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Tuk pubUc-debt itatMnoni on the lat ihowa the total dcbt te be sff,r7r.Ti, 10; In troasury, 966,708,704; l.-lfc lcss oaih ii. twaroiy, $1,1:W,U!2,7OJ. Kecrcaso uring Ootober, $10,833,005. DecorMM ¦tnoe June 30, 1887, $40,736,03H. IIim.y Mn i.i:i:'a two little ( hildieii were bnxned to death at Oakland, Nol)., on the lst The párente were not at hotne and tho liltlo ones set the house ou lire. Adyues of the lstsay that George Kin?, living near Lamerá, La., gave a dance and upper at hta ivs denos, and soon atter the least all tke s;uoats were takea violontly Blek, and Beven had died and twenty others were dangerougly UI. the food becamc polspned m a myrtery. Louw I.inoo, Adolih i'iauhrr and George Engle, threo of tho caadiunned Clneao Anarchists, sent letterR to Uovernor Oglosby on il"' li( demanding thelr Uberty or éorth, 'Jim r.rotherhood of Locomotivo Kngineers adjouraed tlioir con vent ion In Chicago on the lst, ante a maton ol nearly two As thereIs no moncy with which to pny tot the xpansea ut lie poiowary Riirvoys nul examlnatlona, the aotdon ol Ooagrea lastaesi ."i ter the ttofcibution ol land iu severalty to Indmns can mt no be ennled n 1 1 efteVt Hfmnt Adams, dnusrhtcr of liev. F. W. Adams, ofElkhart, lnd, oommitted suicide by poitoa on tho Ut becanie ol bou falsa ,i beard conoentng herswlf. Ai.ri;u Brom, of Chicago, one of tho crew of the iteamer Voaioa rocently ureeLedon Lak Miohijran, und the only one of tho lift y persons on board knowu to have been lavad, arrlved In Btugvon Bay, Wis., o:i the llt II" was found on a raft, virare he had been tifty hours without food Tin; hliul down of oil-wullu, maiüpnlatvd by tho rroducrrs' Protcctive Association and tho Standard 011 i'ompuny, wout iuto effoct on the Ist, and, it iru atleged, would continue elghteen niouths. OovEnNon Oolesby, of Illinois, on the lst tened a proclamatiou dcsifrnatinjr ThursClajr, November L' I, as a dav of ThaukHgiviug-. lx hi annual re]irt off the lst the Governor of Alaska putó the value of the taxable property of tho Territory at $10,000,000. The white popnlation numbered only flve thousand. The house of T. B, 01 i ver, at East Fork, Ark., was destroyed by lire on the lst, and liis threo little irrandeliildren, who were alone in the luiildiiu, perlahed iu the flaines. 'J'me whiU'r packing eoason opened in Cliiciifru on the lst HogB were plenty at the stock yards, aud the best droves were fifty cents per hundred pouuds higher than a year ajro. Ax enirine szploded near Hack Berry, CaL, on the lst, killin}i Englneer Schroeder, Fireman Long and lirakenian Trapi. The strike of the union liook and job printen to Chicago for a ntne-hotnr day occurred on the lst. There were I i(i men who quit work, out f a total Of 7110 miiou men craployeiL A oai.k swi'pt tlie New Jeraej ooast on the lst,dolng gxeat damage to ihipping' The l'irst Oomptcollel of the Treasur' at Waihtngton deoided on the lat that clerkw in the lirst and BeconóVclasB port oftioeH were not entitled to exlra compenaatlon for deltverrng Bpecial-dnliverr letters. He held that such extra eompensation could only be paid in third and íourth-class ofBcea At Manchester, Ia,, the National Hutter, Egff and l'hcese Assoeiation befpui its annual BOEsion on th lst willi President B. T. Schermerhorn in the ehair. Interestinif rLports were read. The fallinsr off in the consumption of dairy Imtter was said to be due to the sale of oleomargarine. The special ffrand jury suminoned to Inr vestigate the Amer Green lynobing at Delphi, lnd. , made its report on the Ist No iuQictnient.s were found, and tlie eounty oflicials were held free froffi blame lor tlielr part m the affair. Thb decisión of the United States, Suprome Court at Washiuirton upon the petition for a writ of rrror in the case ot the Chicago Anareliists was annonnced on the forenoon of the L'd by Chief Justice Waite in a long and carefully-prepared opinión which oeeupied thirty-Hve minutes in the readinf?, and whiuh oloaed as follows: "We are of t'ic opinión that no Federal question has been presentad warranting the interference of this court, and thercfore we deny tho writ" An appeal to Governor Oglesby is the only recource now leftto the condemned men. The business portion of the town of Tren ton, Ark., was destroyed by lire on the 21 At Hebron, Conn., on the 2d John Hodel, while drnnk, Rhot his wife and tlien 83t flre In the flames. It was thought that Garrett's second wife, step-inother of the girls, üred the building. to their house, two children perishing in the flamps Hodel attemp'.ed to escape, but was capu.v 1 The union job printers of St Louis inangnrated a strike on the 1M for an advance of one dollar a week. Joseph S.mith, a Cincinnati capitaljst, made an assignment on the 2d, owiug $L'JO,000. At a railwav crosiug at Strubenville, O., on the ad Miss' Hattie Turner was fatally injured, and her escort, John (. Heatty, inBtantly killed. Geohoe Ai-.thur, United States Naval Surgeon, feil f rom a train near Salem, V., and was killed on the 2d He was on hi Way tu slielbyville, Tenu., to bc mairie L Mits. Anna Sa( iis, who was tined flfty dollara at St. Lonii ently for tossing a pancake bito Mrs. Cleveland' s lap, wat, on appeal, releas ¦(! 11 the Zd on the payment of tifteen dollars. The Commissloner of Indian Affairs in hio annual report on the lid notes substantial evidence of coutinued progresa on the part of the Indians towarda clvilizatioii. On the Laccassgne plantation at Tigorville. La., four laborers were shot f rom ambush on the 2d Tho colored employés etruck recently, but the white hands remaiued The Governor had been telejrraphed to send troopg. The co;d minere in the neighborhood of Evansville, lnd, returned to work on the ÍM at the oíd ratea They had been out Sincc the middleof September. The house of A. D. Garrott, a farmer, at Spencer, O. , was destroyed by flre on tha 2d, and his two iinbeeüe daughters perished DBran oversight of the Htate authoritie of Georgia, Charlotte Jones, a convict, waj not released at the expiration of her sentence, and she had on the 2d been illegally diprived of her liberty for fourteen montha The National Cattle-Growers' convention at Kansas City adjourned on the 2d W. A. Towers was e'eited president of the assooiation for the ensnlng year. JamcxM of the 2d from Norfolk, Va , say that in the recent storms along the coast over flfty vesseN w ere wrecked, but no loss of Ufe was reported The bodies of twenty-two persons who went down In the recent wreek of the eteamer Vernon on Lak e Michigan were found on the 2d, and were at Two Iïivers, Wis., awalttng nlentitieation. Fob tlie third time within two months the ulluse of Uautoii, 0., was on the 1M tirapt b.v OuMI and a iiumhcr of dwelling houses iind Hinall building dartroj i d EiTENsivr forest Brei were raging on the 2d in Uio vidnlty of BbnnetUvilIe, Iml., uiul reat lauin;rc hml liecn done A BpfpiCAU of lïew York and Pliiladdphla capitalists " tl1 :!l pmcliased acontzolUng Interest hi Uie Nw Vork (fnpkic Tha paper will MDtain nn independent Democratie journal. It wan reported on the 3d that the striko on thr ImWana plantation ra couIIihmI to the Bqpweft, ten thousand of whom liad qult wort Toubteen persons at Pitishurgh, Pa., were made seriomly Hiok on the :td by drinking poiROiied imlk. Imt it was ttioujrht that the.T wouldall recover. Tuk entirc business portion of the villiijfe of Castalia, ü , was ilestroyrd hy firo on Uie !d. (Irand .Tiniclioii, Co!., carly on thfl inorniu? of :d a nuniber of makcd men stopped a Dep ver A ltio Grande express train, oompelHng the employés to leavo tlii'ii iio-iitioni, nnd toen robbod the passenger and out tlie mail ponches and can-ied off tlie couteuti of llm n jiistered packagoR At Cheste.r, X. Y., thn house of William Wade, a railroad man, -:w Inmxvl on thfi uight of lid, Wa4' wil'n ]i in the flamea. l'KEI) HAHSE5, proprietor of thfi Clalloway Hoom at Eau Claire, Wis., and a former clerk IIIWMli BflWWd Kichardson had a flgut with pístela on the lid, and liotli mvn wero fatally woimdcd. Tuk stock ot the Western Union Telepraph Company wm Isoreased 5,000,000 on th 3d, mikinK th total $88,600,0001 On Ui.' liutïalo (H. Y.) track on the 3d C. J. llamlinN .lustina and lielle llaullin lowMd til wnild's record for tuaniH from 2:'J3 to 8:18 The ndvioory cominitoo of Tlymouth Churoli, lirookivn, deoided on tho 'M to extend ¦ oaU to Her. Charlea A. Berry, of WolvcilminpUHi. l'-iii.'