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V vEWYORK "-¦ - - -ia. AND ClasgoW via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strlctly Flrl-Cln, and amonK tbe itirtiOHt, fasteal and finen fn the worlil. Saloon, second cluss and steeratre rMMlillll ¦ ƒ AccomniEiliitloiiM Vnexcelled. Kvery retiard for the eomfurtuiul convenience of pat+Beogcra studiously considered und practica' Steamurg every Saturday for Glasgow. City of Kom sills for Liverpool Octohcr 14. Is the largeit and finest paenger eteamer afloat. Ratee of passage for all classes as luw hs by any other firgt-claes line. Saloon excursión tickets kt rcdnced rales. Dralts for anyaraount at lowest current rates. For book of tonr. tickets, nrfurther inrormation, apoly to III :lii:i(Mi BKOTHEKi, h - taso, or C. "W ZMHELIjOIR,, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the pollcy CHRISTÜÑ MACK Benresent the followlne nrt-clas compnnle, of which oiie, tèt' .ïtna, hai alouc paid Í 5,UOO,0Ü0 dre losaos in Bíxty-fi ve yearg : Ctna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Friinklin of Philadi'lphin 3,118,713 Gerinaiiia, N. Y 2,700,729 ( crinan American, N. Y 4,005,968 Lotidon Assurunce, Lomlon... 1,416,788 Micliifrau F. & M., Detroit. . . 2S7,608 N. Y. Uiulerwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 1'liciMiix, ISrooklyn 3,759,036 Iisscs liberally adjusted and promptly pnid. Policies issued at the lowcst rates of premium Iltfltf ' ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE Is a guarantee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept In all flrst-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is nerer good when exposed to the air. Always buy thls brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Mmore money than at any thlnR elsc by tak Inn mi ast'ncy forthn beft si-lling book out. Iift,'lnnor9 #acreed grandly. None fall Tcrms free. Hallett Book Co., Portland, Malne. 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTIUTED WEEKLT. Hahvehs Yorso Peopi.e lnterests all young readers by 11 carefullyselected varlety of theme8 nnd thelr well conülJered treatnit'iii. It coutnlns the best serlnl and short Btorles, valunble nrtlcles on sclentltlc gubJeets nnd travel, hlstorlcal and blograplilcal sk. tilii-B, papers on nthletlo sports and games, stlrriiii; P'fins, etc, conlrlbuted by the brlghtest and most fumoim wrlters. lts lllustrallonsHru numerous and excellent, i aHlonal Kupnlpments of especial Interest to I'ari'iits and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcomlng volume, whlch wlll coraprlse fllty-tliree weekly numbent. Every line In the paper in gubjected to the most ilxtd cilitorlal scrutlny In order that notliln hai 111ful may enter lts columns. An epitome of everything that i attractie and desirable in juvenilc literature. - Boston Courier. A weekly least of good things to the boys and eirls in every fomily which it visits - Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, Information and interest.- Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS : Tostago Prepaid, $4 Per Yoar. Vol. IX. commencet November 1, z, Specimen üopy sent on reeeipt of a two-ctmt fitumiK 8INOLK Nu.MBKits, Flve CenU eaoh. Remlttanues should be made by Pont-Ofnce Money Order or , to avold chance of loss, Newtpaner ar not to copy Mt advertlêemeni without the exprets order 0} Uahpeh Sl Ukoth¦M, Address HAKPER & BBÚTHBR& New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
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