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Mmorc money than at anj thlngelse br taK tnR an auency fur tb heet selling book ut. Heijinners oucreed gritndly. None fatl. Term free. Hallktt Book Co., Portland, Maine. 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AX ILLUSTRATEI) WEEKLY. H.i:i'F.iis Yoini; I'koi'i.k Interests all younji readers by Itacarefully seleoted varlety of Dientes and Dief r wdl oonaktared ireninit'nt. lt contains the best serial and short storles. valoable art leles on scienllrlc subJects aiul travel, hlstortcal and bloRraplitcal sketch, s, papers on alhletlcsports and guiñes, stirring poems, etc, contrlbuled by the brlgbtest and nioHt fainous wrlters. lts Illustmtinns are numerous and excellent. Ooeasional Supplements of especial interest to Parenis and Teachers wlll be a feature of the forthcomlug volume, whlch wlll comprise tllty-three weekly numbers. Kvery line in the paper Is subjected to the most ilgld editorial scruttny in order that nothiug harinful m i.v enter lts columns. An epitome of everything that i attractive and ik-sirable in juvenile llternture. - Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the boys and ííirls in evcry t'jmüy which it visils - Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, Information and interest - Cliristian Advocate, X. V. TERMS : Fostage Prepald, $9 Per Year. Vul. IX. commenceê November 1, 1SS7. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of o two-cent Ktnmp. Single Nimheks, Flve Onts eoch. Remi tt anees should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Lraflt toavoid chance of loss. N(WD]miiers are not to copv tMt advertitement without the express order o) IIaki'KK Jt BkothKK8. Address I1ARPER 4 BROTHERS, New York. The Century Magazine! Wiih (ba November, 1887 Issoe, The Cenlury Qonmencea lts thlrtj -rllih volumewilh a regular clrculatlon of almost 2V),0(X. The War Papers and the Life of l.incoln lncreased 118 immUily edttloo by 100,00(1. The latter hitory havlng reooabted the events of LincoIh'h enilv yeurs, imd Riven the nereseary survey of the pol i t hal rond tt Ion of the country, ïeaches u. new perlod, wltli whlch hls Beoretarle were most Intlmately acqualuted. Under the captlou Lincoln in the War, the writers now enter on the more important part ol thelr nairat Ta, v'z : the ear y yearg of De War and l'reslduut IAdcuIu's part tbereiu. Supplementary War Papers, 'ollowlnit the "battle ferie" ly üiminuuitihed Keneralg, will describe Interrfting teaturiï of army üfe, tutinellnir fiom Ltbby Prlson, nnrrativ,- i pt-rnuiml Rrtventure, etc. Oon. Sherman wlll wriie on "The Onind strategy ol ihe War." Kennan on Siberia. K .-,'pt tbe I,re(if Lincoln and the War Artirlcs, nu more Important series has ever been iinderiiikeii bv Tue Century thau tllls of Mr. Kennan't. With the prevfona preparation of tonr years' travel and tnily in Kuasla and 81 beria, the authur uudertook a Jouruey of 15,0UO alle for the pedal Investigatlon liere requlred. An lntrodiictlon from the Russlan Minister of the interior admltted hlro to the principal minea and prisoup, where he becarae aoqaalDMd wlth eome three linndred etate ezflat,- Liberáis, Nihllls, and others,- and the series will be a startllng as well au accu'ate revelation of tSe exlle syetem. The many lllustrattons by the nrtlst and photographer. Mr. Oeo A. Frost, who iccoinpanled the nuthor, will add greatlyto the vulue of the artlcl . A Novel by Eggleston, wiih illnKtrations will run throngh the year. Hhorter DOel will follow by Cable ane Stockt6n. shorter ticlions wlll appeur every month Miscellaneous Features wlllcomprlse several illustrated artloles on [relaud. by Clnulïs De Kay; papers tou hlUK the flelil of Sniidiy School lessons, Illu-lrat. d by H I, Wtlson; wll] Western llfe, by The"R(K)8evelt; the Knellh CathedralH. liv Mrs. Van ReDHueller.wltn IllusiraUons uy Pennell: Pr. Buckley'a valtiahle papers nu Oreams, iplrltuallim, und Clairvoyance; efsuys In crltlclsm, art, travel, and blojrautiy ; px-ms; criiooDs; etc. }y a siecinl offer the nu nb ra for the paft .onliiinlnK the Line iln hlstory) tnay lie ecured Wlth th, vear's sjbscrlptinn from Xnvetnber, 1887, Issues In all for W, or, wlth the last year's hiuiilsninely bound, t' SO. PubTUhed by TUK CENTUKY CO. S3 East 37th t., New York. MA BOOK FOR THE PEOPLË? CAPTIVATINHI leKl'll. ! 1. ..meiil Díncunmídiih. and Dtplmiitiiic Paprn on thr (.r, l 1' U' cl Iliel'n! "ir., i'reseul, bv j mi ;. in. hm:. Km)raeiiiKhismatorly "ii the vltul ime In the Anti SUxvery Strugole. the .WÍ t,nirtiiHl Mr(lufl., fnkttttUm, Mfli II. Hult. etc, etC. tff' FuUaiNk K"H HooK ('ANVASSüUS ! Al'l'IJCiTIONS FOR TKItlllTOHY COMPTO IX WITH A Ul'SH DARL1NU BKOS., Dl rKMT, Mi. ii.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News