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O nerobaot i" tlilue hour oí c e , lf on tiiis paper vou shouM uní look (br lomeUirng to np p p p, jfoor yearDlng tor gTeenbaok v v v, Tuke oni' ftdvloe mi be y y y, u:iilitw:iy out and advert 1 1 i. Y. mil Umi the project of some u u u, ín otfer no ez q q q, Be wlse al oiioe, proloug rour (1 a a a A sllent business toon J k i. t. Only l'our wuiks lo Chrbtmu. The pension of Connd Noli lias bcen incrcuíiil. Si' i vices :il Si. Amlieu'sat 10' o'clOCk to-niorrow. Goodyear saya this i pretty woather to buiU a bonte in. Tlie slide or tlie llnk? Wliicli sliall it be this winter? k luced faro for Tiiankstfvlng is n mytli and a fraud. mul nmch Meded new ildewajki bare been trost bitten. cliool'sout to-night uutil next Monday. Fun for the boys. The busy muil carrier wlH have a littlc rest to-morrow. He has erftaed t. Give tlianks to-morrow by deeds ol mercy rather feats of feasting. Golden RuW Lo.lge F. & A. M., elects offleer next week, Tluirsday evenin-j. Pressed pork is being sold at $5 (g 5.23 par cwt. JN'ot imnU belng oflered yet. Put away a dollar or two every week now for use oue tnonth from to-morrow. The llrst real winter d.iy was Satuulay followed by one a little more real Sunday. ¦Yheat is on the up grade again, No. 1 now bringing Ï5 cents willi ¦ firmer tendency . The toboggan sliJe will be as slippery as usual this winter, under Maj. Wilson's superintendence. The Busiuess Men'a Association has a goodly number of lts illustrated pamphlets yet unsent. York state apples are tickling the palates jiiul demolishing the poekcts of Ann A'barites just now. One of the coming popular clubs of thls city is the Apollo. Tbey will be henrd from in the future. The mothers' meeting for November wlll be held at the Conjfrejstlonal otiurch at I! o'clock on the ;!0tli iiiit. Stuart Milieu irtunied from Chicago last night witli one of Yankee Ailam's (' ickcr Spaniel Soga as a pet. ('irroll Remlek has Uken a position willi Hcan iV Co., wliere he máy be found by bis Meada duriug liusiness honrs. "K it, diink aml be inerry," bat remember tli"?e whom fortune has not lavond, and liclp tbein to be tnerry also. The Dauglitcr of Jairus did not draw a very gooil au üenee last Thursday evening, but was very entortaining nevcrtheless. Farmers are selüng turkeys for 8 cents per pound on the streets. Tlie cheapest tliey luve bccn quoted liere for a lonr time. Tlie lecture of Prof. Clark at Ilobart Hall, SuihIhv eveniDj, was one of tho ñnest effurts lieard In tlie ettjr In a long time. The Democrat culis foí tlie replacing of several cross walks torn up on Hallowe'en night. Riffat, as muiy of them are dangerous. Edward Gruf pald $1 ti 10 and costsbefore Justiee FrueaufT ycstcrdav, on a charge of assault and bittiry ])rcfurrei1 by Win, Erdman. Friday p. ni. from :! to 0 p'elock, Rev. I)r. Earp is to hoM a reception for the ofticers and teachers of St. AndrewV Sun day School at Hobart Hall. Ypsilanti celery is prcferable to tl e Kalamazoo article. There is one thinjr for celery groweis to learn, vi: How lo grow more hearts and Icss outside stalks. The po3tolfice will l;e opeo from 9 to 10 o'clock a. m , and fi-om 6 to 7'a' o'clock p. m. to-morrow, Thanksgiving day. There will bu no delivcry, it twlng a legal liollday. Tlie (iii: I'eopU-'s Society of the Baptist cliurch will eivo a social at the residence of Mrs. Qooilrlch, córner of State and Washington sts., next Fridaj' evening. While you are talking, one of tbc receiptbooks being issued by the ladies of the M. K. clmrcli would be just tlie nicest thing in tlie norld to ;ive your wife Ciiistmas. A 2J ward school boy being Mked whom he considereJ the greatest man living, replied promptlv, "Sullivan." That boy will ligbt bis way to the front, undoubtedly. Just think of it: Apples retailing at 40 cents per peck! Importad York state apples at that. An apple orchard that will bear is better than au orange grove at these figures. The local paper is the best advertising medium the country mercha'its can possibly have. It goes right to the homes he wants to reach, and is read by those who will be liis best patroiiR. A small boy with n stick of wood made a hole ÜnoujrU oue of the plate glass windows in Moore's barber shop, on Hurón atreet, a few dajw slnce. Noinsurance, so Üe F orest is ahead this time. The Ann Arbor Schutzenbund will have a prize shoot at the park to-morrow fmm U o'clock a m. to 4 o'clock p. m. All lovers