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Keiuembcr the nest cliamber concert at Hobart Hall is on the boards for December 29. The Harugarui Mannaechor are to give an evening entertainment Thursday, tomorrow evening, at Beethoven hall. The concert giyen by the Temple Quartette, at Universlty hall Saturdav evening was well attended, and immenselv enjoyed. The Jubilee Fair to be giren by the ladies of the M. E. church, is being prepared for in a wondrous way. There will be nothing wanting that can be thought of. Wait for It. Lottie Church, supported by a good company of artists, is to hold fortli three nights at the opera house, commenctng to-morrow evening with the playentitled "The Murder of sn Unktiown," to be followed wilh "Pa-pe-to." Thursday afternoon and evening, the 24th inst., the scholars of 8t. Thomas Catholic school will give a concert, the proceeds to go toward building the new chapel for the school. It will be held in the new school hall. Tlckete for the evening, 25 cents. The afternoon, which is for children, 10 cents. There was a big crowd at the opening of the rink last Friday and Saturda? nigtit, and the music furnished by the Huron band was excellent. It looks as if the old furore for roller skating had struck the town again and that the old time sport was to be renewed. The rink will be open to-morrtw fternoon ani evening, and Friday and Saturday evenings. , The most successftil coinic opera, "The Little Tycoon," will be presented in tbis city for the first time by the original company. All the superb scenery, costumes, properties, electric effects, together with the Temple Theatre Orchestra of ten picked musirían, and a chorus of thirty volees. An exact reproduction of the opera will be given es originally produced in riiiladelphia, New York, Boston and Chicago, in which cities It has had a total run of 500 nights. R. E. Graham, who plays General Knickerbocker, is one of the most popular young comedians In thls country, and the wonderful success he made is entirely due to his own efforts. Miss Elma Delaro as Miss Hurrlcane is the possessor of an excellent mezzo voice, besides bèing an actress of sterling ability. Manager Sawyer has secured this popular attraction for one performance on Monday, Nov." 2Sth. Reserved seats at Wahr's book store. THE LITTLE TYCOON. At every representatlon of this niagnilicent work it has been greeted with the same enthusiasin that has marked its reception since the opening niglit. The pleaslng airs and charming stage tableaux, together with the brilliunt and ilmo-t sensational scenlc effects, and not a little excellent comedy work, render the production highly pleasing to the great majority of opera-goers and amusement seekers. Like every successful comic opera, " The Little Tycoon " unfolds new beauties and gathers an additlonal charm with each representation. lts grace, purity and absolute freedom froin anyUiing, approarhine grossness or vulgarity, render It exceedingly attraotivr to a larjje class of retiñid and rultlvuu-d persons who are rurely soen aftordinary theatriOfü or musical entert aiiiincnts. Manager Brotherton will inake the last to'ir of "The Little Tycoon" and the original Temple Theatre Opera Company a memorable one, as he will have the entlre original orgatnzation from tha Temple Theatre, Philadelphia. R. E. GraTiam and Elma Delaro will make their first appearance in thls city as General Knickerbocker and Miss Hurricane, parts they have played ever since the first production in Pliiladelphlaand New York. City, at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. The Temple Theatre Orchestra, under the director8hip of Gagel, consisting of ten soloists, will be a guarantee that the music will be of an unusually superior quality to that carried by traveling companies. i Reserved seats for sale at Whar's book store. Cuas. Allmendinger, an oíd pioneer of tliis county, residing in Lodi, dled last Monday, aged about 69 years. lie leaves ¦ trlfe and tliree children, well settled !n life. The deceased was born in. l'ennsylvanla, carne to tliis county in 18:31, was married in 1843, and has resided on the farm taken up from thé government evep, slnce coming to the county,. He is a brother of D. P. Allmendinger of tbiá clty, has been a prominent man In the afluirá of hls township, and highly respected throughout the county'. In politics he has always been afirm republican. Chas. H. Davis, a printer, aged 38t years, died last Monday morning, of heart disease. He went to bed Sunday night in apparent usual health, and at about 2 o'clock wns taken ill and died within a few minutes, before any a?sisance could be summoned. Dr. C. G. Darling held a post mortem examination assisted by Dr. Breakey, and they found that death resulted from an organized olot in the left ventricle of the heart, whlch obstructed It )iroper action. Another clot was also found in the rlght side of the right slde of the heart. Funeral services wlll be held to-morrow, Thursday, the printers of the city bearing the expenses thereof. The Detroit Kvening News bas tliia item, In which many of our readers wlll doubtless be interested: "Julius V. SeyIer recently passed a brilliant exnmination for admission to the IJerlin constrvatory of music Uia masterly plnying was commended on all sidea, and ho Was at once as9lgned to the highest classes, ' under the personal instruction of the distingulshed master, Xiivler Scharwenkn. Mr. öeyler lias been a student with J. II. Hahn almost from the cotnmencement of his musical studies, and his examiuation and admission are au emphatlc indorsement of the methods poriued nt the Detroit conservatory of muslc.'1