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Bay City has a population of 32,000 ; t has 70 saw milla and 31 salt blocks; its marine business ranks third on the great Iakes, Chicago and Buffalo only cxcelling ; it has fuur banks witli a capital and surplus of over $4,000,000; it has 10 miles of street railway; 15 miles of paved streets; 8 public parks; a system of sewerage; 12 Wholesale houses; a flne public library and a $G5,000 opera house; its school buildings cost f175,000; it has 125 electric street lights and five towers; its water works, owned by the city, cost several hundred thousand dollars. Now hew rauch is this great city with its vast business assessed? At $9,75C,24G ! Ann Arbor, with a census population of 7,912; do saw milis; no salt blocks; no nuHH business; with but tliree banks ; no street railways; no paved streets; no sewerage system; but 70 electric liglits, and no towers; no public parks; no wholesale houses; and with no large manufacturlng establishments of any sort; Aun Arbor is assessed at $5,034, ¦ 425! and equalized at $5,245,000! will some good, kindhearted, unselfish, liberal miiided towusliip, supervisor, please teil us why Anu Arbor sliould be placed so much higlier in proportion tha-i Buy City with her immense trade and business? Mm Arbor has the university, but the university puya no taxes ; the railroad buildings and improvementspay uo taxe?; Hobart Gulld Hall, the Catliolic school building, and the Presbyterian Tappan HD pay no taxes. Then whcre does Ann Arbor get more tlian one-half the value of Bay City ? Ann Arbor does not have it. Our property is woefully ovcrestimated, and Bay ( City just as woefully underestimated to , ijring about such a rcsult. Bay City is about five times as large as Ann Arbor and does more tliati flve times the business, and has more than live times the taxable property. But the liay county supervisors do notseem to be inclincd to shift everything off on the city, but perfcr to help it alongr, having votcd last year to expend $125,000 in building stone road8 to gef. from Ilicir farms to the city. And Bay City in not the only city wherethis rank ditference i i-ts. A whole paper could be devoted to showintf them up. There ure counties in thig state where rljfhl iiot mlglit governs the board of .-upervisors. J [urrali ! the dftnocrats cjirried Mlssislippll Hurrah! the demócrata carried Sfaiybudl Hurrah I the New York city democnti oonnted in the democratie state ticket as moaJ (but couldn't count the legislaturein). Hurrah ! linrrali! lnirr.ili! r-r-r-a-v I mw I Grover Cleveland is a biggcr man (hal Dave llill, tliat's proven. If the little victory In New York Stat cosí Mr. Cleveland $8,000, how inuch Jid it cost the postmasters ? The oíd vvom.-m w lio was lined $"0 fo joootely tlirowing a pancake in the la] of Mrs. Cleveland is iiot especially vooif erous for a second term. Clara Louise Kellogg, the songstress has taken lier yonng manager, Cari Stra kosch to brhig up as a husband, to he own liking. May their songs be alway swect ones. When you getto bepostmaster general Mr. Dickinson, for njercy'sake push for ward the Detroit post-ofllce. Help ge another half million or soto build it wit! also, so that it will be on a par with suel buildings in other great cities. Gov. Luce lian klndly sent us a hnud.iome KOld-bordered copy of hlsThanksglvlng proc lamation. II rendí llke the prayer oí a pre sldinR eider, anl gives evtdence to the Jac tliat the granger governor is as familiar Wltl the forms of pmyer and pralse as lie is wltb poetry and clusslcal literatura and the wuy and means of productug ciirn, large pumpklns and fat hogs.- Ypsllantian. Qold-bordered ! Alas! for economy ! Grntiot county Isn't alone la imvine an extraseKsiin of hor supervisors. Isabella's law mukei'N made a mlslake in thelr comruittee work too, so they are to have an ex tra seHslon beglnulng the 10tli.