-, to bcoomo lts pastor. Mr. liarr.v in thirty-ftve yoars of ajre, and was a pciMmil iriend of the late Hcnry W.ucl rjeecier. Aijvn i:s of 'M frora Tortia, Ark., say that tho woodn tor ten miles around had been on tite lot tour days, and Uiat cot'onflclds had been bnrned nnd com-cril, banu, dwilliii; hpuaei and üelds ruincd John liomxsoN's eireus-traüi was WTecked nt the l'nlcm depot in St Ixmis onthe!Jd, and many animáis were lilioratrd, oaiuing a panic, buk the lic:. sis were secnred bet'ore any liarni was done. ''in; animal report of the ('ommissloner of Cnstonig, snlmiitted to the Sccn'tary of the 'lrcisurv on the lid, hIiowr that during the laskfaoa] y-ar ammutü were examined in hiR office laTOlvlng !filis,ilíl,.'(ill in recclptR and L':f,7!H,7il in diKlmrsementa, In the district of West Virjiinia, oppoaite Wellsville, O. , hiifin were dyinjr on the 3d from eholera at a rapid rate, and all efforta to check the plaque had proved futile. It was aunounced on the !id that Splet, Fielden and Schwab, three of the condenined Chlaatfq Ananliists, had algned a petltlon to Governor Oglaby fot a coiniiratatlon of sontcnciv ('hief .Ii'stice Waite recivcd at his home in Washington on the iJd, throujfh the potoftiííe, a box containtncr a cantrivance retembling an infernal machine, but tne breakiujf of a wiro by tho post-cfnee clerk in stamping the bo.x reudered the apparatus harmloMS. The clrcumstauce naturally connects itself with the Justice'sdelivery of the opinión of the Kupreme ('ourt in the case of the Auarohists, and the general opinión was that frlends of the condemned men intended to take the Ma of the ('hief Justica P. H. Kamtoher, wharfma8ir at Meniphis, Tenu , was on the 4th said to be 990,UIH) short in his acuounta. Hkss, Mayer A ('o., wholesale dealers in dry goods at Louisville, Ky., failed ou the 4th for $200,000. John Hobimkon s circus and menagerie, which was wrecked at St Louis on the lid, met a Rimilar fate at Cleveland, Ind., on the 4th. No lives were lost, and none of the animas escapad. Tbe two accid nts coxt the proprietor .fJ(M),)(M). The Iowa Noldiers' Home will be open for inmates on December 1. A FUBiouti gale prevailcd on Lake Huron on the 4th, accompanied by severe squalls and freezing weather. Duiüno the seven days ended on the tth there were Beventy-four cases of yellow f ever at Tampa, Fla, of which nine proved fatal. The epiponiic v as fjraudally subsldinfr. There were 20ö business failurcs in toe United States during the seven days ended on the Ich, against 11)3 the previous seven days. At Louisville, Ky., on the 4th Charles B. Iicownlield, a dissipaieil character, cut the throate of his wifc, his ten-year-old dau?hter and his brother-in-law, William V. Bruner, and then hanrcd himself. It ral reported on the tth that Thomas Owens, a c irpenter, who rimtiy feil from a building in Homestead, Pa., and broke his neck, told a fellow-worknian that he was an Anan Ir st, that he carne from Chicago, and that he threw a bomb at the Haymnrket riot The whole Mory is considered a hoax. The Siprcme Court of Indiana decided on the It h that a student attending school ín any other county than that in which he has his permanent residence is not an elector ondel the law. It was c'.early proved on the tth that the recent terrible explosión in St Louis, by which nine lives werp lost, was purely accident tl, uut the cause still rem: ined a mystery. Ovrua to trouble with their employés the l'lass nianufacturers of the Eastern States determincd on the 4th to sluit down their factories at the close of the present monto. PbopsBTï valued at $170,000 