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Kv Michigan í-fÉ tv Ceniml Time tanle takine effect Oct. Bth, 1887. Central Standard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. TAT.ONS. M S& ;P. SJ M n Aill jlB ï 1 L i U.v.Ia.m. p.m. p.m. p. m. p.m a. Cblraj;o..Lv. 6 50; 00 8 10 8 15 4 40 9 10 3 56 Kalamazoo. .. 1S17 1 ir, 6681281 950 2 30 46 Kattle Creek.J, 1 Ü7, 2 27 7 33 1 %r 3201781 Jackson 315 4 20 8 49 315 4 50 S 15 GrassUke.... 8 88 513 9 34 (helsea 359 585 953 Dexler 4 14...., SSUKiin I .llii Mills... 422 l(i)4 Arin Arbor.... 433' 530 9 45 4 35 6 08 10 Si Ypsilsntl 450 5 45 95 4 52 624 10 WayneJunc. 5 15 605... 515 647 11(9 Detroit.. ..Ar. 6 00 6 45 10 45 600 7 80111 CO üt.Thomas 1110 205 960 880... Falla Vtew 464 112 647. N. Fallí 251 530 1 5G 7 25. Buffilo 435Í715 3 40 (.t.." DETROIT TO CHICAGO. I . j K Ltld ft && i íl & S s - i flff atlf S__ L_ S Q__ K O A. M A.M. A.M. P.M. A. M ... . A.M. Bnffalo 535 1155 1180 800.... 6 06 N. Pal Ís 6 0 12 40 115 St. Thomas.... 10 00 ir-0 4 28 110 P.M. P.M A.M. . P.M. ..... P.M. Detroit.. ..Lv. 130 9 15 7 U0 910 800 ... 4 00 WayneJnnc. 203 955 741 958 837 4 46 Ypeilanti .... 2 30 10 20 803 1012 858 6 ÍS AnuArbor... 232 1030 8 18 1133 912..... 680 Delhi Mills 82 542 Deiter 8S7 982 ... . 5 50 Chulee 8 52 9 52 6 06 (írassLake 9 15 1012.... 6Ï7 Jackson SU 1801 9451185 1052 ... 710 BattlcCreok.. 4 40-1861120 1121212... 852 Kalamazoo. . . 5 15 4 :!0 12 17 1 50 120 4 45 9 4 Chtcago-.Ar. 9 30 7 45 5 55 40: 700 1020 O. W. RUGGLE8, H. W. HAYBS, tí. P. & T. Agent Airt.. Aun Arbor. Chicago. ToJedo, Aun Arbor & Xortli Michigan Kailiray. TIME SCHEDULB. To t;ike cflect at 12 o'clock, nron, on Sund;iy, October 9th, 1887. Tratos run by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. = 1 II I smioN. i = y j, M. P M.P. H.lA. . Toled" Lv 5 15 3 15 6 2fj 5 60 Manhattan Janction 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 57 8 2 6 55 8 85 Samarla 5 45 3 431 7 23 7 30 Monnie Jnnction (12 4 05 7 61 8 10 Dumlee tí 1U 4 12 8 05 A'.all a 25 4 ÍN 8 20 00 MllM 35 4 35 835 9 30 Urania 50 4 45 8 55 10 00 Plltstlekl 7 OU 4 53 9 0.') 10 20 Ann Arbor 715 ,111 , í, n 30 Leluiri 7 83 5 30 9 50 155 Wkitmore Lake 7 40 5 46W.U 2 13 Howell 8 3(1 6 28 f, 30 5 110 Durand 30 7Ü0930P.M. Comuna 9 f 5 7 46110 35 Ow.isM) 10 01 7 55 1100 Unno .Iunct:cm 10 05 8 lo 11 o: .. llh a u 16 9 151 2 46 M. I-iuls un 9 83 :i :i" .... A'nn II 42 9 41! 3 55 Mt. l'ieasaut Ar li 30 1U 30 ti 0U 1: u. 1: u. v. m OO1NG SOUTH. FOíJ TAT1OB8. f l f Mt.Pieasant Lv 8 i li 3i Pl 3Ó Alm,a ¦¦; 1015 720 220.!!!' 81; L)UÍ8 11 35 7 27 2 2 .... Ithaca 12 25 7 4 246 Owoseo JuüCtion 4 00 8 53 4 02 " üwoíso 408 910 408" Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 Durand 5 16 9 30 4 36a.m. U""el ¦¦¦¦v 740 10 20 533 6(0 Whitmore Laku Ex:. 11 ou S 16 6 so I .. lamí li 3 11 H 0TO#3t AnnArbor 7 1511130 6 50 10 55 Miti-rleld 7 26 11 4S 7 00 11 80 Irania 7 35 1160 7 10 1150 Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 24 Azalia 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 Dundee , 8 03 12 24 7 40 110 Monroe Janction 8 10 12 31 7 51 130 Samarla 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 1 00 8 30 2 45 M mhiittan Junction 8 50 1 05; 8 37 3 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 41 3 15 a, i. p. n.r. ¦ r. m. South Lyon Brnncb. NOHTU BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUND. Tratn 6 Trin 1 P P. M. 9 60 Lv. Lelands Ar. 6 30 10 00 Ar. Worden Ar. 6 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 0 00 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroads dlvergln; at Manhattan Junction, wlth Wheeline Lake Krie K. K.: at Alexis JunctioD, wlih