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Flve dayrf vacation. ('liiss day oiBcers electioiis of ilie law dcpartment occur Saturday. Tlic D. K. K. liold thcir annual banquet n Detroit, Thanlugtvlng week. An unpald bill of $19 agiiiiist the extimt co-op store has turncd up. The S-ins Rouci gave another hop at Nickel'! Hall last Friday evening. The dental library kecps open doors Saturday p. m., from 1 to 4 o'clock. The first meeting of the Inter-Fratcrnity Dancing Cl.ib will be on Friday, Doe 2. L. E. Torrey, '90, will test the palatablenessof Adrián turkeys Thanksgiving. Siibscriptlons for defraying expenses of tlie rugby team liave reached about $125. A public program U to be priven by the Webster society previous to the holidays. The sophomore co-eds of the lit dept wcre pbotogrnphed by Handall, Saturday last. Are vou iroing up to Chicaeo to see the U. of M. 11 kick out the N. W. ü. 11, toniorrow? Prof. Joseph Jones, with Harper Bros., New York City, is visitmg bis brothcr, Trof. Ellsha Jones. The Chronicle goc? home to eat turkey tliis weck, and will not be tack again until next Saturday. The interior dccoraüon of the Alpha Delta Phi House will be completed by the Drrt of December. The Michigan Central is givlnp studente onc and one-third fare for round trip to any polnt in the state. P. B. It. De Pont has been appointcd ixit.iiy public, whicli may makc it necessary for hlm to swear- people. The Argonaut In its various notices, uses '90 and '91 interchangably, with little regard to the feelings of '90. Dr Hendrlcks lectures every Mondar, Tuesday and Friday evenlngs, on " Minor Surgery," from 5 to 0 o'clock. Domo of Dr. Sullivan's sludents presented hlm wlth a bandsome medicino case when lic departed for Chicago. The Oracle has decided to lengthen the time for the receiving of llterary productions for the prizes until Jan. 12, 1888. Prof. W. W. Beman delivered a lecture n the Law Lecture Room last evening upon Prof. Loisette's systera of memory. The last issue of Harper's Weekly contains an excellent portrait of Prof. W. H. Pay ne and a brief sketch of his career. The Home Record, the organ of the W. C. T. U., had a oomplimentary article in reference to the l'niversity, In a recent issue. In the freshman class of the Medical Dept. are two ladles, one of whom is a gradúate of Vassar, the othcr of Wellse ley College. L. Macmillan went to Chicago Sunday night to complete arrangement for the Uugby game to be played there on Thanksgiving day. Blllz & Langsdorf report $:ii as the amoutit on their sales last Saturday to be (riv.Mi to the l'niversity gumnasium fund. l'lf Itj '"! oliovvitifj. All the Chi Psi fraternity will remain In town during the vacation with the esonption of Armstrong who bas gone to Cleveland to visit frlends. The freshmen medies have adopted class colors of old gold and green. The gentlemen of the class were presented with neet badges of ribbon made by the ladlei last week. . The last issue of the Chronicle contained a reproduction of the title page of the lirst Issue of the tirst paper publihed by the 9tudents of the l'. of M. Prof. Gayley s soon to deliver a lecture befare a Fllnt audience upon "Irisli Home Hule." One thingcan be depended upon, it will bc well worth attendiug. If the students fully realized the value to tlieir friends of the student' register, every one of them woiild certainly register tberel n. That is the only means their friends have of tindingout tlieir residence. A series of six hops to be given the Alpha Delta Phi, Sigma Phi, Psi Upsilon, Zeta Pl, and Delta Kappa Epsllon fraternities, will comraence on December 2d, at Nickul's Hall. A sketch of the new laboratory of Hygiëne, was published in the last issue of the Inland Architect and Bullder. It is to be atine looking structure considering the limitad amount allowcd to build it with. The faculty of Harvard will issue an edict prohibltlng the seductive game of draw poker within the classic precincts of the unlversity. Hereafter we shall be ohlig(d to send our son to some other college If we want them to obtain a thorough American educution. - Norrlstown Herald. Waite T.ilcott, of Rockford, 111., formerly a hign school and university student was married to Miss Grace Forbes, also of liockford, on Tuesday of last week. The bride s a sister of Harry Forbes, an '84 editor of the Chronicle, and is quite well known here. The wedding was an elabórate atlnir. There are some very unpleasant things being said about the mnnner in which certain pstients who came to the university hospital íor treatment were treated. I f there is a pystematic effort to brlng the U. of M. hospital into disrepute for certain reasons well known to the public, it wou ld seem as if the regenta ought to keep an eye out. Some of the non-resident students are atteropting to gain a residence by remainiiifr here three months before matriculating, thus cbeating the unlversity out of a portion of its fees. These studeuts better study up the laws of the state, which say : " No elector shall be deeined to have gained or lost a residence whlle a student of any seminary of learulng." The same law applies in this case as at electlons. The best way is to do right always. The Rugby eleven left last night for South Bend, wliere they play the Notre Dame college team to-day, going on to Chicago to night tor the contest tomorrow with the Northwestern university eleveD. The team is composed of the following student8 : John L. Duffy, James E. Dnffy, Lincoln MacMillan, Royal Farrand, Frank Knappe, E. M. Sprague, Fred Townsend, E. W. McFarrand, W. W. Harless, and J. H. Duffle. Jullus Hegeier accompanied the team as referee, and one substitute also accom panied the team.


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