was destroyed by lire at Nashville, Tenn. , on the Jitirin' the progresa ot' the tlames a nuinbcr of [xiople were lnjnred by falllng ralla. C. W. I.ivincood's five-year old daujjhter was burned to death on the It h at Blue Sprinjjs, Neb. She had been playiug with matchea In the office of Pickards, Mather A Co., at Cleveland, O., a lxy, while playing with a loaded ritte on the 1 ih discharged the weapon, and the bullet struek William J. Matson, a book-ke;per, and killed him. Heports were received on the 4th at Norfolk, Va., that the schooner Ocean Birdsank in Pasquotauk river during a recent storm, aml that all of the twenty persons on board perished. Bhadt Ghove, Ky., was totally destroyed by flames ou the -tth. The lire started in Lemmon's grocery store and swept the villaife from end to end. Scott Rat and Charle Sims were imprisoned at Pittabnrgh, Pa, on the 14thona charge of killing Frank Ham, whose remains were shijiped to Chicago in a carnaje Tucs Aoee was hanged on the 4th at Lexington, Ky. , for the murder of his brother-in-law, and Henry Uobinson (uolored) met a similar fute at Union Springs, Ark., for kiüiiiu' an ajred negro. It was aimounced on the tth that the seudiiur of the bomb to Chief Justice Walte'a residence in WiiHhinjrton was a cruel hoax and the work of Sherburne O. Hopklns, who makes a prccarious living by selliug soniaticmal "w lo nownpapcr ¦OWWBPW' onts, aiul Arthur D. öperry, a reportad Hol li inrn hd leen arrested. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. At the meeting ot the American Womifli Sntlraw Ai-socialiou in IMilladi'lpliU on the 2d report wero reoeived sho, wing that tho cauce, was in a tlouriHhing condition. It was (lrt.niHii.-.l to petfttOU the State I-ogislatuns lor the i -iyht to voto ut municipal [pns. llon Y. D. I'onlkc, of Indiana, was clccted president for the coming yoiir. The will of the late Ellhu R Wanhburne, of Chicago, was adinittod to probate on the ad. The bulk of the estáte, amountlng to about $883,000 Is dtvldcd botween hls üve survlvlng chlldren. H. M. Hobebtson (Dom.) wan on the a clectcd a member ot Congres trom the Hixth district ot Louiitiana. Kuw kW C WEiLEr, of Kansas. ,wns on tho 3d appoiiitpdl'nltcd BtettB ConitQ t Sonncborjr, (iciiniinv. Hknry KixiKiiTiiN, ,nin of tho best-known lawyers on thr PMtfio coast, was found dead in hls offloe at San Francisco on tha -Hh. Da. JMosk lliNN, one of the iuostcclebratcd surgeons ín the country, dled in Chicago on thr Hh, aijod sixty-nve years. FOREIGN. A tv moví (file ragcd tbroughout Englund on the lat, causing considerable daraag to telvgruph wires and rcsulting in a number of minor cHUlltle. The liritifih bark Temple Bar, bound for Rio Janeiro, foundered in tho BrltUh channel on the lat, and the crew, numheriug oightcen, wcro lost ( oi'nt de IxsHEr announced to the Acadciny of Scienoo in Paris on the lst thut the Panama caual would be opeucd t'ebrnary .'t, In:' The town of Klusin, in thn ]rovince ol Minsk. RusHia, was destroyed by flre on th lBt Threo hundred and flfty houses and a number of stores were burned and inany live woro lost The dlsoovery of extensiva gold fields in South África was rejwrted on the 2d. The municipal eloctions in Kngland on the 'M rcsulttil in favor of the Gloduton"jenxt iJNn, the "Swelish NifrhtinRale," quictiy pamed to rest on the 2d in Ixndon, nt the tg of slxty-six years. Hhe first made ter Hppcarance in pullic a a slnfrer tnlondonin 1840, nd in lHr0 appeared in the United StateB under the aupioe of P. T. Jlarnuin. Thb Btnahm of persons who emigratod from Gerniany to the Uuit:;d SUtes during tho ten expired uionths of 1887 U upward of ten thoiiHund yriuter than that for the correspondinjf perlod of lHKi!. A DispATCH of the 'M frora Boulogue ays that tlfty-uine flshermen lOBt thelr Hvob in a recent gala At Etables seven bodles lashed together had been washed aghore. An asslgnment was made on the 3d by John Harney and J. B. McQnestion, proprietors of woolen milis at Hespeler, Out Their liabillties were placed at $'00,000. The