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The new anatomical building is about reiuly for business. Alphonso Covert has been appointed taxideimist at the museum. Prof. Cooley is having liis hands and head f uil of business these days. The Junior Hop committee have chosen L. V. Parker as general chairman. It has been six years since the senior class has had au Independent president. Douglas Sewall, brother of Prof. Sewall, goes to California for his health this week. Prof. Este's class in trigonometry has been divided, Pruf. McCollough taking oo e-half. JHiss Mary Wellington, of Boston university, ia a guest of the Gamma Pb! Beta society. Tlie medies elected J. Hunt president, and Miss A. Bishop vice-president, at n recent election. The members of Hobart Guild wil! hold a social next Friday evening in the parlors of the hall. M. H. Clark, medie, tiC, has been promoted to tiie medical staff of the Kalamazoo Insane Asylum. S. D. Keilen, of Nebraska, was elected president or the junior laws on the fifth ballot Saturdity moriiing. The audience at Dr. Pjrker's lecture was not as large as it ought to haye been, for it was a good lecture. Chas. Wilcox, of the Orchard Lake Military Academy, made his brother, O. B. Wilcox, a visitat the Sigma Phi place last weck. Miss Bertha Wolf, of (rand Hapids, has been in the city the guest ofMiss Ali;er, '89. &he anticipates entering college next year. Prof. Gibbs, of Kngland, has accepled the chair of pathoiogy, and will coiumeuce business at the comineucement of the 2d semester. The Temple Quartette of Boston will give a concert at University Hall. Their wtll knowu excellence ought to insure a good house. The Albions were beaten at Rugby last Saturday by the L'niversity team, by a score of 32 to 0. The Detroit team failed to come to time. Prof. Morris' lecture upon Musical -"Esthetica, Thursday evening last, is highly spoken of by those fortúnate enough to haye been present. Rev. Washington Gladden delivered an address before the Political Science Association Saturday uight, oa "Some Pilases of the Labor Question." A. 8. Hebard, '89, left last night for California, where he has gone for the benefit of his health. From there he will start on a trip around the world. J. D. Hibbard, wlio received such a severe aprain while In the city a month ago ts yet confined to his bed, with prospects of remaining there some weeks more. Angelí has won the flrst prize in lirst class singles in tennis, thus securing tlit championship of the college and the elegant silver pitcher presented by Wright , Kay. The lits of '86 are wanted at Chicago on Thanksgiving day to eat turkey. If this reaches any one who can altend they sliould send name and address to W. McAndrew, Hyde Park, III. Clark, medie, '87, now an assistant in the insane a.-yluin, at Kalamazoo, has been very successtul in lus work. Uis salary on entering Idf duties was f',)0O, but bas sincc tlien been doubled. The Argonaut claims tliat tliere is a possibility of eecuring a concert from tbu Tlieodore Thomas orchcstra durlng next coinmencement week. It is to be hoped tlmt that possibility uiay become a probubility. A tlgn on the bulletin board attracted much remarle froiu iu originality laat week. A set of fnlse teeth were offered for sale, having been only used once. It is not known whether a purchaser ha9 been found as yet. The Hu'by team wiü in all probability go to Chicago Thsnksgivint; week, whero tlicy will play foot ball with the Northwestern University team. J. L. liuffy received a telegram yestorday which will doubtlcss settle malters. Dr. Parker chatigcd tlie subject of iiis lectures from u discussion of Ueecher to " Every Man in Hls Placb." It was not very well attended, but those present were satisfied that It wns one of the best lecturea ever delivered heie. It is very Instructivo to etudy the vari ou9 features of the statues u the art gal lery. A close observcr will discover i striking resemblance in somc of the bust to some of eur íellow citizens. So say one of our citizens wlio bas been etudyinj up on buste. The junior class held nn clectlon Sat urday morning at whlch Mr. Taylor re slgned. Owing to the inabllity of thi meeting to select a candidate, It was de cided to give the government of the clas to a commlttee of three, cooalstlng oi Messrs. Ooddard, Jennings and Young. Dr. T. J. Sullivan, who has been assistant to the chair of aurgery in tha University for several years, has resigned and been appointed surgeon to the western división of the M. C. R. R., made vacant by the death of Dr. Moses Gunn, with headquarters. at Chicago. Dr. Sullivan has already left the city for hls new home. w ocmuia hiiiii;icü muir clüCllun Saturday mornlng, at which Lampson was chosen clnss orator, in opposltion to Mr. Kosenthal. A committee of four was appointed with power to elect the rest of the offlcers, and decided upon the following : J. N. McBrlde, historian; Miss Jones, poetess; Miss Tupper, prophetess; Mr. Hildner, secretary and Mr. Ehrtnann, treasurer. No one was found who could be prevailed upon to accept ihe office of marshal. Last Saturday the freshmen met in Room A and elected the fullowlng offlcere: president, C. D. Warner; vice, Miss Lizzie Campbell secretary, O. R. Hardy; treasurer, J. A. McLaughlin; poeless Miss Ada Qilbert; prophetess, Miss Emma Ballentine; toastinaster, K. E. Hleroöyraons; orator, E. W. Dow; historian, J, T. Donoghue; marshal, W. H. Halleck. As the fraternity candidates for the banquet offlcers were defeated, the f rat. men withdrew to Room E, most of the young ladies followinj? them. Here they decidea to liold a banquet independent of the class, and elected for toastmaster, ' J. A. Jameson; prophetess, Miss Emma Ballentino; poetess,Miss AdaGIlbert; orator, E. W. Dow; historian, T. Cooley. ANNUAL COLLEGE TRIZE E8SATS. The American Protective TariffLeague offers to the students pf senior classes of colleges and universities in the United States, a series of prizes for approved essays on home production Indispensable to a supply, at low prices, of the manufactured commodities required for the people of the United Statts, and adequate home productiou of these commodities impossible without a protective tarift'. Competing essays, not to exceed ten thousand words, sigued by some other than the wrlter's name, to be sent to the office of the League, No. 23 West thircl Street, New York ctty, on or befbre April 1, 1888, Hccompanied by the name anU aililrrs.s of the writer, and certifícate of stiinding, signed by some offlcerof the college to which be bclongs, in a separate sealed envclope (not to be opened untll the succe88ful essays have been de term ined), marked by a word or Bymbol correspoiuiinir with the signature to the essay. Awards will be made June 1, 1888, as follows : For the Best Essay J5O 00 For the Second Best 100 U0 For the Thlrd Best 50 00 And for othor essays, deetned espccially incritorious, silver medals, of original and approyed design, wlll be awarded with honorable nientlon of the aulliors in a public notice of the awards. The League reserves the right to publish, at it8 own expense, any of the essays tor which prizes are awarded, and will print the essay receiving the first prize among lts minimi publications. The names of judges will be hereafter announced.