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Time table takln(r effect Oct. 9ih, 1887. ent th l Standard Tiun-. CHICAGO TO DETK01T. i is if h i m "¦ múm] iñ _1_ K_ l r g_ 58 A.M. A.K. P. '¦ P.H. P. M. i.D Chicago. .Lv. 650 X 8 10 8 15 4 40 910 355 Kalamazon. . . 12 17 145 6 581231 50 ü 30 45 Battle Creek.. 107 ï 27 7 83 125 3 20 7 81 Jackaon 3 15 4 20 8 4 315 4 50 15 GraasLake.... 838 ¦ 513' 984 Chelsea 359 586953 Dexler 4 14...., 6 50 10U7 DclbiHIlls... 4 21 10 14 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5 55 9 45 4 35 K 0810 26 Ypellanti 4 50 5 45 9 58 4 52 6 24 10 45 WayneJunc. 5 15 605... 515 647 11C9 Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 8 4 10 45 8 00 78OÍ11C0 .Thomas 1110 205 950 .... Falla View 4 64 112 647... N. Fall J51 530 155 725.. Bnff-ilo. 48S 7 15 340 9C7...I' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. „. f t i ál f h ft ?__ __ S o sn o A. M A.H. A.M. P. M. A. M ... . A.M. Buffalo 5 35 11551 1130 800.... ti 06 N. Falle, iO124o' 1215 St. Thomas... 10 00 -lóO 4 25 110 P. H. P.M A. H. A. . P.M P.M Detroit... Lv. 130 9 15! 7 U0 910 800 . . 4 00 WayneJanc.. 208 955 7 41 963 887 .. .4 45 Ypsilanti 2 20 10 20 8 03 1012 8 58 . 5 11 AnnArhor... 232 1038 8 18 1025 912.. 580 Delhi Mills 888 642 üexter 887 934 ... . 6 50 Chelaea 859 9 52 605 Oías Lake 9 15 10 12 ... 627 Jackson 332 1203 45 1135 1052 ... 7 10 Battle Creek.. 4 40 135 1120 112 1212... 852 Kalamazuo... 5 15 -2 .S0 12 17 1 50 l0 4 45 9 45 Chicago.. .Ar. 9 i 7 45 5 55 40 7 00 10 20 O. W. KUGGLES, H. W. HAYKS, G. P. & T. Agent Ant.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Toíedo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan Kitllway. HME SCHKDULB. To tiike ellVct at 12 o'clock, neon, on Suniliiy, October Mh, 1837. Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. 4h lSI5 STATIONS. i 8 ó a.% 5 á ft. ft. "ft.1 _ , . I. . P M. P. .A. H. Toled Lv 5 15 3 15 6 2.5 5 60 Mnnhatuu Junition 520 320 640 6 10 Aleil ",27 3 IX 6 55 6 35 sanmria 5 45 3 43 7 23 7 30 Moiir..,. .Iniiition 02 4 05 1 7 51 K 10 Dunde iu 4 12 8(15 8 30 Azalia 6 25 4 IS 8 20 9 00 M"1' ei5 4 sr. x: 9 30 H,""'1,-,-, ö M 4 ¦ 8 m looo HlltiBelil 7 0(1 4 5.) 9 05 10 20 Ann Arbur 715 5 10 6 2.5 11 3U f'"' , 733 5S0 "I 155 Whltmore I.nke 7 4l 5 45 0.12 2 13 Howell 8 3l) 6 '2M ti 3U 5 UO Durand 9 30 7 4D1 9 30 p M t'oruuns 9 f5 7 4tflO35... inviu 10 01 7 55 1100 .... Uwowo Janctinn loorB m 11 06 mm h 11 ia g 15 v, St. LouIb II 36i 9 33' 3 35 A'nn 1142 9 41 3 55 Mt. Pieaiiint Ar 12 30 10 30 (00 P. M. P. H. P. ¦ GOING SOUTH. TTF7IÍ5 bTATIONS. gi II Í i Mt. Pliasant Lv 8 "(' W i H Alm 10 15 7 20 220.1." l-ol 11 3.3 7 27 2 2t 'thaca 12 25 7 4ii 2 46 . Owonxo Jonction 4 00 8 55 4 02 OwoMo 4 08 9 10 4 08'"' Coninna 4 25 9 08 4 15 ... Rnrand .. 5 16 9 SO 4 36 i. u Howell 7 40 10 20 5 38 5(0 WhumoreLako hx.i. 11 ou e 16 0 90 Iland 0 30 1114 6 30 7 33 AnnArbor 7 15 11 301 6 50 10 55 rittrfleld 7 26 11 43 7 00 11 30 Irania 75 1150 7 10 1150 Mllan 7451204 7 20 12 24 Azalla 7 55 12 IJ 7 30 12 46 Dandaa 8 03 12 24 7 40 110 Monroe Jonction 8 10112 21 7 51 180 Samarla 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 10018 30 2 45 M.inhiittau JunclUm 8 5x 1 05 8 37 3 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 4i 3 15 A. 1. P. H.P. H. r. H. Soutli Lyon Brauch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND. Train 6 Train 1 P H. p. M. 9 50 Lv. Loiand Ar. ti 30 10 00 Ar. Wordena Ar. 6 20 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 Oonnectlonn: At Toledo, wlth rallroads diversintr; at Manhattan Junction, wilh Wheeling A Lake Erle K. K.; at Alexis Junction, wiib Al. l'. H. K., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. Jfc M. S. Kv.; at Dundee, with LS.lM.b. Ky.. II. Jt