British Cabinet resolved on the 3d to continue its present vigorou policy in Ireland, especially as regards speeches at proclnlraeil ini'ntiuc. Miss Ellek Towers, of Petersboro, Ont, met a strange death on the 8d While huntlng in a triink she fainted and her head feil insidd the tnink, the lid oloslng over her neck. Death from uffocation occurred In a few nioini'iits. Twentï-fivb men lost their Uves in a lead mine at Matlock. Eng., on the 3(1 owing to an explosión of re-damp. The Truro cathedral, whlch was opened on the 3d, is the first one that has beon built by the Establiehed church in England sinoe the Kuformation. Kusslan pólice on the 3d discovered another Nibillut plot They ralded the headquarters of the conspirators, made several arrests and found a large number of bomba The English Government on the 4th declded to prosecute all personB who took part in the proclaimed meeting at Woodford on October 10. Among them were three members of Parliament and the secretary of the lord mayor of London. The November report of the Ontario Bureau of Industries suys that the yield of fall whoatis 14,440,011 bushe'.s, being 3,030,53 1 bushels less than last y ear. LATER NEWS. The cclls of the condemned Chicago An. archists were thoroughly searebed on th Oth. and in the one occupied by Liugg four Ijombs were found after the prisoner, who had been taken out, had made a desperate attempt to prevent the offleer from entering. How the hombs came there was a mystery. During the night of the 5th Engel attèmpted to commit suicide by taking laudanum, but a doctor saved his life. Governor Oglesby had reoeived everal letters threatening him ith assassination unless he coinmuted the sentence of the Anarchiste. The Tortcr block and sevcral adjoinlng buildinjjK nt Clayton, N. Y., wore burned on the tith. Lom, tf 100,000. At twenty-slx leading clearing-house in the United St:ites the exchanges during the w.i-k ended on the !th BggregateJll,043,:il 1,775, against (02,277,WW the prevlous week. As compared with the corresponding wedt of 188Ö the increase amounts to 1.2 per cent The stable of the Kansas City horse and mule market was destroyed by an incendiary fire on the Oth, and thirty horses and mules perished In the flamea, r Considerable excitement was cause 1 on OM ."th at riiilndplphia by the discovery that a physiciau of that city had two lepere under hls care. Bt an explosión of molten steel on the .rth at the works of an lron coinpuuy near Springfteld, 111., four uu n were ïatally injured. Expekimenth on the "th at New York with nltro-glyceriue shells showed that lf iron ¦hlps had been flrod at instead of targets they would have been blown to pleces. Genexal liuiiEit gave battle n the 5th to the (,'row Aenoy Indians in Montana, in which Sword-Bearer and tbree or four of hie desperate followers were killed, and the outbreak was v.rtuully crushed. I'iioM the latest mail advices from China ltappears tliat a tvphoon on September 17 caused great loss of life on the island ol Hoi Ling. Two huudred people were thought to have beeu drowneii. QW. A. Conk, a defuultfng tax-oollector of Harria County, Tex , wuh arrested on the 5th aiter ehuling the vigilnnce of the pólice for slx yearn. It was announced on the 5th that the Hexlcan authorltiiH wire anxlous to cooperate with tbose of thts country in ¦ war upon the bandlta luw deeds of vlolence had creaU d a reign of terror a'ong the border. Twknty-five horses were burned to deatb on the 5th in the basement of Edward Eiley's livery stable in New York City. In a qnarrel on the 5th neur Centervl'le, Ti'im. , John K. Alexander shot Jacksoc Blackwell and his son with a rifle and thes killed hlmself. I "'kim , the month of October there wal an aggregate of 'JH5 accident and disasten on all the lakes, 117 more than in Beptember thls year, and 115 more th in in October of last year. Total loss for the month, PI, 060,909, an increase ovtr Hcitt-mlH-r i $825,3HI. The total loss of life was 131


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