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SKÏN SCALJ? BLOOD Havlnsr been a nffeiw lor two years and a half from a dlteM6 caueed hy a brutee on the leg. and having heen cnred by the Cuticüra Hrmkiiiks whcfl all otlier inetlioun and remedies fdiled, I deem ii my duty to recoimiïcnd ihem. I vieiied Hot Sprints to no uvail, and triert severel doctor wltb. out success. and ut laat onr principal drngglat, Mr. John I'. Plnley (to whom I shall ever feel L'ratefol), spoke tome tibout CUTicrHA.nnd 1 consented ¦ them a trial with the recnlt that I am perfect ly cured. There is now no sore about me. l think I can show the larest surface where my sufl'erings sprang from of any olie In the State. TkeCUTiOCRi Kkmmuks ari' the best blood and skin cnres nianufactured. 1 refer to drusiirist John I'. Kiulay aud D. D. C. Montgotnery.both of tbls place, and to Dr. Smith, of Lake Lee, Mies. ALEXANDBR BKACR, Greenvllle, Miss. Mr. Beaeh u"i theCr-nei'HA Kkvjdiks, ulour request, wlth resul's a? nbovv stated. A. B. FINLAY Co., Druiijists. SAVED MY MÖTHER'S LIFE. Kver since I enn remember, my mother has 6d from a mllk lajc. NothiiiL: would do her any uood She luid the beet medical talent, hut thi-y all did hernogixid. Sho snflered wlth ber Icl' lor thirty years and never krn-w a well day. gbe would have to nit up half the night, holding up her leg ai d tnosninj,'. he h:id no peace. Shf aaed all tlm best known remedies In the coumry without eft'ect. I aaked her to try your CüTioUba Kkmeuiks. Cot liera bottle of CuticurA Keholvi;n i , aad fhr. took it, ftnd hae taken in all about h'ix or seveo beulen, aud now ehe ie a well wonian to-day. Ilerle;; in enlirely hcaled, and hor heullh w riev-r brtter. She eau go out every day, eomethíng abe has Mot done in ten yeaiv, so you ieE I cannot telp statini; toyou abont yoar wonderful CiTiriTBA KKMKniES. You have saved my mothir'" life. I cannot (lnd words to expres my -mtltude. I h'ive advertised your Cuticuka Hkikpi ks fnr nnd iwii-. KUVVAKD LUKDBR, 1505 Broadway, N. Y. CfTicritA, tlie preat ekln cure, and CimcritA Soap, prepared from It, cxteroally, and Cutici'ra Uekoi.vknt. Iho new blood pnrilier, internally, re a poeitlte cure for every form of ekiu aud blood diHOnce from pimple to ncrofula. Snld everywhere. I'riee : i r i 1 1 nu, 50 ccnt ; 8oAP,ï3cent; Hksoi.vknt, Í 1. 00. Prepared by Kit Duro & t'iiKMicAi. Co., Boston. fysen.l for "ilow to ('ure skin DIjcascB," Cl pnges, 50 UlustratlOQS, and 100 testimoniáis. P(I'I.KH. blncklie.irl, chnpped nnd oily skin F I IVI prevented by CUticura Mkuioatkd Soap Sneezing Catarrh. The distreaeing sneeze, sneeze, snocze, the acrid watery discharges from the eycs and nose, the painful inllsmmation extendtDg to the throat, the wefllng of the mncous lining, cauulng clioking ensntion, congh, ringinf; nolaes In the bcad and pUttlng headaches- how familiar these symplomn are to tlionsands who suffer periódica! from head cold or influenza, and who live In ignorance of the fact that a single appllca'lon of Sandfoüd's Radical Cure kor Catabhh will afford itlantaneout rtlhf. Bat this treatment In cases of simple Catarrh L'ives bat a faint Idea of what this remedy wlll do In the cbroale forms, where the breathing Is obtructed by cboklng putrld mucous ion, the hearing effected. nmell and tnte gone, throat ulciTi.ted and hacking cough Krmlu.illy fastenlng Itsalf upon the debllitnted system. Then it Ie that the marvellouB cnrative power of Sanfokd's Hadii ai. Ccuk manifesta luelf In Instantaneous and grateful reller. Cure beging Irom the flrst applicatlon. It is rapld, radical, permanent, economlcal, and Bafe. Sandfoiíd's Radical Cl' re consiste of one bottleof the Uauicai, Cuke one box of Catabrhai, ÖOI.VINT, nnd an f mphoveu Inhale; prlce (1, POTTBB DuUO AND CllKMIUAL Co.. BOSTON. PAINS and WEAKHESSES OF IEIUALES Inntantly rellcved by the Cntlrura n(i l'aiii l'lattor, a new, mom '¦. ii htantaneous and infiillible paln-killiiiL'jilai'ter, espcciully adapted tu relieve Kemale Pains and Weaknesses. Warranted vaatly superior to all other piasters, and the mot-t perfect Antidoto to and Wenk-nens vet compounded. At uil druggiHtf, 't cents ; live for $1.00 ; or, poswee frec. of PoTTM ÜR1 a Jfc ClIEJllCAI. Co., Boston, Mass. jamësêTbach, FIRE AND LIFE INSUBANCB_AGItNCY ! No. Iti East Hurou Street, Opposlte Cook House. Ten Flrst-Cliiss ComlxiuleH represented. Assctts Over $25,000,000. 13(1.


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