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SKIN SCALP BLOOD been a PuflVrer lor two years and a half frora a diseage caused hy a bruise on the let.', and liaving been cured by the Cipicuhí Kkmkimf.s when all other methode and remedies failcd, 1 deetn it mj duiy to recotnmend ihem. I visited Hot Sirlng8 to no avall, and trled reveral doctors without Bnccees. aod at laat our principal druglet, Mr. John P. Flnley (lo whom I shall ever leel L-ratefol), spoke to me about Cuticuha. and I einscnted to tfive them a trial wilh the result that I am perfectlv cured. Thcre is now no sore about me. 1 think I can show the largrst snrfnce where my 8oH':rin2 jprang from of any oiie in the State. The Cuticuha Rkhioies are the best blood and skin caris manufacturad. I refer to druiruint John I'. Finlay and D. D. 0. Montt!omery,both of thi place, and to Dr. Smitli, of Lake Lee, Miss. ALBXANDER BKACH, Ureenvllle, Miíí. Mr. Beach nsed the Ci'ticiba Kkxedies, at our request, wilh resalta na above stated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., DruggUls. SAVED MY MÖTHER'S LIFE. Kver plncc I can remomber, my luother bas nfl'ered from a milk leg. NotniuK wonld do her any nood She had the best medical talent, bat they all did hernogood. 8he snflered wltli her leg lor thirty yeare and never knew a wel! day. Bbe would have to slt up half the uight, holding up her lejj ard moanin. the had no peace. Sbe used all the bet known remedies in the country without effect. I askcd her to try your Cdticura Hek edies. Oot her a bottle of CuticurHkolvf.n t, and hu took it, and haa taken in all aboot six or Beven het tien, and now she is a well woman to-day. Her !g is entirely bealed, and her health aa never better. She can go out every dav, someth'.ng she has not done in ten yearn, so you see I cannot Lelp statini; to you aoont your wonderful l'rni'iu Kkükdiis. You bave saved my nioth r Ufe. I cannot find words to express my Kratltude. I have advertlsed your Cuticdka Ukmkdi ks far and nea-. KDW'AKÜ LUKDKR, 1505 Broadway, N. Y. Cuticura. the great ekln cure, and CuncuRA Soai-, prepared from it, exteraally, and CuticVRA Resolvent. the new blood puriñer, interna! ly. are a popltlve cure for every form of skin and blood dïseaseB from pimples to scrofala. Sold evcrywhere. Prlce : Cuticüra, 50 cent ; Soap, 25 cents; Resoi.vent, ÍI.00. Prepared by the Potter Druo & Chemical Co., Boston. Seod for "Uow to Cure 8kln Dljeases," Cl pages, 0 lllustratlons, and 100 testimoniáis. PIMPLES, black-hcads, chappcd and oily skin Mm prevented byCUTicURA MedicatedSoap Sneezing Catarrh. The dirttressing aneeze, sneeze, sneeze, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose, tbc palnfnl Infltmmatlon cxtcndlsg to the throat, the welling of tbe mucons llnlng, canelng cboking sensttions, congh, ringlng nolses In the head and spüttiDg headaches- how familiar these symptoras are to thousands who suffer perlodlcal from head colds or Influenza, and who live In lgnortnce of tbe fact that a single applica'ion of Sandford's Radical Cure for Catarrii will afford instantantous reliff. But thls treatment in cases of simple Catarrh gives but a faint iden of what tbis remedy will do In tbe cbrouic forms, where the breatbing is ob etrncted by cboking putrid mucons accumnlations, the hearing effected, smell and ta-te gODe, throat ulcer&ted and hacking cough gradually fastcnlng Itxelf npon the debilitated syntem. Then it is that the marvellous curative power of Santord's Radical Curk manlfesU ltself In Instantaneous and gratelal relief. Care begins from the flrst appllcatlon. It is rapld, radical, permanent, económica!, and rafe. HAHDroKD's Kadical Ct'RK consists of one bottle of the Hadic ai. Cuhk one box of Catakhmal Soi vkst, and an Impkoveu Inh aleu; prlce $1. PoTTíR Drüo ad Chkhicai. Co., Bostoh. PAINS aii WEAKNESSES of peínales Au Inatantly rellcved by the Cutirurn B m Vntl I'híii l'lattrr, a new, most ÊKHr agreable. irytantani-oim und infallible ¦TJ'K paln-kllling plajter, especlally adapted Lji[ to relieve Female Pains and Weak" nesses. Warranted vastly superior to nll other piasters, and the mort perfect Antidote to Pain. Inflammation and Weaknem yetcompounded. At all drugglst, 2-i cents; flve for $1.00; or, postiiLM' free. of Poitek Uki'u & Ciikhicai, Co., Dastoo, Mhss. TameTr. bach, " HBE AND LIFE INÏIIRAMHJGBMY ! No. 10 Ea8t Hu ron Street, Opposlte Cook Houae. Ten Flrst-Cliiss Companles represen ted. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 1319-1389 .


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