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ppmcií CREAM IV, ,í hy the United sutes jovernment, Endoraed oy the beadi ol the Orea) Unlversltlea as tbe Btrongest, Pmvst.anil most i lm lili tul. Dr. Prlce's tne onlj Hak hik rowderlhal doej not i'ontatn Amiimnia, Llmeor Aluin. BoW on y ",LL. nAKNi; pÖWDER CO., ¦BW YOIiK. (II II IGO, ST. l.iilüs. IQ Vjhe Best and Purest MedicineS JL EVER MADE. VT!Itwlll1rlvrtluiIlHmnrfromyiiirln 'f, ' AVrl,':in .-ui.1 Bmooth. T!,...-,l lMmpl. Hl"! nlotlirU ra ', ILwiii'-i' mar rar beautyH Q % ', 'í JWaiT causea bv lnipuroM I .. V '-i.. 'üL.bloiMl, and oan Ih'III Iraall-onlyateaV; Í- o pAl medicine. Try U, and4 '? VV I vou UI lic siutsfled. LK o, ,, lU UltofyourI)rngglBt VB 3 d.i.n'tWait. Gi:titai "N1'l-k _,.' = 1( ynu ftro fiifferlnff from Kttl ¦ III ,,ï,ïo MMtUIt IilTn,K- III They uever Lall to cure. III Bend 3 i oenl rtampa to A. P.Ordway A ('., Bortón. M medlcalwork publlibMlf AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MDNTH HiWHtiHfWllFKOM CHICAGO, iïliïipEORIAc-jjp ¦Ml5TLTMiËs lili ¦nTljJHj fjVAf 'cHOICEOF liflJílígjjiTOJ fjLV routes; via Pi,irnDÖlADENVER' llAUrUÏ1 CDUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, STJOSEPH,ATCHISDN or KAN SAS CITY. For dates, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting Unes, ., or addrcss PaulMortom, C-.n P:.3s.Tki.A;rt., Chicago, III. í MoíeaiJí i IMut OU1 Blhl RrMWnL F L SeDd fcr ciKuUn. E. J. KMOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLETE ARRANGKM K.NT KOR Phjsicians and Families, Neater, Cheaper, AND JIIIIIK CONVENIENT THAN A STA.TIONAEY BATH TUB WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTÜRCS. ïutPsPl .t linnliitt-s hc torpltl liver, slroiiirlhi iis lliiMlItcMIveoreiins, rtt;iilat- the ¦ uhcIn, umi ure uin nualcd u au ANTI-BiLIOUS MEDICINE, In maiarlnl ilistrirts thclr vlrlucs are Uicl niiimilrcil. sllicy mssi-.s pvcu liar .roM rli s in I itcinif l lust stem I rom Huil iioisoii. Eli'Kiinll) Mllrar t'ouu-tl. iosesi!iall. lri-e, SSctS. Sold Everywrhere. Oflice, 44 íui-ray St., Jíow York jnUCDTfiCCD cr othefs.who wish to examine A" I Efl I IwCllw % paper, or obtaln estimstei on advertising spftce when n Chicago, wi!l find it on file at theAd.o.ti.gAgencoÍ LORD THORAmSi IrifT can 'vi'it homennd makomorcmoneyat II II wor fr aíi ''ian !lt ;ni Itiini; ellfl In ttiit I wnilil. Capita] Dot needed ; yon are m v V starled free. Both sexce ; all cee. Any one can do the work. Lare earniDB are from drst Ktart. Cosily outlit nnd term fríe. Betta not dclüy. Costp yiia nothinff to gend ns ynur addrese and flrd ont; if yon Rrt1 wit1 yon Wil 1 do eo at ouce. II. Hai.lett & ('., Portland, Manie. claase wlth employment at home, thi' whole of ihc ttroc, or for tiieir ppare momentií. Buslrieen new Itlftit and protitahto. IYrgont of eilher kpx cntilly i-arn from SO lo $í.00 per evenlng, nuil a prnportional Hiim by devotlnj; all tlieir tune to the buelne?R. Boy and ?r!s earn oarn nearly au muili a men. Ihat alt wtio pee thie may fend trii-ir ad'Ur--, and tept the huelneës, we make Ihi oAf Tu puch as are not well ialified wc will tenü one dollar to pay fo' the t.-oub!e of wrltlnir. Kuil partculars and utllt fn-e. Addruss Gkokoe Stinsok i, Co. Portland Muiui'. "¦f niTTlTT to """idc. ('ut tule out and rei I [i y turn to as, and we wil] useudyc a I 11 P I jr'' ¦omething of L'nat va int I and Iraportance to you, that wlll w i-tart yon In bomen which wlll hrineyou In more money rlj i away than anythlne el9eln this worlfi. Anyone can do the work nnd live at home. Kither sex ; all hl'Ch. Somcihinu new, that just coln money fr all workcro. Wc will start you ; capital no' needed. Tbls If one ol the (jenulne, Important chances of a 'iretime. Thnce who are ambltlons and enterprlaiDg wlll not delays Address Tbüe Co., Angusta, Maine. THIS PAPER "'v"? " ¦ IIIV I fil kil UOWELL & CO'8 Newspapor Advertising Bureau (10 Spruca Mri-ct),wh..r.M,lvrr. f lfffllll ti.-iii(rcniiti:ii'tni;iy MpM VI iKK lc mude for U in lik fff Ullti All Druggi ¦npand onlv b Dr. 8eth Jlrnold, Mcd Corp., Wooniockct, KI. FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Mauufucturcd by the Ann Arbor Preserving (Jo., iu to 3bbown:& cady, i Sole Anents fur Ann Arbor, or lo the factory Plttsrleld rond. South.


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