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BA'ITLES AND LEADERS OF THE CIVIL WAR. The Century Co., New York, pubIlshers. C. W. Arnolrt, No. 18JoIm R, Bt.. Detroit, state agent fbrMlobigan. 50 cents per number. This is No. 7 of the greatest workupon the great rebellion, that ever has been wrltten. No library will be complete without it. THE PAJN'SY. 111. Boston: D. Loturop Corapaoy. l'rlcejl.23. The bound volume of Tbc Piuiiy lm just made IU animal ajjDearance, and will be greeted by thousanus of readers who ïHimber the precedlng volumes In their home libraries. The Pansy has a wiile and constantly increasing circulation in cvery part of the country, and t riclily de9erves it. Tlie twelve nuinbers for 1887 whlch are here bronght together are enclosed in i handsome cover, and make nne of the brightest books of the MIHOBp It Is iull of instructive iind entertaininir matter - stories, sketches and poenis, and is very fully illustrated. KNMM8H HISTORY BY COTEMPORARY WEITER8. Edlted by K. York Powell. The Misruleof Ilenru ƒƒ, 1SS8-1I. U. P. l'iitnam'a Hons, publishers. Kor salo by Andrews & Co., Ann Arbor. l'rloe 0 cents. This volume of the series consisto of ¦xtracts from the writiugs of Matthew Pari, lïobert Grossetfste, Adam Marsh, niid other, selected and arranged by the Kev. W. II. Hutton, M. A., Fellow of S. John's college, Oxford. In {"ving this series to the public the editor aiins to set forth the facts of English history, both politiciil and social, in a convenient manDei' for the general leader. To moh well-i'.i liiu'd pcriod of Bnglish hi-tory is given a little volume made up of extracts trom thechronicles, state pnpere. tnemolrs, and letters of the times. The cliicf alm belng to give the readers tbe Ix'st original luthorilies. EDWARD III AND IIIS WARS -1327-1360. Edlted by W. J. Aslilej-, M. A., Fellow of l,lneoln oollooa. Oxford, Punllsbed by ;. P. I'iiIiiui'h Sous. Kor sale by Andrews A: Co.. Ann Arbor. Prlce UO cents. This is iinother of tlie series ibovc, and coMthins extraots from the chtonicles of Fp'issart, Jfati Ie Bel, Kiiiplitoii, Adam ol Muriinuth, etc. The illustrationsgiven are reproductions also, and poine of them look very queerto our eyes in tliese days. SKETCH OF AMERICAN FINANCES. 17891886. liy Job n Watts Kenrney. Now York. O. P. Pntman'i Bons. publUhers. Kor sale by Andrews Co., Ann Arbor. Prlce $1, cloth. The subjects treated are "Settlement of the Hevolutionary War Dcbt," "Revenue, Expenditure and the ölnkint; Fund," "The War of 1812- Increase of the Public Debt - Financial Embarrassment," "Peace with Great Britain - The Protective TariiV-Extinguishment of the Debt." The financial history of tliis particular leriod is little known by our people. and is worth special Bttldj", because of the successful outcomc. The experience of tbe past may be somethin;; of a guide for the future. To the student of political economy tliis little work will be of miicll interest, reciting as it does the linancial history of our country in its period of formation. The chapters are not as tlirilling as Dicken's Copperüeld or Thackery's Penilonnis, but perhaps of quite as much value. HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC STATES. By Jlubert Howe liancroft. Vol. XXXII. I'oular Trilmiuilt,ol.ll. San Francisco : Tbe Hlslory Co., publlshers. About the best idea of what this volume contains can best be given by recitinx the heads of cbapters, which are as follows: Hallot Box Stufflng, Assaísination, The Piince of Vtllatnt, Tlie Loosiug of Latent Law, Genesis of the Tribunal, Completion of the Organlzatlon, The Executlve Committee of 1856, The Law iiud Order Party, The Governor the General and the President of Vijrilance, Attack on the Jail and Seizure of Prisoners, Further Outward Manifestations, The Perils of Journalism, Trial nnd Execution of Casey and Cora, The Hon. Edward McGowan, Arrest and Exlle, üeclaration of War, Futile attempts at Reconciliation, Concunent Events, Bvlft umi Silent Mechanism, The Governor Invokes Federal Aid, Arrest of Terry- Jiidge of the Supreme Court, Capture of the entire Cbivalry Forces, Preparation for Trial, ThePrisoner and his Victim, The Triali Jolmson and his Gentle General, Tbe Verdict, Arrest and Tria! of Dtirkee and Band for Piracy, The Pueblo Papers, Final Adjournment, Eastern and Enropean Opinión, The case of llerbert -Federal Frownlngs, The Governor'a Withdrawal of hls Proclamation and Mcssagp, The Kxpalriated, Suits and Annoyances, Politici and Vigilance, UeHecÜom and Lessous, The Labor Agitation of 1877-8. As will be seen by these headings the volume treats of startling tiniüs, and right well does It record them. A uonderful amountof material is being given by Mr. Baiicroft in these histories, and t is given iu a uiunuer usually quite entertaining. The Pacific Slope may well feel proud of its history aud its historian.


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