f. C. K. K., L. S. M. 8. Rt. and P. t P. U R. R .; at Monroe Jnnction, with L. y. A M. B. K .; at Unndee, with L. S. M. S. Ry., M. 4 O. Ry.; at Milán Junction. with Wabash, St. Louin & Paciñc Hy ; atPittóüeld.withL.S. s, M.S. Ry.; at Ann Arlx.r with Michigan Central R. R., ar.d at South Ljon with Detroit, Lanslng A Northern R. R., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. At Hniburt; with M. A. Line División Grand Trnuk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Luislng & Northern R'y. At Durand with th cago Jfc Graiid Trunk K'y ana Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwoukee R'y. At Owosso Junction with Detroit, (rand Haven A Milwaukee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. At St. Lodís wilh Detroit. Lareiri;L Northern K. I. and 8l na V'illey & Si. Lonis R'y. At Alma wtth Detroit, Unstni: & N.irthern R'y. At Mt. Pleaaunt v.ith Flint & Pcre Marqnette R'y. H. W. ASULBY, General Mana-er. W. H. BENNETT, A. J. PA1S1KY. Gen'l. Pao. & Ticket Aíent. Local A.n 1. Estáte i.r n. Kendall. CTATE OF MICU1GAN, County of WshtDir At asesslon of the Probate Court forthe County ol Wauhtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Widneeday, the 2d day of November, in the year one thouxand elfrlit hundred and elyhty aeven. Present William D. Uarrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Walter II. Kendall, daCMMd, Mores Seaholi, the adrainlstntor of tíaid Mtet6 comee into court and repieeent that ie i- now prepared to render bis final account as sucb adminigtrator. Thereupon lt ie ordered, that Tuenday, the twenty ntnth day of November instant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be aBigued for examlning and allowlng snch acconnt, and that the helrs at law of said deceaed, aud alt other persons interented In sald estáte, are requircd to appear at a geaeivn of said court. tben tobe holden at tae Probate office, In the city of Ann Arbor,tn sald county. and show cauxe ,if any there be. why the said account sbould not fee allowed : And il is further ordered. that said admlulstrator glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the peadency of sald account and the hearing thereof, by csusing a copy of thls order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspapur priuted andcirculating tn said county three tvcOBMlvfl Wfthw previous to said day of hearing. 1 A true coDy.) W'M. D. H ARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. tí. DOTY. Probate Register. 1375-1377 A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Qlass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Bates, Honorable Adjustments and I.osscs Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Stkciai. attention qivexto Collection OF EMITÍ AMi kl NAIiKMhXT OF 1KAI. ETATK INTBKKSTS FOB NoN-RkSIDKNTS. ENTIRK SATISFACTION TO OWBKBS GUARANTEED. A. DeFOBKSTNCH0R I lHE.flltClasgoW via Londontierry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Ara Htrlclly Flrt-rinaa, aml atrnnE the hiru.-t. fiistent and rlnit In th' orM. BatooB, Moond clasa and i&serafra Pnsmr Acfoninioiltilioti 1 v.t-llr.l. I I reiraril for the conitort umi oonvantanea t' paj sengers amdiouöly coiulüered umi practico" SteamtT every Saturday for Uiasgow. City of Romn salís for Liverpool Octohcr UL I the larfrest and lluest pa-cnger steamer atloat. Ratee of passauo fur all clai-.-'H U s by any othtr firetclai1 line. Saloon excursión tickets at redneed rates. Drart for any ainouiit at lowest current rate. For book of tours, tickets, rfurther Information, apply to lll ISlIN KltOTIIIIO. ''- ¦¦ko, ar C. "W. MELIOE, ANN ARBOR, - MICH.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News