O. Ky.; at Ultaa Junction. with WahaBh, St. Lont Pacific Hy ; at Pittfleld,with L.S. M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arhor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, Laneing & Northern K. H., and Mlch. A. L. Div. of Grand Trnnk Ry. At Hamliur' wlth M. A. Line División Gramf Trunk R'y, At Howell with Detroit, Lanaing A Northern K'y. At Durand with Chicago & Grand Trunk R'y anu Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwukee R'y. At Owos8O Junction with Detroit, c.raml Hnven A Milwaukee R'y and Michluun Central R. R. At St Louif wlth Detroit, Lai siiiA Northern R. U. nnd MiLi na Vallty 4 Bi. Louie R'y. At Alma ith Detnit, LansliiL' & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleasant ith Fhnt A Pcre Marquette R'y. H. w. ASHLKY, General Manaaer. W. H. BENNKTT, A. J. PA1SI KY. Qen'l. Pa. &, Ticket Agent. L0c.1I Agent. Estáte i.r Walter 11. Kcudall. QTATK OF MIC'UiüAN, County of Wasbtenaw Ata eseiou of the Probate Conrt for the Connty oí Wanhtenuw. holden at the Probate Oflke. in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wulnesday, the 2d dy of November, in the year one thonsand eight haudred and elijhty-seven. Present Willim D. ilarrlman, Jndge of Probate. In the mattor of the éstate of Walter II. Kendall, deccasen. Motes Seabolt, the admlnlatrotor or sald estite, come. into court and repteefuti that ïie s now prepared to rentier bis final account as such administrator. Thereupon It is ordered, that Tuesday, the twrnty ninth day of November instant, at ten o'clock (n the forenoon be ar-öigned for exumining and allowini; nrh account, and that the heir at law of t-aul decened, aud all other pernous intereted in Huiil eeitate.are required to at a sessin of snid court. then tobe holden at Probate office, in the city of AnH Arlur,ln said couuty.and sbow cause ,if any there be, why the said account shoald not be allowed : Aud it ia further ordered. that said aiiiiihiitrator rive notice to ttie [ersons Interented in said estáte, of the peodency of satd account and the hearing thereof, by caufinu n couy of thi order to be published In the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed anücirculaiing in said eouuty three raoOMMlva weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true codt.) WM, D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. O. D( 'T Y. Probate Register. 1375-1377 A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance, Steam 33oiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjiístments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS I AI, ATTENT1ON OIVENTO COLLECTION OF KKNTS AND MASAUKMKNT OF HKAI. ESTATK INTKRESTS KOK ll ltKNTS. ENTIBK SATISt'ACTlON TO ÜWNKKS GUARANTEED. A. DeTOBK8T: ABNER MOORE'S T0NS0RIAL PARL0R, HTJBO3ST STBEBT, Next door to the Fariner's aud Mechanlc's üank. IIAIU CUTTINO, SHAVINU, BHAMrOONINO AND DYEIM.. Tho best of Workraen anü Sntisfnctloq Uuaranteed. "A DOOK FOR THE P-VS." l'MM'IVATIMi ! USEFtli ! I " '" Dlmuulona, and lliploiuaiir rr ¦'¦ "" " (iruall'ublirUuralluui ui' lai "-- - ¦ em, b JAMB8 i. BLAIrTB. EaihnwlnM(imast.TlyarKument.u t! In tne AntiSlavrrtt Struagi. the AH '.!';¦ Labor OutüÑon, ProMbitiim, triêh .¦. ¦ Huif . et.. ¦te ííta Kmhtivk roa i ulu' UTIONa FOR TKHKITOUT I'OHISO IM WITH A RUSU I DAKL1.NU liUliS.. DktuuIT, Mh'H. AT T Saldi aft ictc. bul lbo wh wrtu f I I (Unan A l'o .l' Muire, wfll rec( I _ I I II fríe, full infurnmtlon tbout work whici I I I Ihcj :m do. n.lli ve 1 hom,thl will p7 U U JJ U .htra from $S lo $ Pr Som. h. rnd orer tSl li) d)r Ellber ml, yonnn or ld. l"P"" sol imulred Tou r. ituted frw. Tboe wbo ilrl l " ibwlaUljlutorDU(UltlrorlusM. AU U w ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News