27th at Coluinbus, O., aged seventy-seven years. Reubkn Whitk, of Decatur, O., died on the 27th aged one hundred and three years. Pcec'ased, who wm a rolored mn, took part in the war of 1 1 -' Reab Aomiiiai,, .1. W. A. Niohoj.son (rotired) diod on tlie 'J8th at New Vork. FOREIGN. The British bark Ittilaklava was dismasted off Cape Hom on the 2"th during a gale, and nine of her crew were washed orerboard and drowned. Johanses ItoixiK, tho principal founder of thé (ierinan Cutholii; dfnnminution, died at Vienna on tbe -'Lh, aged seventy-four years. At Kingston. Ont., on the 2fth two men wereïouud guilty of inoeudiarism, and ona was oommitted to the peniteutlary for lifo and the other for twenty years. An explosión on the "Jtith in a petroloura rennc-ry at Dunkirk, Krance, killed ton persons and seriously iniured se ven others. Advices of the üflth say that for thtrtythree days shocks of earthquake had been feit alimwt daily ou the Island of Hayti. In coniequenoe a panlu had soized the inhabltants, aml budnasi wu almost eutlrely suspended A TELEdBAM of the Ü says the reaidence of Adelina Tatti, in Wales, was entered by burglars and a quantity of valuable jewelry was stolen. Mb. Wilkuid Blunt, who was formerly a Tory, was on the 27th sentenced in Dublin to two months' imprisonment for spoaking at a proclaimed meeting in vlolatlon of the Irlsh Crimes act A riSHlNO boat was suuk off White Island, N. 8., on the 27lh, and three men were drowned. 1t was announced on the 27th tnat during the recent gales on the Engliah coast nlneteen persons lost their llvos and many vespels were wrecked. The vlllage of Gadl., Spain, was destroyod by tins on the 27 tb. The Anstrian Government on the 27th introduced in the Ilcichsrath a bilí to resist ezcessive drinking throughout Austria. A paemkr naraed Glasgow, of Richmond County, Quebeo, was kicked to death on the 27th by hls manlac son. Repobtb of the 27th from Halifax showed that the Nova Scotia coal output would be ten peí cent greater than last yeax. Cape Breton ports had already shlpped üfty thonsand tons ahead of last year and American coal was gradually being crowded out Thomas Robertho:, a member of the Nova Scotia Igislature, on the 28th admitted that hls agente had been guilty of hlring teams to convey votors to the polllng-places, and his seot was declared vacant Keven yonng widows were arrested on the 2Hth at Bingula and Pesth, Hungary, charged with murderlng thelr husbanda Dubino the three days ended on the 28th emigrant papers were issued by the American Consul at Ottawa to flf ty persons who proposed to go to the United States to settla. LATER NEWS. The Rteamer Superior, which arrived at Mihvaukee on the 20th, bronght newB of the loss of the propeller Vernon, near Manltowoc, Wia 8he had on board a crew ol twenty-one men, besides passenjrers, the exact numiter not being known, and all hands pi'riHhed. As earthquake shock was feit at Qaebec on the 2!)th. Louis Phat.eb, a barber of Brooklyn, shot and instant 1 y killed his wife Llzzie on the :t(th and immediately afterward fatally shot hlmself. Jealousy was the cause. The village hall at Cedarville, O. , and a Hvory stable were burned on the 29th, and six homes perished In the stable. W. H. Retnolds, editor of the Ashland (0.) Times, was shot and killed on the 29 th by James Mason, brothei of C. D. Mason, of Ashland, who had a libel snit agalnst Reynolds. Whii.f. a Mrs. Huber, of Cincinnatl, was sitting alone and asleep by her cookingstove on the 29th gome burning coals set flre to her clothing and she was burned to death. Lababee's bakery and nlne other buildings at Albany, N. Y. , were burned on the 3Uth. Loss, $200,000. Tbe body of a man, cut to pieces and paoked in a sboe-box, was found on the 'J'.Hh on board a train on the Lehigh Valley raüroad. It was believed that the package was put on the train at Elmira, N. Y. Foubteen persons lost thelr lives on the 2'Jth during a gale In the EugllBh channeL A fire on the 29 ; h in the boardlng-house at the Iron Hlll mining camp near LeadTille, Col , destroyed the building, and Mra James O'Brlen and four chllilren wers burned to death. Mr. Chamberi-ain startod from London on the 2i)th for Amcrioa1 to represent England In the tishery negotlatioiiK. Nineteen new enses of ytillow fever were reported from Tampa, Fla., on the aOth, and three deaths. The Chicago ïmwas boM on the 29th to a syndicale representes by J. J. West and Clinton A. Hnowden for $1,000,000. The purchasers will run the Times as an independent sheet Ixcentjiaries fired a trestle-work on the Bt l'aul rnilrond near Homer, Minn , on the 2i)th, and a passenger tnin wa barely sa ved from wreek. Mant. vessels were wreeked on the lakes on the 2ith by the gale. 81x were driven ashore a Al pi -na. A reholution wivs iiitroduoed at a meeting of the (VntMl Ijibor Union In New York on tho H(tb provldlng for the inanguratlon of a general strike is case of the exeeution of the condemned Anarchiste in Chicago. IIoa(íi.ani) won the six-day walking match at Kansas City on the ttUth, maklng 480 milea. At twenty -six leadlng clearing-houses In the United Status the exchanges during tho week endod on the 29th aggregated $!)02,277,N'.t, ajfaiimt fl,0W;808,429 the prevlous week. As compured with the oorre¦pbndlng week of 1880, the lncreas aiuouuis to s 1 per oent


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