-St. Louis Leader. The Washtenaw county board held an extra se8sion, and porpetrated a wllful error, and do not purpose to rectifv it, eitlier. Htrr Most has been mouthing agaln. Such cowardly blatherskites as he is ought to be put where thcy cannot incite braver men to overt acts. The place for Host is in a stone yard or a chain gang. He is of the kind that has no business in n free country. By the democratie victory in New York, l'resldent Cleveland sudes down HUI in greut sbape, whiïe David is stil 1 looking a round hlm in a sort o' stunned and dazed way to ascertain what struck him. That election knocked Mr. HUI cotnpletely out, anJ boomed Mr. Cleveland enorniously. " Tlie Nottawa Herald," was the outside title of a paper which carne to our table Monday. Not being accustomed to see the paper, we opened it up and found upon the inside "The St. Jo. liepubllcan." Now we submlt to Mr. Gee f that is Not-a-way (one way) to give liis readers bis two papers at once. It is stated on good authority thal President Cleveland contributed $8,000 toward the New York State election. Any "offensive partizanship" about that? Certainly no inocuous desuetude ? Was it not plainly these words : "I am desirouB of re-electlon, and, New York must endorse me, even if it comes high ? " The meanest, shallowest. most contemptible orgaalzatton la all this country Is that whlch pdm's luider the pompouH name of the Grand Army ol the Republlc. It lsan aRgregation of leeches, hypocrltea and dead-beats -Allegan Itecord. It is not necessary to state that the Record Is a democratie paper. You wouldn't iind such a thing in a republican paper, would you now ? If it is true that Attorney General Taggart has deckled that non-resident parties of the State can be legally married without a liceiise from the county clerk of what good is the law? It was understood that oneromlnent feature of the law was to prevent runaway cotiples from crossing over to Michigan and belng marrled on the sly. President Cleveland is indeed honoring Michigan by appoiiitments, bis last effort in this line, f the daily papers are correct, being that of Hou. Don. Al. Dickinson, of Detroit, as postmaster general, to succeed Mr. Vila?, who is to be transferred to Secretary Lamar's place. Mr. Dickinson will reflect credit upon his state, and be a valuable member of the cabinet. On Thursday evening last the Detroit Evening Newi was visited by fire and damaged to the extent of somu $10,000, completely wrecking the press room and destroying all the paper on hand. By chartering a special train to bring paper, the News carne out at the usual time next dav, issued a doublé number, and also an extra. This is what may betermed enereetic iournallsm. What Is the matter witli the pretty fre trade theory ? Why, it is a theory, tbat'l all. Not practical. The free traders ha v told us and are constantly telliog uc that wheu the tariff is removed from an article t cheapens It to consumers. At: instance n point: The duty has been taken off of anthracite coal. Does it cheapen it? Not to any appreciable extent. On the contrary coal is liigher than it has been for years. The correspondents (aluioèt without exception) who wrote up the hanging ot the anarcliists in Chicago last Fritl iy, were flowery fellows witli vivid iinaginations. They made the mewing of a cat in the jail corridors the subject for a half column of slush about ghostly nolses, and wrote as if every creak of the boards was produced by supernatural causes. They must have been either very superstitious or veryscared fellows. The columns upon columns of stuff sent to the dailies could probably have been made in no other way. By reading the democratie papers one would think that the last election in New York was a wonderful victory, when the fact is New York state bas been carried by the democrats at every election for the past six or eight ycars. It is a big th ing to crow over. Is there any person foolish enoogh to believe that the New York city democratf, with all tlie election macliinery in their own hands, and with a conscience as elastic as a rubber band, wlll ever allow enough republican votes to be counted to carry that state? Not niücli. This democratie victory is like the Dutch taking Holland, and ouglit to cause as much rejoieing. The result of electing a secietary of state and canal commissioner is a huge thlng. The carrying of tlie leglslature by the republicans, however, by a handsome majority, thus retaining a representativo in the U. S. senate is something tantrible.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News