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Moiiilay eveoii)'-' wan t lic -ny mweri regular iiiontiiiy Jubilee, ml tfiej m BirOUgh with llieir work n i very pceeable inaniicr, willi DO absrntces. PBKSEBTATlOa 01 PBXITIONS. Of .lames Quintan, H. C Eunger and eightccn ethers atklnjr for the establishment of un atoetric lljfbt ut the corner of Kuiler and 13tu iti. Referred to Gteiiewl Pond Connlttn. Of N". W. Cheever, John Rom wd eleven othcrs auking tor i ciosswalk across tthsl., lrom the toutliewt corner of Uw court house square. Referred to the Sidevvalk 'oniiniltee. Of M. LsBean, P. O'Bettni ind nine othen tot ildewalk on the ewl tide of Thnyer si. betweeu North st. and Huroast. Referred Eb üklewalk Conmltbee. Of Kvail II. ScdU, Mis H. V. RogeM nnd ix other, MklDg for the construelion of :i (Idvwalk on tlic south siile of E. Ann st., lctw'cu División and SUte t1'. Referred to Sidewalk Oommitte. Of Z. P. Kinft reqiMtting permiwloo to build 11 platform two it wido and twelve feet long lor the purposc of loadn' and uiiloadlog trunks in frout of the Cook House. Referred (o General Street Commlttee. A commiiiilcation from Ex-Mayor Hobison calling the attention of tho Council to liis unjust usage 1b the matter of the grade in front of bis premises on N. Main st., and asking that some action be taken tliereon. Referred to (cneral Street Committce. The retignatton of Albert Sorg as eilief of the fire department received aiivl on motlon of Aid. Swtft the saine was accepted. The Injunction of Metwa. Cheever, Treadwell, Qruner, et al was brought to the attention of the Council, and a commlttee consisting of Aids. Ware, Wines and Herz appoiutcd to confer with the city attorney, and given iower to act in the premises. BEFOBT8 OK COtUOTTIBS, Tbc Coiumittee on Finance reported the following expenditures for the muntli : lstward funil 381 71 ad _ 8 15 3d " " 19 50 ¦Ith " ¦' 1U 60 5th " " „ 2M 25 6th " ' 36 SU General street fund Ui 33 General fund 60 10 Contingent fuud 141 70 Total. $1,749 7! Two otlier bilis were allowed on the contingent fund $10 40. Several bilis froin the lire department were refened to the Commlttee.on Pire Department for cerlilicatlon. On motlon of Aid. Allmendinger hereifter no bilis are to be audited for the fire department not certifled to by the chairman of tlie Fire Department Cotnmittee. Aid. Allnieiidinger from the Genera] Fund Commlttee made a written report recommending that no cliange be made in location of tlie lürlit at Forest Hill Cemetery entrance, that few clianges of the lights now in use were necessary but al soinc future time a general raming of all the lights would be des-irable, especially In tlie 2d, ;(l and öth warde. That the long promised poles liadarrived and been placed except the o'ieon Fullerst., whicli the coinuiiitee would recoinniend to be placed at the corner of Fuller and 13tli sts., instead of at the railroad crossiug, for several rea'ons, wliicli were given. Mr. Swift moved that tlie report be accepted and adoptad except that portion relating to the chango of the Fuller 8t. light. Mr. Ailmendinger moved a8 a substitute Ih it the report be adopted, wliich was lost by the following vote: Ayes- Aids. Allmendinger, 8ntherland, Martin, Nellhaminer, Hainmund and the Kecorder- li. Nays- Aids. Herz, Kearns. Swtft, Ware, Wlneg and the Mayor-. No furtlier action being taken tlie report was rejected. The liquor bond of I). I,ujoie upproved. Aid. kearos, l'rom tlie General Street Comuiittee reported in favor of opening and grading Second 8t. from William to Jrtfrnon st. and that the expense be taken from the contingent