of the trigger are invited to come up and try their marksinansbip. Tlie prizes will consist of turkeyp, etc. A unión Tlianksgiving service, embracing the Conjrrejfitional, I'rcsbyterian, BaptM and Metliodist societie. will be lield '1'hanksüiving day at the Congregational cliurch, Rev. Dr. Eddy preaching the fermon. The service commences at Hi o'clock. Tlie uewspaper of to-day is practically the storehouse of the world's knowledge. In Ls columns are givcn liistory, fiction, Science and art, and an epitome of events pot only of tlie past and present, but an intelligent and intelligiblc forecast of the news of to-morrow. It is understood that tbc early closing movtment auiong tlie clothing mercliants lisscome to asad end. The siners to tlie agreement have bad port of a inonkey and parrot time over the affair. There are a few of the clothiers who proposc to close up just tlie same, at 0 o'clock m. Ann Arbor lias boen buylnK Rrlghton'8 polatoenatTU and si) .-.-nis per lmslu-1 -Plocltney Dispatch. Yes, wc know an individual who boujrht Mveral bushels of those potatoe?, and he wonld be glad to scll them agalu ata hamlsomc reduction. Ifyou know of any one desiious of purchasing send tliem on. Hlitz & Langsdorf contémplate some clmnges on thelr store next spring that will be very desirablc. The entire front will be torn out and raballt, anotlicr story artded, and an addition built on the rer. If the present plans are carried out it will be one of the 'Vlandy" stores " Main t. ('luw, chow, ehew, oh. malden, fanry frec ! Aiul I would tliftt my tongue could utter TtMthooghtl thatarlseln me. Wítli a dluek, cluck, gluck, ( thy Jaws whloh are never sllll, And oh, ihpsiKht of thy cavernons mmitli, And oh, my toiu blUI Tls well for the yon I li who clrearas At nlKht of thy beauty und grace, That he sees thee not wltli thy qulil r gum Distortlug thy fair youug face. The car rumbles down Hip streel, sciin.where lts rumble will cease. Bat oh, lor slghtof a jawat rest Aml a moutU forever at peace. Ross Granger has sold out his State st. grocery to Brown & Cady. A tclephone has been put in at tlie water work. No. U7 three rings. The most curlous collection of dolls over in tlie city will be on parede at the M. E. fair in two weeks. The stores are to quite gencrally close up to-morrow, and buslncsa will be suspended tiirougliout tlie city. Albert Sorg has secura! an injunction against Sellick Wood, restrainlng liim froni disposing of any more of the propei tv in bis hauds. A new time table went into effect on the M. C. 11. K. Nov. 20th. The time the traína pau nn Arbor will be found corrected ia its proper place. The first marrtage lieense issued by a justice of the peace cauie to the county clerk's office yesterday. It was issued by Justice Wm. II. Bishop, of Augusta. The date of Prof. Clark's next two lectures before the Hobart Quild has been cliangrd frotu next Saturday and Sunday to Saturday, Dec. 3d, and Sunday, Dec. 4th, beeause of the Thanksgiving vacation. Services in St. Andrew's church next Sunday as follows : 7:30 a. m., morniag pnyer; 10:30 a. ni., Holy communion and pr.iyer; 12 m., bible classes and Sunday school; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermón. Wm. H. Boyle and Wm. Harless will answer to a charge of assault and battery before Justice Pond to-day, preferred by Tony Schiappacasse, The boys were too enthuslastic, and hit Tony on the head with a stone it Is alleged. H. Q. Sutton, who has been sorely afflicted recently by sickness and death in his family, losing his Hule son last Thursil-iv, iias returned to his school room in the 4th ward. ITe bas the sympathy of many friends in bis sorrow. President Cleveland ougbt to feel good natured enough now to give us two more carriers to deliver the mail in this city. Just walt untll P. M. G. Don M. D. gets holil of the reine. He knows the needs here and will act accordiuply. The editor of the Midland Sun says he knows that electrlclty is good for a fellow. He has tried it. Whether he refers to the electric bath which Mr. Iiailey rot in a recent public tarifl" discussion with a brother editor is not known. - Evening News. Mr. Allincndingcr tells us that the fruit pvnporating works have taken care of 18,000 bushels of apple this ycar, besidos a large lot of peacues. The gales have been fair of the cured fruit, mostly to the west. The works closed for the Beason last Saturday. