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The school board lias been thrcatened with a snit by Donaklson & Meier, the archltecta of Detroit who made plans lor the High School aiUlition, then refused to i (inplete tliem and to give a bond. They ikinaiul iliOO for what woukl cost tliem not over 10 per cent. of that amouut. The whole thlng is a bluit',and woukl have been droppei! long ago but for the curlous aetions of some citizens whom it would be supposed woukl be r.clined from their i fflcial positions to favor our schools rathcr tban a uliistering Detroit lirni. The resolution below was carriod ut the i i ,T a i„ct niöiit, "ia guiiie ui uit' ooard thinking that it was not belng galtod enough votcd against it; in fact one of the board has all along advised Donaldson & Meier to bring suit, and he now npenly eays lic hopes they wilL There II 110 danger, however, as their i-lans liever were iccepted. The followiug s the report of the majniity of the linamial comuiittee: Whf.rfas, The architccts under the firm name of Donaldson & Meier have entcred into a competition with other architect-; tor the plans and sjyecitications for a new building proposcd by this school district, and Whebias, They have been repcatedlv niormrd that a guarantec or bond would be required as to certain indispensable points decided upon by the building committee at their fint meeting and by the board at a regular meeting aftenvards, before any work had been done, and had been warned of these requirements by at least two of the meinbïrs of tliis board, and Whekias. Their plans had the preference only condiüonallyupon their coniplyine with the wishes of ttie board in making their specincations confrom (o the proper requirements of such a building, and Whhrbas. T'hey have persisttntly refuscd to make their work conformable to such proper requirements and to complete the same, therelore be it Resolved, That the eerctary be instructed to tender to them (100 as full payment for any claims thev may have and tliat thcir phms be dumlsscd lrom furthcr considcration. Poor old Jen Davls, totterlDg on the verge of the grave, eighty yeara old, broken In health and childish in mlud Is tlie speclre the republicana extreme party orgaus are holding up to to induce thclr party to continue votlng the republican ticket. It Is too feeble a spectre to frlghten. 'Ihe idea of holding a great party responsible for the ellly babbllngof a childish old man without vote or volee in the governraeut Is preposterous.- Argus. ÏUnt Is a very keen way for our contetnporary to dodge tlie tiuth. It is not Jcff Davis the individual, but Jeff Davis represent! ng the head and front of certaiu great principies tliat the people of this nation belleved to be wrong, viz.: The principio of slavery aml the principie of state sovereignty, that the republican press express their anxiety over. It is not Jeft" Davis, that the people of tlie soutli worship, and weep over and canonize, but the "lost cau9e" that Jeff Davis personifies. The above "argument" of the Argus Is very shallow. What is any one man of himself? Nothing. It is wlien a nmn becomes the representative of a great principie or a great movement, that he becoines important. So, my dear brother, it is not tlie wenk old man, tottering to the grave, that is feared, but it is that old spirit of treuson that hc represent?, and which is still worsliiped and held sacred by those wlio profess different things. It is the smouldering of the fires of rebellion which liis presence never fails to fan into a blaze, small tliougli it ïnny be, yet large enough with favoiing circumstanees to set the whole country on lire. The little cloud that was no biger than a nian's hand, we read, grew and grew nntil it covered tli whole heavens and developed into a terrible storm. Such scènes as occurred at Macon, Ga., do not tend to make the southerners love theoldflag; such scènes do not help the Eouthern peop'.e to bury the past; such scènes do not help to build up or foster a spirit of brotherly love betwecu the sections ; such scènes on the contrary are dangerous to the nation, and for the gnod of the south, especial!)', should be stopped. Gov. Luce Ís quoted as e.xpreaslng hls belief thattlie skatiiiK rink and the Balvation nrmy are responslble for the doWDfall of most of theglrlsln the Adrlnn reform Khool, -Daily Paper. With all ihie respect for Gov. Luee's sage opinión, many pcoplc will dilTer wilb bina. Weak and over-confulent fathers and moWiers, wlio allow thelr girls to "gail" the streets evenings are responsible ind nothtng else. Tlie skating rink is no woise than the singing school, or the dancing school, or any sueli place. But the street is the " school " tliat polsons the miiuls of our young girls and boys. It is to a great extent the lack of interest pnrents have in their homes that lilis our reformatoiy institutions. If fathers would more genarally remain at home with tlieir families evenings and endeavor to make