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Sene! br medicinal ieautífulL, R81U0f!!2S picture, ifcgtFm "- - - : r ¦ iu.. -.), mWror Srraiis, pain RfforWfatoessoldsSf. 1888. Harpor's Magazine. II,LU9TRATKD. IIahteu's MAGA'zntl ti " orgaii of progresslvc tlxuiKlil and inovement In every dt piirtiiit'iit i lire. Kesides otlicr altrat-nous. It wlll contaln, during tKe OOBlIng enr, lmportant artleleH, superbly illustruted, oh the UreatWest; arllcles on American and foielgn iDduitry: beautifuily ItUSátraUfl pap.-i on SootlxiHl, Norway, Swllxerland, Algli-rn, and llie WeNt Indien; new novéis by ni.i.iii BLACK and NV. 1) HnWKi.i.s; novelleltea, atdb complete In a ingle nuniber, ly Hknky Jamks, Lafcadio 11 aun. and AMÉi.ih: Kivk.s; short storletl by Miss VVooi.son and other popular wrilers; and lllustrahd papers of special nrllstic nnd Itterar Interest. The editorial deparlmenU are onnducted by Ukoiuik Wii.mam ('urtis, Wii.mam Dean Howki.i.h, and Dudi.ey WAllStll. IIARPER'S PERIODICALS. VV.R YRAU: IIAUPKR'K MAÜAZINK -..H OC HARPER'S WEKKLY 4 00 HAIU'EU'S BAZAK 4 00 HAUrKIl'8 YOUNQ PEOI'LK 2 W Portage Frte to all stibtcriberi in the UxUcd Statu, Ornada or Aftxlco. The volumes of the Magazine begin wilh the Nuiubers for Juue uud Utcninber ol cacli year When no time is speclrled, gnbsprlp tlon( wlll beulii witli Xuuibvr curreut at time of recelpi of order. Hou nd Volumes of Harpek'h Maí K.for Ihree yeiirs back, In neut cloth binding, wlll besent by mail, postpald, on reoelpt of $3 U0 per volume. Clolh Cases, for binding, 30 cents each - by mail, poatjiald. Index to II ajipkk'3 Maoazink, Alshsbetical. Analyllral, and Ulsfl}d, for Vulumes 1 toTO, Inclusive, from June, ISjU,to June, 1885, one vol., Svo, Clolh, $.tKi. Keniiltmices sliould bo made by P wt-otllce Muuey li il ir or Diaft, lo avbid cbauccoi loss. jiewspapers are not to copy (Ml aJiertitemml without the rxpreêt order of II akkkic & BuuthM Address HARPER BROT11K11S, NYw York. 1888. Sarper's "Woekly. II.LUSTBATKD. iiari'kk.s vr.KKLYliasa well-lRl)lh.:ieO place hm il' leadlng Illustraled newpaper In Anifrlca. 'J'he of lts edlUïrial oomineniN on current politics lias earned for it the respect and ctnitUIrnce of all Inipftrtial readers, and the varlety and DXOeileooa oí HsliUTiiry oonlents. wjiieli luclude serial and short storles by the best and most popular anthora. tlt it lor the perusal of people of the wldest ranee of tantes and pursults. .supplt'iiifnts aro froqueully provided, and no expense is spared tobrlngiliehlghesl artlstlo abllly to lieiir upon the lllustration of tlie changelul of home and forels;n hlslory. In all lts features Harpkk's WKEKLY Is admlrahly adaptvd tobe a wel(unie nest In every household. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PEU YKAR : HAUPERM WEEKLÏ U 0C HARPER'S MAUAZINE 4 00 HARPER'8 DAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNQ PEOPLE 2 00 Pottage Free to all tubcrltierê in the United States, Canada or Mexico. The Volume of tlie Wkekiy begin wlth the lirst Number for Jnnuary of each year. When no time Ih mentloned, subscrlptlona wlll begin wllh the Number current at time of recelpt ot order. Bound Volumes of Hakpkk's Wkkkly for three years back. In neat cloth binding, wlll be sent by mail, postage pald, or by express free of expense 'provlded the frelght does nol exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Caoes for each volume, sultable lor binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on recelpt of (1 00 each. Ilemlttances should be made by PoRt-Oftlce Mouey order or Uraft, to avold chance o loss. Ntwspaperit are not to copy this adcertisement without tne exprets order of Hakpek & BkothEl. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1888. Harpor's Bazar. ILI.XJSXRA.TICD. Haiipbk's II 7..k Is a home Journal. It coniblue's cholee llleratife aud line art Ulus tratlous ullli the latent intelllgenee regard1 mi the fashlcins. Kach number has clever serial and short storlen, practical and tlmely essays, brlght poeins. huniorous sketches etc. lts pnltern-sheet nul fushlon-plale sup lilemenui wlll alone help ladles to ave many times the coat of subserlption, nnd papers ou social ethiuelte, decoratlve art, housekeeplng In all lts branches, cookery, etc, raake It useiul In every househohl, and a true promoter of economy. lts edltorlals are mark ei by nood sense, and nol a Une is admltled to II columns thut could offend the most fasll dlous taste. IIARPER'S PERI0Ü1CALS. PER YKAK: HARPEIt'S BAZAR $1 Ou HARPBK'8 MAOAZINK 4 00 UAIVPERS WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNQ PEOPI.K 2 00 Pjttage Free to all tubtcribert in the United States, Canada or Mexico. Tne volumes o( tbe Bazak begin wlth the fust number for January for each year When nollme Is mentloned, subscrlptlons will beglu wlth the Number current at time of recelpt of order. Bound volume of Hakpbk's ll.u.ut, for three years back, In neal cloth binding wlll be sent by mail, postage pald. or by expresa free of expense (provlded the frelght doe not exeeed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 per volume. r Cloth Cases for eaoh volume, sulUtble lor binding will be sent by mail, postpald, mi recelpt of $1.00 each. v ' Kciniitiince should be made by Poiit-Offlee Mouey Order or Draft, to avold chance of lotu. Nnvsiaper nre not to copy thit adverlitemetit without the expres order of Hakpek BitoniAdilress HARPER & BROTHERS Now YÓrk. ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarantee of exoellenoe. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all flrst-class stores from the Atlantic to the Paoiflc. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically _sealed ONE POUND PACKAQES. ft f T T "Mi ira Kar, bat IhoM vk wrtti ! ¦ SimMn tl Co. , Porllud, M ln..wlll rreeli. I m I I I II free. f u L I ilifer mlion bout Work whtch I I I I tb7 " d0' nd ltT bom.,tb.t wlll psy U w XJJJ ihem frum %., u f par djr. Som h.T. umed OT.rlMlin ft dy Ellher ifr, Toung orold. CapltAl uot requlrrrl You ar. itarted free. Tboft. wbo itart ftt oao fcz. fttaolutelr mr gr muf llul fortuacs. All la n.w. The Ano Arbor Courier. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCK.


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