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SKIN SCALP BLOOD Havina been a fuflVrer for twn years and a half from a diecase catiscd hy a brulae on the lee. snd tiavlng been cured by the CcncDu BHUIHI8 wrheii all otbermelhodH and remedien fatled, I deern t m; duty to recommend ihem. I vtsited Hot SpriiiK tonoavail, and trieil nrenl doctorn with)ii urces. nd at last our principal drugL'iet, Mr. Jíihn P. Flnley (to whom 1 ..hall ever teel urate 'ul), spoke to meahout CUTicuKA.and 1 onsented x crive thom a trial wiih the renult that I am per 'ectly cured. There i now no ore about me. 1 thlnfc I can show the lareest surface where roy Burt'rins sprang from of any one In the State. The CUTictKA Rkhf.uiks are the best blood and skin enrea manufactured. I refer to drueetst John P. Flnlay and D. U. C. Montgomery, bith of thls place, and to Dr. Smlth, of Lake Lee, Mise. ALKXANDKK IIKACM, Greenvllle, Mlss. Mr. Beach asd the Cuticitra Kkvldiek. at our request, wlth resul'a a above stated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., Druggi(ë. SAVED MY MOTHER'S LIFE. Ever slnce I can rememher, my inother ha fuffered from a milk lee. Nothing would do her any eood She had the beet medical talent, but theyalldld hernogood. 8he snffered wlth her leg Tor thlrty years nnd never knew a wcll day. 3be would hve to eit np half the nlíht, holdlne np her lee ai d moanlng;. f he had no peace. 8h' uied all the bewt kniiwn remedies In the coumry without effect. I aaked herto try your Cdtioi'ra Kkukuies. üot her a bottleof CuticdrA Kkholvent, and the took lt, and bas taken In all about bIx o r seven hcltlen, and now she ia a well woman lo-day. Her leg is entirely healed. and her health waa never better. She can go out every dav, somethine she has not done In ten year.- 80 you aec I cannot t elp statlne toyou aoont your wonderfnl Citutia ükH)[es. Vou have saved my moth rV life. I cannot flnd words to expresa my eratltude. 1 have adverti#ed your Cuticuka Remkdi ks far and nea-. EDWARD LÜEDER, 1M5 Broadway, N. Y. ( 'i-Tin ha. the ereat skin cure, and CurirruA Soap, prepsred from lt, externally, and Cumi Kksolvent. the new blood purlfler, lnternally. aro a poeitlve cure for every form of skin aod blood diseaseB from plmplei to scrofula. Suld rvcrywhero. I'rlre ( i riet ha, 50 cents ; Soap, 2" (¦¦nt ; Ri,s..i.vkm', $ UK). Prepare d by the I'otteu Dbiu & Chexicai. Co., Boston. tafSend for "llow to (Jure Skin DUeaêes," Cl pages, 50 Uliistrationx, and 1UU teatimonials. pikJII'LES, blackheads, chapped and oily skin IIIVI prevented by Cutkura MkdicatedSoap Sneezing Catarrh. The dUtresfling aneez-', snee.e. sueeze, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and noee, the painfal inlUmmatfon cxteodfDg to the thnmt, tho h well ing of tlie iniioou.- Iíiiíiil', causlnfr choking seneations, cough, ringin noises In the head and ¦putting headachee- how familiar thene eymptoma are to thonsands who suffer perlodical from hcad colds or Influenza, and who lfve In Ignorance of the fact that a single npplica Ion of sanikoki's Radical (Vkk kuk ('ataiíkm will affard ingtantaneous relief, But tbis treatment ïn cases of simple Catarrh glves but a faint ldcn of what thls remedy wil] do In the chroutc forms, where the breathln? Is obstructed by choklng pntrid mucous accumuluttons, the hearing eflVcted. mnell and taHte one, throat ulcerüted aud hacklne cough gradinlly fastentng llself opon the debiütated cywifin. Then it ts that tbe marveUous curatlw power f Sanfokd's Iíadical Ci'íík maulfewts Itcclt In inatantaneous and gratelnl reüef. Care beelna from the tlrst appücatlon. It Ís rnpid, radical, permanent, ccon omioil. and Mfo. Öandfokii's lUmrAi.Cnu conalats of one bottleof the Radical Cube one box of Cataiikhal öoi.vknt, and an Impuovei) Imiialbk; prlce f 1. Potter Druo and CnitMicAL Co., Boston. PAINS anti WEAKHESSKS OF FE1ALBI Instantly rclleved by the Cuticura Antl-I'aln l'lntcr, a nuw, mom aitreable, iuBtantanpoiiB and Infulllble paln-killlne piaster, esneclaily adaptad to relieve Female Palns and WeaknesBes. Warranted vastly superior to all othcr piasters, and tbe mot-t perfect Antidote to Pain. Itiflammation and Weakneisyetcompounded. At all druggistf. 2-ï cents; flve for $1.00; or, poatage free. of Potter 1)klo A Chkhital Co., Botton, -Musa.


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