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, who has been so completely overshadowed by her brotber's new wlfe that she ia scarcely inenüoned by the paragrapher now-a-days will take a short run down to the White house this weck. It Is hoped this will be more entertaining than her Long Run. The rallroada sold tickets yesterday for a fare and a third, good to return until the 29th, but any one going to-day or tomorrow must pay full fire. A very singular arrangement, and one that will not especially benefit the railroad management, either fiaancially or in the opinión of tbc public. Lotf of folks are countin? on buying tbëlr Xmas presents at the M. E. church fair next month, for they know that what the ladies having it in charge put on sale will be the best, the latest, as well as the cheapest. It will be Ann Arbor's exposltion of fancv, of useful, handy and tasty objeets well designed for holiday presents. The Register published this week a very touching account of the death of Rev. S imuel Clemens, a Methodist presiding eider. Mr. Clemens still lives in good health, and in fair prospects of surylvlng to preach the funeral sermón of the Register. The Arrus, in cribbing from the Register, made the same error.- University Chronicle. Whether this item is true or not, or whether it is one of the old blue lies, we do not know, but it is said to be true that if white clothin?, cay a white dress, is put away In a drawer or closet it will become yellow, but if placed in a box lined wlth blue paper, or wrapped in a blue cloth, it will come out as white as it ever was, no matter how long t lies. The prohibitionists at their meeting last week were not extremely numerous. But tbose who were therc were extremely emphatic in their condemnation of the local option law. It is wbole hogor none with them, and most al wnys none. " BeOaOM I ean't have the laws made as I want them, I shall not favor their enforcement," is their way of reasoning. Extremely liberal. If Ann Arbor cannot aflbrd a few hundred dollars to boom with, how in the name of all that is good, great and glorious can she expect to build a sewerage system to cost f 100,000 or more? It is astounding impudence to think of sucb athlng! WJiat if typhoid fever, diphtheri.i, and all the attendant evils of accumulated filth does come upon us? We mast grin and bear it. Cards are out announcing the the marriage, on Wednesday evening, Nov, 30th, at 7 o'clock p. m., of Miss Lottie Nordman to Will J. Beach. The ceremony will be performed at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Nordman, in Lima. The young couple are very popular, and there are hosts of friends who will wish them God speed on the journey of life together. The secretary, E. Bauer, announces the annual meeting of tlie Washtenaw Pomological Society will bo beid on De 3d, at 2 p. m., in t':e basement of the court house. Delegates to the annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society and Michigan Bee Keepers' Association at East Saginaw Dec. 7, 8, 9 and 10, will be elected, and other important business; also fruit, preserve and flower exhibit. The marriage of Miss Fannie Stimson and Wm. Hemy Hawkes.of Birmingham, Mich., will occur to-morrow evening, at the home of the bride's father, J. D. Stlmton, on W. Huron st. Mr. Hawkes graduated from the literary department last year, and is well known in university circles. The bride is one of the popular young ladies of W. Huron gtreet, and many friends will wish them a long and happy life. The announcement of the death of Rev. S. Clemens, by the Register, when there was not a partiële of truth in it, was particularly distressing to the family of Mr. Clemens. All newspapers are Habla to uinke inistakes, but too niuch care cannot be taken to avoid announcing the death of people prematurely. It might not be out of place to add that Mr. Clemena Is in perfect healtb and expects tn live a score or two of years yet. Judge Watson Beach, of Lexlngton, is bolding court, having started in yesterday morning wlth the case of the Farmer's and MechaniiH' Bank vs. John Keek fc Co., and Wm. Aprill. This suit is an outgrowth of the late Keek failure, Us bank holding notes of Mr. Keek amountinx to $5,000, endorsed by Wm. Aprill, that have never been pald. Sawyer & Knowlton and C. lï. Whitmau are conducting the case for the bank, and John F. Lawrence and Hon. E. D. Kinne are defending Wm. Aprill. The claim of forgery is to be set up we believe, and the case promises to be warmly contested.