it plensant for Ihelr ehiklren, they would throw a great safeguard around them. The skating rinks, etc, ttere probably not very elevatlng, but they have been made to shoulder sins nnjustly. The Judge is one of the best illustrated papen New York City ever produced. The cartoons are rich, sharp, and polnted as a needie. It shows i;p the hypocrisy, deceit, and c.uit of the party in power, in a way no other Illustrnted paper lina ever done liofoip. The Ypallanti Bratinel claims thatpeople live forever dowu thcrc. Wliich probably accounts for the uuraerous old fossils wltfa which the place aboumls. The proportion of blind pcoplc in this country is Increating niucli faster Uian the population, mul tiic flne print of Dcwfpapen nml booka K iald to bc to bhune for it. Tlie atatcinent is made tliat tbc girls of this country chew up f0,000,000 worth of gum In a year, and a cotemporary thinks that ought to niakc their j.iws acfaé. It ought to, loo, by gum. The Supreme Court of tlie ünlled States decided unaniinoiisly thut it bad 110 ' power to interferc u belialf of the condemncd anarchi.sts in Chicago, and these men will probably swing from the rallows on Friday next, Noy. 11. Grant Sloeuni, who has been employed upon the Ypsilanti Commercial for some montbs, bas bought the Grass Lake News and takes iinniediate pofsession. If the Xews can be made a valnable IMWipaper property Mr. Slocum will make it sneh. i The Fenton Independent man clcnies ¦ that he intendtd au Innovatlon In spell: Ing it " Anarbor," and lays it to carelcss : proof reiding. He thinks that after four years of Ann Arbor boording house hash . etc, the place ia indclilily inijiressed I pon liis niind. If tlie present, or what is twmed tlie iil'w liqnor luw sbonld be deelded unconstitutional, and the old luw reinain, the ' citles and vllluges would then not be obllged to divide up tlie tax, and so in '' part repay theni lor belng loadcd down ' so unraercifully by the towniblpi. . Tliere iireonly about thrce papers In Mlchsan wlilc-li, in spcaklng of tlie reoent Vnite manier trial at Howell, have Dot worked off a pmi wlth llie word "walt." We wUh they ! would weigh It rarefnliy before tliey du so any inore. - Keiitou Independent. i .Just ''wait'" a bit! Snch a weighty i concern requlrei a coneidenible "lea'1 1 way. six yrara is dqi ((enerally thouglit i cnoujih. The soutli Lyon Piekert rigiit In th Item: "The bol ni provkled with all tlie modern Improveraenls" reHds the telegraplilc accoant of tlie lost propeller Vernou. A ml now it i.s dlscovereil tlmt the 1 fi: preserven were il led aith grass lastend nfcork and were vit-tually worthlesí. The contraftor and governinent inspector responsable for this ontrage ought to be tbrown toto the middle of Lake Micliian with BOthlng to keep theni abovc water but tlieir niurderoDl " life pieservers." In the article upon "Salting the Cities" last week, an error of the types gave Ann Arbor town a reduction of $55,000. It should have been $5,000. In the same article a niistake was made in crediting Supervisor Davenport to Saline, iitstead of York. The lattcr mistake makes no difference with tbe facts in the case. As wc are all liable to eir, the bowl over this error made by some to distract attention from the trutb, is pretty thin. All fair minded people will believe just the same, that in relieving the towns of $()80,000 valuation and placing it upon the citles, thus making a difference of neailya millionand ahalf dollarsiiguinst Ann Arbjr and Ypsilanti, is au outrage. Tlie base ball bosoes are golDg to have trouble next year. The players begin to thlnk they ougtit to have a word to suy, when they are traded and auctloned ott' II ke catite, and havluK formed a 'brotherhood," are preparing tonssert thelr rights. II In the operatloii they brake up the whole business It will be a relief to the public, and a galn to the cause of gool moráis, lloys have done llttle all lommer but gamble on baseball gaines, and league chanipionshtp. - YpHilantl Sentlnel. If history repeats itsclt, and almost everybody says that t does, we shall expect to see Bro. Woodruff arrayed in the f uil costiime of a league player next season, and batting the cover all off of Spaulding's league balls eTery time they pass the plate. This would be in keeping with h is cliangc of beurt (or base) on roller skating. On Williams st. in thia city, between S. Main st. and 2d st., six feet of land belonging to the city of Ann Arbor was fenced in by the late Wm. S. Maynard many years ago. Now the property bas passed into other handt and the city finds that because it lus been deprived of its own for so many years It has lost all title thereto. Tlie lots in tbis block, the city engineer tells US, have all their full ainiiiint of land, and this six fcet is unquestionably the property of the city, and the fact that it bas been lllegally held by private partios OOght not to ehnnge the ownertblp.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News