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CaM. Dennis, of Detroit, was in the city Friday. I'. H. Dodge of Staiitmi Clipper was m thu eUyorer Banday. Dr. G. E. Frothingham was called to Pontiac last week, 011 consultation. Qco. O. Smitlie, of the Ypsüantian, was a plcasanl callar at the CoriURu ofüce Friüay. Hon. A. J. Sawyer is tishing out at North Lake, and proposes to stay as long as llie weather(and tish) hold out. County Clerk Howlett was in the city of Detroit Monday to answer to a summons as a U. 8. juro. He got excused. W. A. Tolcliard, cashier of the Fartner's and Mecbanks'f Hank, s contemplating remorlag to California in the near future. Evart Scott and Ed. Sumufil went to North Lake last Friday, but the supply of fish ranning out they retarned home. Sawyer didn't. Judge Victor H. Lane and family, of Adrian, have been visiting Mrs. Lane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knowlton, on N'. State st., for levert) dayg. It is perhaps not generally known that Mrs. T. J. Wrampelineyer, Is home from California with lier young son. At present staying with Miss Carrie Xorlon, on A 11 n st. WI1I V. Worden left last Monday for San Francisco, Cal., where he expects to assist his brother Ed. in carrving on the business of manufucturinr chemist. Mr. Worden had become so thoroughly one of the :ood tixtures of our city that the people generally will be sorry to learn of his detcnninaüon to leave them permanently, and he will k to his new home with the hearty good wishes of hosts of friemls here in Ann Arbor.