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WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOQRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILk SEE BY EXAMININC THI8 MAP, THAT THÉ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By ronaon of ita central posltíon, close relatlon to principal linea East of Chicago and continuous linea at terminal points West, Northwest and is the nly true middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facilitates travel and trafP-c in either direotion betweon tiie Atlantic and Paciüc. The Rock Island main line and branches include Chicag-o,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle-Peoria, Geueseo, MolinO and Rock Island, in Illinois; Iíavenport, Musca ti. ïo, Wushinffton, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West i.iberty,Iowa City, Dea Momas, lndianola, "Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Centro and Coiincil Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trsnton, St. Joseph, Cameron and I'.anaas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchisoii, in Kansas; Albort lea, J Tinuoapolis and St. Pun!, in Minnesota; Watertown in Duk.jta, and hundroda i r ...trmediate cities, towns and villaerea. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Gur.rantoes Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbod ij ïUoroughly baüasted. Ita track is of heavy steel. I;: bridf-es are soiid utructurc3 of etone and iron. lts rolüngr Btock ia perfect as human skill con mote it. It has all the safety appliances that mechanical g-onius has invented and xperionce proved valuable. lts practical operation is conservutive and methodI ;al- ita discipline strict and xactini?. Ihe luxury of its passeiiKer accommodaUons is unequaled in the West unsurpassed In the world. AT.T. EXPRESS TRAIN8 between Chicago and the Missouri River consist A coinfortablo DAY COACHES, maraifioent PULLMAN PALACE PARLOE and SLEEPING CABS, eleirant DINÏNG C ARS providinf? excellent meals, and - betweeu Chicago, St. Joueh, Atchiaon and Kansas City- restful RECLINING CHAIR CARS. the: famous albert lea route Is tiio direct, rvorito Une botrween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over thiu route solid Fast Express Trains run daily to tho buinmer resorte, picturesquo localities and huntinp: and fishinsr rrrounds of Iowa aud Minnesota, 'iho nel: wli at lields and i?razing lands of interior Dakota are reached via Watcrtcwn. A short desirablc routa, via Séneca and K ank akec , offers superior induccmcntJ to travelero between Cincinnati, Indianapolin, Lafayotte and Council Blnfb, St. Joseph, Atcbison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minnoapolis, St. Paul and intermedíale points. All classes of patrona, especially families. ladiG and ehüdren, receive from offlciuli and employés of Rock Island trains pi-otoction, rospoctful courtesy . kiiK'.ly attention. Ifor Tickets, Maps, obtoinable at all principal Ticket Offices la t" ¦ Uni-ed States and Canada- or (uiy esixed infonnattcn, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, retldant and General Manager, Chicago. Generü! Tlcfcri and Passender Aeent, Chicaz'


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News