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The Japanese jugglers at tlie grand opera house to-morrow night. Prof. Morris will give a lecturc on Musical vEsthetics Thursday the lOth, at 8 p. m., In K'ioin 21. All are cordially iuvited. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. 10. church wlll give a social at the church on Thursday cveuing. Tea served at G1 o'clock. Do not fail to see the four little All l'ight boys to-morrow nightat the grand opera house, the youngest and most wonderful performers ever In this country. The Unity Club will give a Dairy Muid social and supper wlth literary sandwiches to bt'giu at 7:15 p. m., next Monday evening. Dairy maids dressed in costiime. Admission to social and supper, lö cents. All are Invited. Takargawa, Ogawa, Kaneko, Osada, Slirimzu, Shibi.ta, Denkichi, Organto and Shio are some uf the classical uames - n Japanese - to appear before au Ann Arbor audience to-morrow evening in iliu opera house, in one of the most wonderful entertainments ever given in thip country. On Saturday afternoon of this week the young ladies between the ages of 0 and 16 of the M. E church wlll give a "dolí reception" in their church parlors from 3 to 5 o'clock. Their friends are most cordially invited to come, gentlemen as well as ladies. The little ladies are invited to, as many as possible, to bring their dolls. Admission, 5 cents; adults, 15 cents. The Children's Department of the Fair to be given by the Methodist ladies, in December, is under the supervisión of Miss May Breakey, and the little army of workers that congrégate at her house every Saturday inormng, with work-bag in hand, is evidence suftlcient that there will be uo lack of pretty things on sale, for the children, made by the children, and soid by the children. We are not allowcd to give a list of the anieles to be on sale, but we have a hint tlial "Jo!ls" will not be the only thing. One of the most wonderful entertainments which the people of Aun Arbor have ever had the pleasureof seeing will be given at the grand opera house tomorrow, Thursday evenlng, Nov. lOth, by the world famous native Japanese troupe of LnMondue & OuraV, direct from the court of the Mikado. Every one lias a clesire for the mysterious. It is an instmrt implanted in our nature, and this troupe of Japanese mystify even the most astute. Their tricks "are new and have never been performed on the American stage, and any description of them will give little or no idea of what they are, which can only be obtalned by witm-ssing them. TUK DAUIIHTEU Ot' JAIRCS - A CANTATA 1SY JOSEI'H KAl BEKüKK. A concert will bc given in Hobart Hall Nov. 17 by the School of Music, for the benefit of the Mount Vernon endowment fund. The cantata, " The Daughter of Jairus" is being arranged for an orohestral accompaniiuent. The Cheqatnegons will take the orchestral parta and will also contribute numbers in the second part of the programme. The colora will be given by members of the School of Music- Miss Caroline Ball, Miss Lucy K. Cole and Miss Kate Jacobs. One of the numbers of the second part will be a piano and violin duette. The whoie programme promises a very enjoyable concert, and the object for which it is given the Mount Vernon fund, should make it a popular one with the cltizens of Ann Arbor, who, t is believed, will be glad of an opportunity of contribuling to the fund that is being raised for the malntenance of Washington's old home. Some views of Mount Vernon will be on exhibiliori next week at Randall's and other places. Tickets can be obtained Monday, Nov. 1-lth, at Brown's drug store and Moore's book store. State Street. Pilce of tickets, 50 cents. Any one wishing to becouie a life member of the Mount Venion Association can do so by contributiug $1. TDE KIR8T CHAMBEIl CONCERT. The first of tlieseven Chamber concerts to be given this winter in Hobart Hall, occured on Friday evening last, and drew one of the best audiences Ann Arbor bas seeu at a concert of this kind. The numbers presen ted by the Pliilharmonic Slring Qaartetle were rendercd in a reni:nkably linished style. The quartette of Mendelssohn reuiiuded us again of the tact that he, the descendant of a long race of noble J.íws, and the refiued, iudefatigable follower of iiacii, teems the last of those few masters whose minds were attuned to the expression of universal joy and sorrow. Even Schubert, who, of all his contemporaries and successors, comes nearest to grasping the saine just aml inevetably right conception ot nature and life, lapses by spells into waywardnes when he should be happy and lato complaint when he should be pitiful. The others seldom or never lose their own personality, and so give us inconipleteiiess or deformity. The Prize-song from the Mister-Singers of Wagner, and the Serenata, by Haydn were well contrasted specimens of the old, pure style and the modern unrest. Traüuierei was too tame for a daj dream, and too still-jointed for the lovelv alght visión it might be. The Concertante of 33, for two vioins, by Allurd, was as refreshlng as a vivaeious Krenchman knows how to be. The broad and mobile tone of Mr. lunck iccelved most excellent support from Mr. Schultz, who bat gained very decidely in depth aud manliuess of tone since last heard in solo bare. Mozart, Rubinstein and Lissen were given place In the solos of Miss Alice Audrus. Miss Andrus has one of those very few voices in which imito simplicity, beauty ot quality and power. Though of limited range, her tones are very even and are capable of many sliades of color. The chaste and severely simple aria "Deh Vivien," froin inarnage of Figaro, was not what oue could wish in light and shade of tone, upper tones seeming to require a reach of efl'ort incompatible with purity of form, but the exuberant rush of joy expressed in the Spring Song of Lassen was caught and poured iorth in the perfect abandon ot uHreflectlng pleasure. Altogether the Uuiversity Society are to be congratulated on this opening of the seriesThe cook book that the Methodist ladies are publishlng to be sold in connection with the fair, to be held during the flrst week in December, Is at the printers and will bc sold at a nominal pnceas soon as published. It is to bc quite complete, and each recipe being slgned by the contributor, will give It somewhat more of local interest tlian otherwise. Mrs. Rogers' department of palntings and art goods will be a!l that could be expected from such a superintendent. Assisted by Mrs. E. B. Lewisand daughter. Now that there is a vacancy In the olllcc of chicf of the Üre department, It would not bc out of place to suggest the name of Moses Seabolt as a good one for the place. He made an excellent chief, is cool, careful, and always on hand Be would be apt to flnd out where a lire was before throwlng water for a half hour or so where no lire existed. In fact, It would puy the various lire companles dolng business in this city to club togethcr and pay such a man a salary, as it might be the means of savlng them many hundreds of dolían.


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