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Jury wanted at court Nov. 22nd. The Saline W. C. T. U. meets Saturday p. ni., at 'ó o'clock. Look out for wiuter. - Milán Leader. Wliy not look in the stove? Soutli Lyon starts out tliis early with a masquerade ball. Horrible. G. J. Parker lias returned from Dakota to Manchester for the winter. Ex-Sheriff Wallace, of Saline, ig vislting liis son at Chatanooga, Tenn. The Bridjjevvater band will soon be blowing sweet straius froiu sil ver horns. Fred Weissinger and Miss Christina Ottmer were married at Saline on the 3d list. The Stony Creek Presbyterians thitik some of organizlng a singing class this winter. N. W. Wileox tliiuks of removing his brick and tile machine from Milán to Ashley. Tim Fallen of Chelsea lias gonc to Detroit to work lor the Peninsular car eonipany. Chelaea has a new preoeptresa of schools in the person of Miss Delia Norbct, of Ypsilanti. They have chip socials at South Lyon, and the Picket is boomiug next year's fair already. All the wenther proptiets have been knocked out this fa.ll, even tlie Milan Leader man. Rev. Mr. Foster will till the Oongrcjratioiial pulpit at Dexter. and liev. Mr. Mills, the Baptist. Woodchuck scnlps and crow's heails liave cost Saline f127 this yoar, mul the supply is still good. Six young ladles of Grasí Like eonduct a very readalilc high school column in the Graas lake News. Rev. G. Albertus h:is reeonsidered his resignatlon, and will continue pastor of the Dexter Lutheran Churcli. - Leader. Tüe Thanksdvin; service will be held in the Presbytcrian eimreh, at Milan, and Kev. F. Haotlogton ivill preacli the ser111011. The farm bain of Amos Hall, a mile or so southeast of Milan. was destroved by lire, Monday night. Loss $1,500, insured for $600. The prison doors have been closed with Di'. W.iite, ot Brlgbton, upon the inside. Up at Chicago they hang people for the crime of murder. They have got to threshinr corn now. Isn't it pretty late in the day for tliat innovation ? The boys are having to be threshed by the schoolmarms. Even over in etaid old Northville, the boys (and girls) wore very rude, says the Record, and mixed up signs, and gates, and so forti), in a horrible manner. A nutnber of Dexter folks have tlieir eyes set upon California, and thcir hands upon tlieir pocketbooks, rieliberating. "Will it pay ?" is the ill-absorbing question. The Follet house at Ypsilanti has changed landlords, Mr. II. Woodmancy, the owner, taking the place of Wm. II. Lew is, expects to remove to Elkhait, Ind. soon. Eithcr himself or the heirs of one William Kenenly, supposed to be in Michigan, are wanted in New York to lay claim to their share of a $7,000 forlune. Our name is Dcimi,-. They are again pouudinï away at the gas well having lished out the drill laat Qlght The well Is down now about 300 feet and the drill working in hard clay. - 8o. Lyon Picket. The high school will give a Thanksgtving entertainment Wednesday cvening, the 23d, for the benefit of the oritan fond. Furthcr particular! uext week. - Milan Leader. A Lodi young man broke his nose while playing ball on a recent Sunday. Thus niisfortune comes to him who desecrates the holy Sabbath day. - Haline Observer. Itight you are. The Mooreville Methodists are lo have a Christmas tree this year, and have commenced preparations thercfor already. Well, it is only a little over a moiith, is it? Oh! dear! llow time flies! Hon. E. P. Allen is down for an address before the meeting of the National Grange, at Lanslng, Dec. ICth. His subject will not be: "How to sow postilóles and reap fencep," but some other subject. Who were 6tingy? Who had no ambition? Who would not ride in a canvai-s covered rattletrap, because lie didn't have a quarter? - Ypsilanti Commercial Cor. Well, by smut; that's a corker from Corktown. All the boxes in the Chelsea postofflee have been taken, and a hundred additional ones are to be put in. Chelsea is becoining great. - Leader. The umlivided attention of Supervisor Gilbert is respectfully Bollcited to this particular item. Capt. Allen made a eplendid impression upon the Dakota people, on his recent vislt to tliat thrllty territory, and they are looking for service to their cause from him when Congress shall convene, In which lic will not disappoint them. - Vpsilanlian. The third lecture In the course of Young People's Society, of Saline, will bc dellvered by the Kev. W. W. Hamsay, of Ann Arbor, on the 22d lnst. Subject : " Sky Wonders." The people of Saline are to be conjjratulated. They will have a rich literary treat. Hon. C. M. Wood had a little excite ment at home last week. A daiing wild goose dared toallght on his premises, and of course the senator grasped hls rusty rifle with a good deal of