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The record for the last seventeen yeurs ...

The record for the last seventeen yeurs ... image
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The record for the last seventeen yeurs of professional base bal] clubs is glven below. It wilt be seen that Boston and OtÜMf have liad championsuip the raajority of years, and Providence was the only club to wlnittwice; Athlctic and Detroit once each : Years. Clubs. Won. Lost. lS71..Atliletic, National Assoelatlon .21 7 1873.. Boston, S'iit ional Assoclatlon . . .39 8 1K73.. Boston, Nat ooal Assoclatlon 43 16 1874 . . Boston, National Assoclatlon ... 52 18 1875.. Boston, National ANsociatlou... .71 8 1876.. Chicago, National League 50 U 1877. Boston, National League 31 18 1S78.. Boston, National League 41 10 ]879..ProvliIence, National League 59 25 1880. .Chicago, National League 67 17 1&S1.. Chicago, National League... 58 28 1882.. Chicago. National League .ïi 29 1883. .Boston, National League 63 35 1881 .. Provldeuce, National League. . . .84 28 IMS.. Chicago, National League 87 25 1886. .Cnlcago, National League 90 34 1887.. Detroit, National League 79 45 Before prohibition went - or ratlier was alleged to have gone- into effect üere, there were about 20 saloons on nn average in Qarland county. But under the present law prohlbitlng the sale of llquors, the records at Little Hoek furnish the cold facts that 39 revenue hcenses have been Usued to persons in this county this year for selling liquor. Does this look like prohibition prohibits? ProhL bition 8 a beautiful moral idea - a pretty theory - but if the most careful and zealous efforts by the best people of various localities durinjr the past ten years have all f.iiled toput it into practical cxlstcnce, but in all cases have actually rendered the evil worse, i.s it not time cindid people were consldering some mode which miglit the better deal wlth it? Is there any use to perpetúate a piece of folly for sentiment' sake? - Hot Sprlngs (Ark) Weekly News. Political pot pourri from the Jonesville Independent, nnentour congressional candidates: "The Adrián Time? says that Lieut. Salsbury cannot be coaxed, cajoled or coerced into agiiln being the democratie congressional nomlnee in this district, and nlso state that the pins are Ijeing put up for the uoiuin:itiou of Capt. .M;inly of Ann Arbor. It is not likely that the captain will be very unxious for the job of threshing Capt. Allen. This s not the easiest kind of a task under the uiost favorable circumstances and recent evenls have left such an unpleasant state of feeling betwecn Washtenaw and Vlonroe couuties that a nomiuee from either couuty would have trouble in gettlng an enthusiastic support. It looks as f the demoerncy would have to turn thelr eyes to Hillsdale county if they want to stand even a flghtiog show. There ia Iota of good tiniber here for them to select 'rom, Hop. O. F. Cook or J. K. Fiher, of Hillsdale, U. F. Suiith, of Jonesville, ind a number of otheri would make a ively canvas.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News