fund. Whieh was adopted. Aid. Herz from Sidewalk Comuiittee reported in favor of granting the petition for a sidewalk on tlie south slde of Ann st., from División to State sts., with the necessary resol iitlons to property owners; also for a walk iu front of Francés A. Booth's premlses, on W. Jtfferson 8t. ; for the establishment of a special sidewalk grade ou the north side of Monroe st. from State to Thompson sta.; for cross walk on the west side of S. Main st. across the T., A. A. & N. M. R. 11.; also for a erossing on the newstreet to the M. C. H. R. depot and leading to the Detroit st. bridge - these to be built by the city out of contingent fund. Mr. T. J. Stillivan asked and was Kimatad permission to repair his sidewalk in front of his store on Huron st. on the grounds that stone could not be got this sea8on, and upon promising to relay it with stone next spring. ExAld. Poland was granted permission to cali the atlcntion of tiie Council to the unsatisfactory conditlon of the approache to the Detroit st. bridge over the M. C. lt. K. track?, pronouncing them narrow, dangeroua and outrageous. Aid. Ware moved that the city obligate ii-t-ll for onethird of the expense of a telephone to the water works. Carried. Aid. Herz. moved that the telephone at the Michigan Furniture Factory be taken out by the city and placed whereever the Fire Department Committee thought best. Carried. KKPORTS OF OPFICERS. City Tieasurer Aloore reporled the following balances on hand In the various finid;: Contingent fiind, ou hand $1 005 14 Ueneral " overdraft 3,H 7H Oeu. Street " ' . 528 08 lst ward " on hand _ 772 20 2d ward " _ 127 05 8d ward ' " „. au 87 4lh ward " overdraft 48 6 ötti ward " on band __.. 73 97 ötli ward " overdrafl 34 43 City cemetery fund on h'd li U Dog tax ¦ 215 0 Delinquent tax 'overdraft 1,228 0 Water works fund on hand 788 33 Court tiouseald, '¦ 28 00 Total on hand 16,65 98 Total overdralt 5,302 87 Balance on hand %IJU1 '11 City Marshal Sipley reported the following disnurseinent of the poor fund for the ruonth: lst ward {5 00 2d " 13 3 3d " 17 77 4th " T ai illl " 45 80 Ui " aoo Tolul f 15C :1 The marshal also reported tour arresta and convictious dm ing the uionlli: MOTIO.NS ANU ItKSOLri'lON. By Aid Win: Riëolved, Thnt Ihi' city atturncy is hereby instroctvd to dralt uu ordinauce a Inwint cttv. n to widen the grasa p!uu In front of residencvs to alxteen feut from line of fences upon petition or otberwlve aa may he deemed best : ttie city to excátale gutiersaa may bc neceasury. Carriel. By Aid. Wines: lietolved, That the city engincei la hereby iualructud to luruich Ibis body witli an eacimate of ;iri)lmlic costot a map of tala city, furnishing all neceepary details and dut. lookln forward to 'uture improvtnicnt In ceueral and tho introduction of aeyatem ol i-wcr In our strmits iu particular. Carried. Iiy Aid. Herz: itcMOlreil, That a gradu be glven by the city aarveyor on the north alde of Monroe ut." beween Btate and División sts., commeiiclng east of Prol. Jone' drlvoway gruáe dowu to the wen orncr of Mr. Joe T. Jacob' roldeuc. Also to establish a for xidewalk on the south aldc of Aun st. bet ween htaw ftnü División Btrc u. Carried. By Aid. Ben: Hetolved, That the city cnttlmer rslablish a grade on Uesouth flde or E. Ann st. between N. ¦ítatc and N. División ets. Carried. By Aid. Allmcndinjïer : Retolvcd, That aK the supervisóla have not yet pread the i Ity Improvement Fund udou therolls hal the same be lowered to f2,500 for Ibis year in lew of the anexperted lucreate of ttate and county taxatlon. Carried.


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