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%g niTTITT to bemndü. Put thli out and rc I I hl II V tllr" '" '"'' a"d W'J wl11 usecdycn I U fl I lr.-i-, KuiuethhiK of ïnat v lo I an ' importHTice to you, that will ,tartjonin buvilie which will hrlneynu In more moni-y ilg t away than niiythimr eUein ihis worM. Anyonc "can do the work and . live at home. Etth-r tez ; ah utres. SumethinK j new. thatjust OiIiií money f r nll workrrs. We vvill Btart yon ; capital no' needen. Tblf le one of eenulne, Important chances ol a i.ietime. Thoue j wbo ure amhlitou and ttntêrprfoiiig will not dclays ' AddrefK TkukX Co.. Angnxta. Maine. Consiiinption Cured. An old pliysicinn, retiretl froin ptuctlce, ' Imvinsr li;iil phioid in his Immls liy an Enst Iiuüii inissionary tlie formula of n simple vegetable reniedy tor the ípeedy umi pi-rtn iixMit cure ut' Consumptlon, Hniiicliitis ( 'MtHi'rli, Astlimn, and all throat hik! lutig Affei'tions, also i positive and radicnl curr fr Nervoui Dt-Ullly and and 11 Nervoiis CompJalnU, aftcr liavinsr tested its womierful curatlrt powers in j thiuaiids of oases, lias feil it liis dnty to i miike lt ktiown to IiU luffcrlng Icllows Actuatcd ly Ihis motive nnd ii t relieve homnn sull'eriiii. I will nnd (tm of charle Ut ml I who llexlre it, tiiii recipe in Geriiiiiii, Frencli nr BnitlUh, itli ftill direction lor pfcpiirlng mul 1 1 - í i r . Sent ty mail bv kddrMliX willi st:ittip, nainInj; thit paper, W. A. Noyes, !40PowerSi BloOk, Koclieeter, N. Y. "That Qeorüe Simps n I uppose, ione of the luekiest dom alive," lenmtked yonng Featherly enviously. "lu wlmt wny !" "In bfing engajred to NIíks Smit li. " "Huw is lie lucky In tliat' Slie is not prctly nnd glie is ccrtaiuly Dot rieti.'' "No, hut 8he cierks in a ooafectlunary shop. I henrd Georte say that even the smell of ice cream alino-t makes her sick."- Harper's Huzar. ('h ron e (iiiltIis and Colds, And all diseRses of llie 'l'liroit and Luuy can be cured by the use of Scolt's Emulsión of Ooi] Liver Oil and Ilypophos phites in tlu'ir fullesl fonñ t a liomtiful cream y Kmulsion. palatabU; as milk, easily diyested, and can be taken by tlie most delicate l'le io read: "I consldei Scott's Emulsión the remedy p ir-xcellence in Tuberculous and Btrumoae Alfectiong, to 8ay nothinj; of otdinary oolds Hlld throat trotibU-s." - V. I! 8. ConiHill, M. 1), Manche-ter, O After writing sentenreg one day, the schohirs exchanred work for correction. A suiall boy mirked an error, and Iben at the foot of the paper made the Ibllowing expUnutory note: "lie didti't beifiü Massacbewsitts with i cater-pillar." Distress after efktlng, hcartburn, sick headache, and Indlxestion are turcd by Hood's Sarsnpaiilln. Il nlso creates a good appetlte.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News