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does cure Ék $ PfícumatisBJ Wfuraigial i A Mrrous Iiea4-V HsJW f? acr7TIr will ¦;fc rJ cure fjy?i4i f 2 SL 5; nH :¦ ..a! ffipVa-Bk Hirtj-t IV ATHLOPHOWS! tiful colored K Mowta'll tattilaneU blcture."Moon'KB lictm Girt. Ifhlobhorosrtjll zWall St.rNtv.YorkT" 1888. Harper's Magazine. ILLU8TBATKD. IlAHi'Kit'a Maoazikr I nn organ of progrenslve iiiiiiikIiI and movement lu every departmentof life. Beft UI es other attnictlons, II wlll contaln, during the coming year. Important urtlolen, superbly lllimtrated, ou the Great West; nrllcles on Ainerlcmi and foieign lndiiHtry; beautlfully ItluHtraled popera on Hcotland, Norwiiy, Hwltrerland, Algiers, and the West Indios ; new novéis by WilLiAM Black and W. I). Hiiwílií; novellette, i li complete In a single number. by IlKNitY .Iamks. Lafcadio Hkakn, and Ami.ik Kivurt; short alorle by Mls Woomon and olher popular wrlters; aiid lllustrattd papers of special arlUtlc and ttterary Interest. The editorial departments are oonducted by UEOKUK WlI.LIAM CüBTIR, WlLI.IAM Dean HmUU and Charle Dudlby Waunir. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. TER TEA.H: HARPER'S MAGAZINE. - M 00 HARI'KR'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARl'ËR'S BAZAR „ W HARPKR'S YÜUNQ PEOHLE 2 00 PtMtage Fret to all ëubêcriben in the U'Ucd Stal et. Canada or Mez'tco . The volumes of the Magazine begin wlth the Number for Jane auü December ol i'acli year When no time 1 speclfled, subscrlp tlon wlll begin wlth NuiiiIht ourrent at time of recelpt of order. Bouud Volumes of HARPKU'sMAOAZiNK,fir tbree years back, In neat clotti binding, wlll beseut by mail, postpald, on recelpt of $3 00 per volume. Clotli Cases, tor binding, 50 cents each- by mail, poulpakl. Index to Harper's Maoazink, AluhabetIcal. Analyllcal, and Olasslned, lor Vomme 1 to 70, Inclusive, from June, 1850, to Jane, 1885, one vol., 8VO, Cloth, $1.00. Ki-ii lulu ii cc ? h ui l.l be mnde by Pt-Omce Muiiey Order or Uiuft, to uvold chanceof Iok. yewspapert are noC to copy IMê aderUemtt without the exprell order nf IIakkik 4 HkotiiKKS. Addiess HAUrEH A UHOT11ERS, New York 1888. Harpor's "Weekly. IIIjTTSTRATICI}. lIAiti'KU's W xiklï lias n weil-eslHuilsiieil pUice as Ihe Icmling IlliistraleU nejriipaper In America. The ftilriiess of lts editorial corainuntF on curreiit politie has earned for It the respect and coundence of all Impartía! readers, and the varlely and excellence o Itsllterary contenls, wblcb lncliide serial and 'short slorles by the best and most popular anthorx. til It lor the perusal of people of the wldest range of taste and pursults. SupplemeuU are frequemly proYldetl, and no expense U pared lo brlng ibe hlghest artlNllc abilly lo bear upon the HluBtration of the cbangerul pilases of home and forelgn hlstory. In all lts features Harpkk's WBCKLY is adinlrubly adapted tobe a welcome guest lu every household. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'Kli VISAR : HAIH'ER'í WEEKL %i 0C HARPER8 MAUAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZA.R _ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 00 Poitage Free to all tubicribers in tlu United State, Vanada or Mexico. The Volumes of the Wekklv beijln wltu the flrst Number for January of each year. When no time 1 mentloned, subscrlptlons wlll begin wlth the Number current at time of reoelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Harpbk's Weekly tor three year back. In neat cloth binding, wlll be sent by mail, postage pald. or by express, free of expense (provlded the freichtdoes not exceed oue dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, sultable lor binding, wlll be sent by mail, postpald, on recelpt of $1 00 each. Remlttanoes should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Druft, to avold chance of loss. Newtpapen are not to copy thit adverlisement without the eipresi order of Haki-ku UitoTMHK.S. Address HARPER 3t 1IRDTI1KRS, New York, 1888. Harper's Bazar. 1LLÜ8ÏBATKD. Harpkh's Ha vu 1 a home Journal. It combine' choloe lllerature and Une art lllustratlou wlth the lalest Intelllgehce regardlng tbe fashlon. V.nrh number lias clever serial and short storles, practical and tlmety osays. brlgbt poem, huinorou sketches, etc. It patteru-sheet and fashlon-plate supplemenui wlll alone help ladles lo save many time tbe cost of subscrlpilon, aud papers ou social etiquette, decorativo urt, housvkeeplng In all lts branches, cookery, etc, make It useful In every household, and a true promoler of econoiny. lts editorial re marked by good smise, and noL it line is adiullted to llscolumub tnut could oReud the most fustldlous taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR. ft 00 HAltl'KK'S MAGAZINE 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOÜNO PEOPLE 2 00 Pjtlaqe Free to alt tubtcribers in the United States, Canada or Mexico. Tbe volumesol tbe Bazak begin wlth tbe flrst number for January foreacb year. When no time Is mentloiii-il, stibsiTlptloiis wlll begin wlth the Number current at time of recelpt of order. Iiound volumes of Haupkh's Bazar, for three years back, In neal cloth binding, wlll be seut by mail, postage pald. or by expres, fri-e of expense (provlded Ibe frelght doe not exoeedoue dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Oap? for each volume, sultable for binding wlll be ent by mail, postpald, on recelpt of fl.OOeaoh. Remlttance should be made by Fost-Ofnoe Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of los. Neunpapert are ut to copu thit advertitemrnt without the exprese order of H aiipkk & Bkotiieks. Address HARPER A UROTHERS, New York. That foitlttule which lias encountered no ilangcrs, that prudencc tlmt lias stirmoiitiUMl no diffloultie?, tlmt intejirity which been attackinl by no temptatlon, can at best be cmisii'eri'U hut as jfold not yet brotight to tet, of which therefore the trtie valuc chii not be nssigned.- Dr. Johnson. Ij8pepgla Makes tlielivesot many icop!c miserable, and often lead to self-destructlon. We ktiowofno remedy tor dytpepula inore Buccessful tlmti Ilood'a Saritsparilla. It acts iteiitly, yet surcly and effectively, tones tho slontach and other orgAiis, reiiiT(ti the faint f'eeling, crontes a good nppetitv, cures hcadiichc, nnd refreshen the burdened mind. (Jive Hoods Harsapurilla a fair trial. It wlll do you good. p Good men arecontinuallygoing wrong. When, oh when, will the bad man com menee to go rightf- Lowell Citizen. There are amlittly women who nurture their love throngu shame and sorrow, and It is deeper and holler tlian that which U reared in joy, - Bulwer-Lytton.


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