enthusiasm. He "let slicker" but it was the same old story, the fcathers llew - wlth the blrd. - Pinckney Dispatch. G. B. SIU has entered Into business In Detroit. His family will remain in the old homestead during the winter. Our people gencrally regrel this departure of one of our oldest business men, respected by all who know him, and the Methodist cliurch loses one of its most valued nicnibers. - Dexter Leader. The Leader says: " a "iiijrger'' show will draw out more Milan people, at a higher pricc of admiesion, than the best lecturer alive," and Milan people are not so very much different from the people of other towns, either. It Is amusement the people are in search of. They get enough dry, hard fncts every day. Have you visited the school ? If not it is now time to think about it. The teachers will be glad to see you, and you sliould be interested in their work. ín no other place do we employ people and ncver go near them, while this is the most Imporant work of all. - Chelsea Herald. This is to.T true. But still the teachers secm to get along all right. Mr. Wood, of TJrighton, has purcliased of Valentino Bro's 14 liead of Sliropshire breeding ewes among the lot were one pair of imported breeding ewes, bred by O. P. Falkner, Wolverhampton, England. This pair were purcliased at a fancy price. The other twelve were unregistered. Mr. Phil Roper,of Soutb Lyon, purcbased six breeding ewes of the same flock.-Leader. Two families In this village reside in botb Washtenaw and Monroe counties. At C. M. Blackiner's residepe the county line cuts through bis sitting-room and dining-ioora comerwise ; at C. II. Wilson's the line is drawn at the same angle through bis sltting-room and parlor. Young man, in wbicli couuty would you Set your marringe licnusc? - Mllau Leader. To make the thing surc, better patronize both. Several of our merchants are in favor of and are agitating early closing of stores dui-ing the coming winter. The closing of the stores at 7 or 7:30 in the cveninr, while not decreaslng trade would lessen expenses, and give the tnerchanta more time to become better acquainted wlth their families, and the clerks more timeto cultívate the requaintance ot thcir best girls, and all more time for rest and recreation. - Saline Observer. The early-closing arrangement Inaugurated last week seeirs to be working to the satisfaction of all concerned. The drug stores are not included in the agrecmeiit. The dry goods bouses close at six and the groceries and other business houes close at eight A very uninusical bell on Congress street announces time for closing, but there bas been no intimation as yet from tbe dry goods or groccry clerks that its discordaut sounds were at all unwelcome. - Ypsilantian. Senator Bruce says tbe negro can work more bours in a day, and wait longer for !:is pay, than any other man. Bruce is all right - he means rigbt - but hls terms are confuscd. He means that bis sable brother can wait more hours in a day, and live longer without work, than any other man. At least that is what be would mean if he had tried to hire a half dozen of them to turn a printing press bere. - Ypsilantian. Experlence is a thorough teacher, and that lesson bas been learned by more than the Ypsilantian editor. The Enterprise Manufacturlug Company is the name of a firtu rccently organized bere which intends to supply the world, also a large part of Canada, with the Scotney patent Cob Fire Kindler. Tbe pleces of cob are soaked in some sort of preparation; can bc lightcd with a match, and will burn from 15 to 20 minutes. A box of these, which retails for 20 cents, will bulld from 50 to 75 lires. This device will doubtless be appreciated by staden tl and otbers who have fires to build. The man who lies abcd in the morning and Iets bis wife "ignitc the doniestlc conüagration," (sbe generally does it) is about the only one we know of who will not be Interested in the contrivancc. - Ypsi. Commercial. Arrangements are fully concluded for the transfer of tbe opera house from the possession of the present owners, H. M. Curtie, D. L. Quirk and Mrs. Ilelen Bwift, to Mrs. ö. Draper, of Buflalo, N. Y., wife of the long-time proprietcr of Draper's Únele Tom's Cabin troupe. Mr. Draper bas been here during the past week conducting the negotiation and the house bas been under hls control and management since Monday last, thougb as is Intimated above, the legal transfer of the property bas not yet occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Draper have been negotiatlng with Mr. Curtís during the past two years for the purchase of the opera house, it tlrst coming under thelr observation while they were filling an Unclc


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